Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 611: Moonlight Phantom

The high-speed rotating pupils of the sun and the moon stopped.

Everything in front of Lei Luo returned to the hazy weirdness under the moonlight.

The long-haired woman who broke her right hand, the arm that should have been broken at this time is like a boneless snake twisting, growing and shorting, the palm of the hand is curved and the nails are smoked, obviously it is the radiation blood flowing in the body by Lei Luo projection Burns, suffered substantial injuries.

"What on earth are you?"

The wound on his arm was healed quickly, and Lei Luo, who was sitting on the ground, slowly got up.

Since it can be harmed, it is possible to obtain specimens. The weird things here are different from those that have occasionally spread to the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences. Then the scholar at the Corleone Biological Specimen Laboratory tried to gather some information before waking up.

Do you want to capture a specimen by yourself for anatomical research?

Thinking of this, Leiluo was about to do something. Suddenly, the occultist who was unconscious in front of him suddenly groaned in pain, as if he was about to wake up.

Lei Luo hesitated a little, and stopped.

at the same time.

This woman in white, whose face was covered by long dark hair, also gave out a weird giggle.

As Leiluo frowned and watched, her abdomen turned out to be like blowing a balloon. The speed was swelling up with naked eyes, and her body seemed to lighten up. Her feet gradually left the ground and floated.

Slightly squinting his eyes, Lei Luo replaced the nutrient solution bottle for the occultist, and according to the plan, the substantive spiritual power covered on his body surface was transcended, injected into his body, and his spiritual soul was refined. The operation, while observing the changes of this weird woman.

"Wow wow wow..."

Suddenly, accompanied by the woman's ghastly laughter, her abdomen spewed amazing purple smoke.

In the thick smoke, there was a husky baby crying, making Leiluo startled.

While Lei Luo watched, the sound of flapping his wings came from the thick smoke again, and it was a hideous-looking baby with a **** skin flying out.

The head of the big monster baby is twice the size of the body, like a huge and ugly pumpkin. On this big head, there is a strangely big and ugly nose, which takes up half of the head. The distracted cry of people came from this strangely large and ugly nose, and behind it was a pair of thin dragonfly wings that vibrated at a high speed, quickly rotating around Lei Luo.

And this is just the beginning!

Wow wow wow...

In the purple smoke on the woman's abdomen, a second black-skinned big-headed weird baby flew out in a blink of an eye, and also quickly turned around Lei Luo.

The third, fourth, fifth.

The big-headed weird baby constantly appeared from the purple smoke in the abdomen of the weird woman, flying around Leiluo, but she didn't dare to approach it rashly. It was just the messy crying that made Leiluo really upset.

"This stuff does not seem to conform to the law of conservation."

The white-clothed woman gave birth to so many big-headed babies in succession. This does not seem to radiate one of the truth foundations recognized by scholars, the law of conservation of material energy.

It is important to know that the reason why the real bodies of scholars can inflate the gigantic giants with their tiny bodies is because a large amount of magic materials absorb natural energy after being injected with energy, and then the expansion reaction occurs and descends on the huge real bodies of the gods. , It is the energy radiation formed by the collapse of the law, which can be fully explained by the scholar's knowledge framework of truth.

But this weird woman in front of me...


Suddenly, Lei Luo seemed to think of something.

He was stunned and looked at his palm.

Could it be said that these things exist just like yourself, they are all just the outside world, the projection of invading this world's self-protection layer?

It’s just that my own invasion with the projection of the stars only focused on one point, and because the real body and the star screen world are flying in a synchronous orbit, so my real body is always hovering outside the high-altitude atmosphere of the star screen. It provides auxiliary services for projection, and the invasion of the night world by the super body star is a large-area invasion under the light of the night star with the matrix tower as the center?

In this case, it can be explained that this woman is a source of energy.


Just when Leiluo was thinking about it, the nutrient bottle that was feeding the occultist suddenly burst.

After regaining his consciousness, Lei Luo realized that there were as many as twenty big monster babies flying around him. The voice in his nose has changed from the first cry to the sharp one now. The laughter not only made the glass bottle shatter, but even the gravel under his feet was like popcorn, crackling and crackling.

