Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 629: Tears of dawn (middle)

"Remember that time, when I first went to study at the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences?"

Lei Luo's voice carries the memory and nostalgia that only he can detect.

"At that time, I was often criticized by my mentor and always made the mentor unhappy. At that time, the mentor was full of elder brothers. It was you who taught me patiently and tirelessly. At that time, you were the greatest scholar in the world in my heart. Including your constant noodles every day, it has also become my favorite delicacy. It is also your sincere teaching me to respect the teacher and pay attention to the philosophical significance. Are these experiences just the indigenous ignorance in your eyes?"

The air was quiet for a moment.

In the depths of Shadra's pupils, there was a hard struggle, a trace of shame mixed with pain and annoyance, and even uncontrollable anger!

"You are not qualified to make irresponsible remarks to me here, you are not worthy!!"

He gasped in a low voice, and then Sandro roared hysterically.

"Don't think I don't know the good things you have done over the years! Do you dare to say that you are worthy of your mentor? It is you who are hiding behind the scenes. You created today's radioactive wasteland. You even leaked the power of radioactive weapons to the darkness. The world, I want to use the power of the dark world to defeat the Holy See. The people who indirectly die under your hands are more than one million, ten million. Compared with the people you killed, what can I count? You are actually the cruelest and darkest in the world. wizard!!"

Shame and anger completely broke out for Sadra.

"You not only betrayed and destroyed the Grand Principality beloved by your mentor, you even raised a butcher knife to those nobles who once supported you. Do you know how miserable Bailing's life is because of this? Do you know how much insult and abuse the mentor has endured for you behind He was hurt by you, no less than me! You are just a rebellious like me. Under your seemingly powerful appearance, your heart is just a dwarf the size of a gold coin. What right do you have to be right here? I make irresponsible remarks!"

In the end, Shadra's shame and anger faded away, leaving only a touch of pain and loneliness that outsiders could hardly detect.

"At least, even if not understood by most people, not recognized by most people, I am still working hard for a better world, trying to open the door to heaven and return to our real motherland, Ouluo Pulling the world, you are just a lunatic, an aboriginal who is content with the status quo, a rebellious person who betrays the will of the teacher's inheritance."

Sadra stared at Lei Luo coldly, as if looking at a poor worm.

However, what made him disappointed and angry was that from the beginning to the end, Leiluo just bore his questioning and humiliation calmly, without a trace of annoyance and anger, not even a trace of guilt, just looking at himself peacefully.

This kind of look, like that year, decided to return to the dark world completely.

That is the self supported by the unparalleled strong faith in the heart!

"Respect the teacher and respect the way, the salary is passed down, I have not betrayed for a moment. I am different from you."

Relo's voice was calm.

It's like saying another little thing in life.

"Ha ha."

Shaduo laughed angrily, and sarcastically said, "Then, how do you repay your tutor? You are really a good student of tutor!"


Relo sneered ironically.

"I have never slackened my respect for my supervisor, nor have I slackened on the academic truths and morals that I respect. The reason why my supervisor is angry with me is because I have realized a better one. I have surpassed him. I no longer adapt to this era, and I just did what I should do. I have never rebelled against my mentor. I am not the same as you because of jealousy and anger.

Lei Luo's words were calm and confident, calm and sure.

"For the inheritance of academic truth and orthodoxy, for the better continuation of truth and science, even if it is not understood by you, by the tutor, and by most people before, everything I do is to live in The anthropologists of this world can walk in the sunshine openly in Yihongyuan, can speak freely, can display their wisdom and wisdom freely without being judged as heresy by fools. But you are trying to deny your origin and your deeds. Ashamed of the fact of human identity in this world, pursue the ethereal world of Aurora, I am different from you!"

Lei Luo's calm words based on reasoning made Shadra thorn in his throat.

Are you trying to deny the fact that you are a native of this world?

Shatuo clenched his fists, his inner thoughts were extremely confused, his breathing became chaotic, and his complexion was cloudy.

Click, click, click.

At this time.

The two men carried the desert-filled plates above their heads, and the cracks and fractures expanded further.


The huge amount of yellow sand, in an instant several times longer than before, poured down, almost in the blink of an eye, a dune hill was piled up in this underground Banyan Lake.

influenced by.

Leiluo and Shadrauo avoided one after another, breaking the atmosphere that had eased the conversation.


Bibilis recognized Sadra's true identity at a glance, and she was obviously taken aback. She really didn't expect that the great witch king who secretly sneaked back from Aurora's Middle Earth a few years ago would show up like this.

According to Bibilis's thoughts, Leiluo would have to experience some fighting and resistance in this wide underground Ronghu cave before causing the Great Witch King to appear.

it's said.

In addition to reaching the threshold of some kind of mysterious law, this great witch king also holds the Supreme Sacred Demon Tear of Dawn in his hands. Even the Chief Heiwen is very jealous of him, not to mention the dark world still holds The secret of radiation weapons!

Thinking of this, Bibilis's original safe distance with Leylor couldn't help but stretched a little more.

