Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 638: 3rd generation energy source

Early the next morning.

Relo came to Edward's laboratory.

"Let's talk about it, when Bai Lan was here yesterday, you hesitated and stopped talking about what you wanted to say, I don't believe you are keeping secrets about the fusion-level radiation weapons two or three hundred years from now."

Relo knew that Edward was cautious, especially after a long stay at the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences. No matter his attitude towards experimentation or his attitude towards work, there is no room for the slightest error, so he has guessed that he might have something important to report. .


When Edward saw Lei Luo alone, he suddenly showed a touch of joy.

Without speaking, he took Lei Luo straight to another room.

The guard statue at the door is a white rhino holding a huge fork, lifelike, and the skin is layered on top of the magic guide to prevent the flow of brilliance.

After its eyes lit up slightly, they dimmed and confirmed the identity of the two.

The door to the laboratory slowly opened.

Seeing Edward heading straight to this secret room, Lei Luo also seemed to have thought of something, a surprise in his eyes.

"The third-generation energy source design, succeeded?"

The first generation of energy source, designed by Ankalev.

The basic principle is also very simple, but to extract a stable energy supply from a large amount of energy spar.

Although the design of the first-generation energy source was primitive, it was a big step for scholars to move towards civilization. It was also the basic power for the power of the tower research institute, the power of fortress barriers, and the sky fort.

If there is no source of the first generation of power, it can be said that scholars are still only based on the farming temple civilization, and it is difficult to form a career under the academy system with the extravagant hobbies of a few nobles showing off each other.

The second-generation energy source was designed by Lei Luo's previous solar source laboratory.

The energy source of this generation is to radiate the huge energy produced by the short-term chain reaction of Jinghua, and then extract it, and then output it with a long and steady energy.

Compared with the first-generation energy source using energy spar as the raw material power, it is almost the same as burning gold coins. The second-generation energy source radiation Jinghua material is undoubtedly cheaper after the refinery gradually matures in technology.

Most importantly, the cheap universalization of the second-generation energy source greatly promoted the spread of large and small science academies during the period of the law weapons arms race before the catastrophe of the radiation wasteland, and the human civilization in the Principality has moved from agriculture to industry. In the era, various factories began mass production of products designed around major laboratories, replacing the original small-scale hand-crafted workshops.

As for the third-generation energy source and the fourth-generation energy source, they have always been in theory.

It is known that the fourth-generation energy source power designed by the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences is based on fusion-level radiation weapons, so the third-generation energy source power is undoubtedly based on fission-level radiation weapons.

The energy released by fission-level radiation weapons in a short moment is undoubtedly tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands times higher than the energy of chain anti-radiation weapons.

How to constrain such huge energy released in a short moment and divide it into a stable and long energy supply has always been a huge problem.

Even though the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences gathers the best talents from the radioactive wasteland to conduct various researches and provide the most sufficient resources, there are still several key points for the team of scholars formed by the two generations of the Academy for decades. Technology has not been able to solve it.

One of the most critical technical problems is how to withstand this momentary release of terrifying energy?

If you can't bear this kind of energy, and confine it to imprisonment, naturally there is no way to absorb, transform, and output smoothly.

As far as the alchemy techniques mastered by scholars at this stage are concerned, even if they are the limit they can imagine, they are only the source of custom-made second-generation energy shipped to the Fladic War College.

What kind of metal can withstand the internal explosion of a fission-level radiation weapon?


In the corner of the laboratory, the teleportation altar flashed, and the two disappeared without a trace.

next moment.

The two appeared in Lola's secret garden laboratory.

"Dean, look!"

Under the guidance of Edward's expression of excitement, standing on the top channel podium, Lei Luo looked down at the center of this super laboratory of tens of thousands of square meters, the giant-like experimental device.

In the laboratory.

Around this huge installation, hundreds of engineering scholars wearing white isolation suits are busy and busy.

This is a metal cylindrical device with a height of 30 meters and a diameter of nearly 100 meters.

Through the special glass observation point, Lei Luo can faintly see that inside this huge experimental device, there is a ring of amazing brightness at this moment. Even if there are layers of barriers isolated, the ring still releases amazing light, but it is inside. The pressure is firmly bound and locked.

It's like a self-circulating arc, end to end!

"After all, the theory of gravitational collapse and magnetic field restraint succeeded."

As Lei Luo muttered to himself, there was a scream, the metal guardrail around him surged and gradually converged into the image of an old man.

"Haha, Master Dean!"

"Master Ankarev!"

Ankalev was able to complete the visualization in the body of thunder and appeared in front of Lei Luo.

The powerful gravitational collapsing magnetic field confines the energy of the radiation weapon bursts in a short instant, and firmly confines it in a narrow space. It is the design proposed by Lei Luo, which replaces the traditional alchemical design of the source of energy, through the heavy The high-strength metal forcibly restrains the internal explosion energy.

This is also a last resort.

At least in terms of the current prospects of academia.

If you want to find materials that can withstand the internal explosion of fission-grade radiation weapons, there will be basically no existence except the source of darkness.

The value of the source of darkness is calculated in grams, even more precious than Mithril.

It is even more impossible to use it as a furnace material!

In this way, Lei Luo's gravitational and magnetic field theory has become the mainstream argument for the design of the third-generation energy source experiment. After years of experimentation, it finally succeeded!

And under the huge energy blessing of the third-generation energy source, Ankarev, who was once firmly locked in the energy source, is now able to escape the **** of the energy source for a long time by means of electric ions. This is indeed A good thing for double happiness.

"Really, it succeeded!?"

Relo still seemed a little bit unbelievable.

In Edward and Ankalev’s opinion, there is some understanding. After all, the success of the third-generation energy source test will mean one thing, that is, the scholar civilization will transform from the scattered micro-eyes like scattered sand. It is a large wind eye community similar to the land of the former principality.

The expansion of land survival resources will undoubtedly bring the scholar civilization to be established to a higher level!

But different from what the two think...

The reason why Lei Luo couldn't believe it, he has been observing, thinking, experimenting, and imagining what kind of state is the sun as the center of the universe?

Since the radiation capital can be extracted from the sunlight, according to the rules of conservation, there is no doubt that the sun must use radiation fusion, or imagined higher-level radiation annihilation as the source of energy, to release light and energy into the endless universe. Heat has formed the huge energy source that is millions and tens of millions of times the star screen world.

But how does it restrain this terrifying energy and form it into a giant ball shape, instead of spreading outward in the impact of the explosion, spreading randomly and infinitely?

All Reluo could imagine was the constraint of gravity.

It can't be a huge transparent box, tightly restrained and locked to form a huge sphere, right?

Based on this theory, Lei Luo provided his own ideas. Ankalev and Edward were in charge, and the experiment of the third-generation energy source began.

Unexpectedly, the test was successful! !

This does not mean one thing...

That is the sun itself, which is also a huge source of gravitation. Only in this way can the physical energy of its own explosion be locked around?


Just as the moon revolves around the star screen world, the star screen world revolves around the sun, also because of this unparalleled gravity?

It is precisely because of insisting on the truth of "Heliocentric Theory" that Lei Luo has achieved what he is today.

So there is no doubt that every in-depth interpretation of the viewpoint of "Heliocentric Theory" will undoubtedly make Leiluo achieve higher achievements. For example, in such an experiment, the sun is no longer an empty concept in Leiluo's eyes. The origin of the universe of a myth, no longer a truth, the unknown that cannot be explained by science, are all classified as the end of the truth of the sun.

It is also part of the truth, obeys the laws of physics and is bound by the laws.

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