Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 607: Sicilian Academy of Natural Sciences

Two months later.

Along the way, I visited seven feng ophthalmology schools of various sizes, and conducted field visits to each feng ophthalmology school. Almost every feng ophthalmology park has some characteristic problems. Lei Luo mainly After learning about the latest academic research results and crises of various academies of sciences, I stopped and went and finally came to the Alfa Academy of Sciences!

Said to be the Sicilian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Over the years, there have been four main products of the Sicilian Academy of Natural Sciences, the slave electric shock domestication device, the wind wall strengthening device, the deep magic metal detector, and the alpha chaotic particle.

The Sicily Academy, also learning from the Gran Academy, sells strategic weapons raw materials as commodities!

Rumble rumbling.

This time, Lei Luo entered the Sicilian Academy of Natural Sciences through the regular channel, in the eyes of many guardians of the Sicilian Academy of Sciences, through the cracks of the wind eye that opened once a day, and experienced strict interrogation.

After taking out the crystal ball, after Lei Luo contacted, almost a short while later, a team of advanced scholars flew in, which caused the guardians of the wind wall to look sideways.

Haven't seen it in years.

At this moment, the [biological exterminator] Sicily has a style far beyond that of the past.

"Master Lei Luo, please!"

Elegant and noble, in Sicily's warm invitation, Lei Luo nodded and flew towards the tower together.

Inside the tower.

Sicily, wearing the traditional noble costumes of the Principality of Zealand, holding up a goblet of red wine, lying lazily on the soft sofa, looking directly at Lei Luo, cheeks are reddish, there is already a hint of drunkenness, listening to Lei Luo's prying on the stage of the hero reward.

"Sure enough, you were in the forefront."

Sicily and Lei Luo touched the goblet and drank the red wine in one go, and said, "After drinking this bottle of wine, I am afraid it will be difficult to find grapes for wine making in a few years."

Shaking his head and smiling, Sicily said: "Fortunately, I have preserved all kinds of high-quality grape seeds."

Regarding Sicily's interest, Reilo shook his head, noncommittal.

Seeing this, Sicily smiled and said, "Respected Pioneer Lei Luo, don't you think I have abandoned my career and become degenerate?"

Relo smiled and said nothing.

Seeing this, Sicily stretched.

"I'm thinking, unless we perish, we can't live here forever, with so little land. Although, we can't rely on the power of faith to support a huge eye, like those gods, and sacrificed for it. Freedom can only live in a territorial belief, but we have wisdom and we will find a way one day. Otherwise, how do you say that the higher civilizations in the depths of the mainland allow their ethnic groups to survive and multiply?"

Seeing this, Sicily said proudly: "So I hope that one day, when we regain our vision and own the land, we can better build our new home, so I ordered the academics of the college to collect various plant seeds and seeds at any cost. Biological embryos, and used this as an additional condition for the degree assessment, in addition..."

Having said that, Sicily paused, and Lei Luo instinctively said, "What else?"

"I think the cornerstone proposal of order you just mentioned is very good, but some aspects need to be adjusted slightly. For example, in addition to truth and order, I think scholars in the new era need to add another thing."

In Relo's puzzlement, Sicily put down the goblet.

There was one more thing in her hand, it was a Western flower coin!

"Western Flower Coins?"

"Western flower currency, it's just its appearance."

I saw the Sicilian index finger lightly press, and the flower seal of the Principality of Sealand on the gold coin disappeared. As she gently slid on the gold coin, the queen flower seal became the handwriting of truth and order.

"This is honor."


Lei Luo puzzled even more.

Sicily laughed and said, "This is what your Grand Duchy lacks. Do you know why Grand Duchy has stronger national power and higher taxes before the law weapons, but it always passively defends the Sealanders?"

"Because of honor?"

Sicily smiled without saying a word, motioned: "Look at the inside of this gold coin."

After receiving the Sicilian gold coin, Lei Luo observed for a while, then said: "The gold content is only one percent, and the main components are bronze, lead and nickel?"