Otherwise, the battle that might start at any time would affect her.

"Hmm, hum, hum..."

Sadra recovered, shaking his head and laughing.

"My dear brother, I didn’t expect you to be so glib today. Even I was moved by you just now. Obviously an evil scholar known as the Demon King is about to label himself as the savior. , It's ridiculous, ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Lei Luo also shook his head.

He knew that Sadra had listened to his words.

It's a pity that he got so deep that he couldn't pull it out anymore.

The ethereal Aurora world has become all he pursues.


At the next moment, Shadra's laughter gradually stopped.

He looked gloomy, and said gloomily: "So little brother, I hope you will not just move your lips. I have already heard that your academic strength has reached the peak of the new era, so let my brother come and learn. You, as a proud native, are so different."

In his hands, the tears of dawn are crystal clear, and mysterious changes are happening in various ways, as the internal layers of high-quality magnetic fields are compressed, mysterious changes are taking place.

An inexplicable magnetic field is gradually covering it.

It's like a crystal tear from another underground Ronghu Lake!

Layers of magnetic field ripples, like substance, surging in all directions, the air is full of indescribable depression, as if even breathing has become a luxury.

Relo seemed to see a certain night.

That is a master who has been hard at work in front of the alchemy furnace. Hundreds of years have been spent in a variety of alchemy materials and energy rune books, day after day, year after year, endless boring In the midst of loneliness, the sky suddenly became a ray of life, and he accidentally picked it up and made this miracle magic weapon, Tears of Dawn!

"You keep saying, yearning for the ethereal beauty of the world of Aurora, ashamed of your own identity as an aboriginal, your anger is a salvation that is not understood by most people, but at this moment, you are using this world's indigenous scholars to break ignorance. Don’t you think this is really a kind of irony when you are exploring the science of truth, the holy magic weapon of tears of dawn created by accident?"

Lei Luo stared at the tears of dawn. .

"Brother Shatuoluo, do you know that you are now unconfident and confused, like a child who left home for the first time, and I almost hear your sobs."

As he murmured, Lei Luo's right index finger showed a little more black light.

With this black light the size of a glass bead, the internal structure gradually stabilized, and in a moment, with it as the center, the light and dark space in all directions gradually became distorted.

The falling stalactites from the top plate were affected by the high-strength gravitational singularity here, and they were broken down into dozens of pieces in a short time, and these dozens of rubbles were filled with powder in the sky, twisting and converging towards the black singularity.

The Ronghu mortar at the foot was affected by the high-strength gravitational singularity here, and a tornado vortex with a diameter of tens of meters was formed in a short time, and the mortar vortex rushed into the black singularity.


The field of gravitational magnetic field opposite to the tears of dawn distorted light and darkness, blooming in all directions indiscriminately!

Lei Luo, who was at the center of this magnetic field, stood lightly in mid-air, looking at Sadra three hundred meters away from him, looking at him with incredible shocking gaze.

"Although it is only 60 seconds, it should be enough with the intensity of Level 5 Singularity."

At this moment, Lei Luo directly used the five-level singularity technique he had just realized in the past few years with the concrete solidification method of the five-level creature using the power of the law.

After murmured, Lei Luo took the initiative to attack and rushed towards the shocked Shadrao!

Wherever he passed, a layer of high-density shock waves surged in the air, like thousands of boiling ghost birds wailing and screaming, depressed, unknown, and desperate.

"You, unexpectedly..."

The shining thing in Shatuo's hand disappeared in a flash with a "shoo".

This is Tears of Dawn, the basic form, a high-quality condensate in an absolutely perfect form, causing a super-mass physical blow to the trajectory.

In the Aurora Middle-earth War, I don't know how many bishops and arbiters died under this crystal light.

The Tear of Dawn, which is speeding to escape, is almost in the form of a thread of time due to the perfect curvature of its surface, super-visually destroying the vitality of the enemy within the track.

The enemy often hasn't reacted, but has been destroyed by this crystal-like thing like a death god.


This time, Tears of Dawn has become different.

In the ballistic trajectory of Tears of Dawn, Shadrama is going to penetrate the center of the weird vortex ahead, but when it rushes into the twisted vortex of light and darkness, the original trajectory design of Tears of Dawn actually happens. The large refraction distortion seems to be captured by the gravitational force in the central area of ​​the light and dark distortion, affecting its internal stable structure.

It is as if there is a huge force trying to destroy his stable collapsed structure and absorb its internal basic ingredients.

in this way.

In a short period of time, Tears of Dawn revolved around the range of light and dark distortion, rotating more than 300 times at super high speed, trying to escape from the capture of the center of the light and dark distortion.

At the center of the twisted vortex.

Leiluo stared at the crystal light that was spinning at an incredible ultra-high speed and wanted to escape the gravitational vortex. For a time, the two almost formed a short stalemate. The fifth-level singularity technique could not forcibly pull it over. Light can't rely on ultracentrifugal force to break away from the bounds of gravitational magnetic field.

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