If it's just that, that's all.

Leiluo looked at the protective magnetic field that naturally overflowed around his body, and then at the head of the semi-comatose scholar under his feet. He was also affected by it and became unstable.

"Gluck, good boy, come into my mother's body, my most obedient child."

Amidst the woman's weird laughter, the big-headed babies all turned to one side and swooped towards Leiluo with a weird smile.

Seeing this, Leiluo's bubble technique in his hand hit these strange infants a little, and the bubble technique flashed by at high speed.

However, an astonishing scene appeared!

I saw these bubbles. When they approached these big-headed weird babies, the strangely big and ugly noses of the weird babies spewed out a large blue flame. Lei Luo was stunned and followed these weird babies' noses fiercely. With one inhalation, the multi-layer bubble technique that was trapped in the blue flame shrank in volume, and was sucked into the nostrils by the strange babies, silently.

Continue to dive towards Lei Luo.

The woman in white with long hair covering her face made her laugh even more gloomy.

"Yongyue Bingyan?"

Lei Luo was slightly surprised.

The abilities of these strange infants are impressively Yongyue Bingyan, the legendary power capable of sinking energy matter into annihilation, and even Lei Luo Yuetong has mastered this mysterious ability.

But later, as Lei Luo analyzed and understood, there is actually nothing to do between the ice flames of the Yongmoon and the extreme annihilation. The so-called annihilation disappears, but the superbody star is using its huge gravitational force to concentrate on a point on the surface of the star screen world. Gravity absorbs the essence of material energy that peeks at the star screen world.

Based on this, Lei Luo also created the astral siphon technique with his astral body.

The fact that these big-headed babies are able to activate such abilities is a bit tricky for ordinary people.

The big-headed baby who flew first has already rushed into the range of the protective magnetic field that Leiluo naturally diffuses. It grinned grinningly, and under its huge ugly nose, a huge mouth suddenly split open, and it bit Leiluo, other big-headed baby. The same happened one after another, as if they were going to pass by in groups like piranhas, tearing the locked prey to pieces in a short time.


Unwilling to release the power of the law, pouring out a large area of ​​energy means, disturbing the guardian power that is not too far from the tower of the superhuman matrix, Lei Luo suddenly stretched out his palm, and slapped the strange baby with a very fast slap. head on.


At a speed visible to the naked eye, the strange baby screamed. From a body length of more than 40 centimeters to the size of a ping-pong ball, Lei Luo felt that his mental power seemed to have been supplemented a little, and he was shocked, and then Understatement, while avoiding the attacks of other strange babies behind, looked at the residual material energy in his hands.

This is a group of twisted ghost faces, seeming to be the soul essence of a creature in the underground world, but it has lost its self-soul consciousness.

This is not a place for research, hedonic type, Lei Luo quickly took out a special glass bottle, unplugged the cork, put it in, and then looked at other strange babies.

For the big monster baby, which is also very difficult for ordinary transcendent scholars, for this matter, Leiluo can easily kill even if he does not use the power of the law.

In a short while, Lei Luo solved these strange babies by siphoning them.


"Don't talk yet."

Leiluo motioned to the other party not to panic, carrying the young man, and chasing the woman in white who was fleeing to the black The figure flashed, and with a scream, it seemed to be holding a small The chicken, Lei Luo's eyes were slightly expectant, looking at this brand new experimental specimen.

There was a strange cry in the air.

Leiluo looked up and saw a group of Michelle's dark red eyes, with a thin tail, flying over like a tadpole.

At night, there are so many weird and weird monsters.

"Master, go to the shadows that the moonlight can't shine..."


Leiluo frowned, looked around for a week, and looked at the dark gully that the white-clothed woman had walked out. At this moment, the gully looked like a huge mouth on the ground, and it was slowly healed after the opening just now.

call out.

In a flash, Leiluo drifted over to this gully that was slowly healing, and at the last moment of healing, he sank into it.

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