Sicily recovered the gold coins.

"Because of honor, the soldiers of Sealand will bring it to all occupied lands. The floral print on it not only represents the honor of the Sealanders, but also represents the expansion of the influence of Sealand! Because of the honor, We forcibly endow this currency with an actual value much lower than the actual value of the copper coin issued by Gran, possessing the purchasing power equivalent to gold coins, plundering high-quality assets in circulation, even the original currency, and then selling it to others country."

"Do you mean to implement an honor system?"

Lei Luo Mao paused, thoughtful.

"Twenty years ago, the ancient dragon legion of cataclysmic civilization, the power to destroy the world, I still remember. Compared with them, what is the slave legion of Sealand? I was thinking, if When one day, we grow into a catastrophic civilization with mature power and able to protect our land with our catastrophic weapons, does that mean that we can hire some wandering civilizations or enslavement like catastrophic civilization? A low-level civilization that can be controlled, then we only need to be like Sealand before. As long as we have enough honor and support, we can give a piece of scrap iron, or even a stone, which belongs to our honorary stamp. Then their value is A hundredfold, a thousandfold, and ten thousandfold improvement."

"good idea!"

Lei Luo said: "Truth, order, honor?"

Sicily looked satisfied and leaned back lazily on the sofa again.

"Since the three of us are in charge, instead of the three of us each taking charge and dividing our own spheres of influence, it is better to merge into one, establish the foundation of a unified civilization, and clarify the division of labor, and the three are responsible for truth, order, and honor. Wouldn't it be better?"

After a short silence, Lei Luo said: "I am responsible for truth education, sorcerers are responsible for rules and order, and you are responsible for honor and unity. How about?"

"Just as I expected.!

Sicily has been completely soft on the sofa, enjoying a moment of beauty. The blurred eyes seem to show a beautiful picture of the future academic world, a touch of intoxication.

Leiluo said at an untimely moment: "By the way, Adolf and the Balrog Roarer..."

Sicily waved his hand.

"As far as I know, the life span of the Gaussian Pioneer is only a few years away. At that time, he is likely to let the Balrog Roarer elementize himself and survive in the form of a war weapon. One and a half of his power can be Maintaining the pioneering position is the limit, and the Balrog Roarer still adheres to the study of the laws of nature, and eventually has a limit. My growth rate is much faster than him. It is only a matter of time to suppress him."

"That's good."

Hearing Sicily's words like this, Lei Luo also felt relieved.

Because of the fruitful discussion, the two were in a good mood and drank the red wine in one glass.

"Right, one more thing."

Sicily thought of something, and suddenly said: "About the plague that has swept up the soil, have you found anything in the dark world?"

Shaking his head, Lei Luo looked serious.

The Black Death plague destroyed the faith in the gods of the night in a short period of time. The divine system collapsed and the horror was enough to make people echo the disaster thousands of years ago.


Thousands of years later When the Black Death rushed for the second time and spread in the land of the star screen, the creatures here had miraculously acquired genetic antibodies. Although it caused some ecological crises, it was far from Reached the point of ecological extinction.

Especially humans.

Compared with the superhuman catastrophe, radiation sickness catastrophe, the spread of wall shadow monsters, and the collapse of the eye of the star screen, the death caused by the black death is almost negligible. It belongs to many catastrophes, the mildest One of them.

Seeing this, Sicily said with interest: "I have recently heard some rumors from the dark world. Since the academic circles determined that this plague that destroyed the night is the Black Death of the year, the dark world has There is a rumor that the body of the old black demon has turned into an eye in the depths of the furnace desert, and an unknown civilization has mastered this ecological cataclysm law weapon through its remains."

Reilo raised his eyebrows.

He didn't believe this kind of unprovoked speculation. He could only use it as a rumors, just listen to jokes.

After staying in the Sicilian Academy of Natural Sciences for a few days, Lei Luo left.

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