Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 646: Five centimeters of super body space (1)


Lei Luo passed through the altar and returned to the tower of the Corleone Specimen College.

This trip to Corleone Biomarkers College, in addition to ending the conflict with Gu Bo's tutor, brought back Lola and Godsend, unexpectedly met Lola's true biological father, and learned the secret of her life experience.


After Leiluo thought it over, he didn't want to tell Laura about it.

Her crazy and warlike father, who wanted to come and knew that he would not bring Laura a better life, so she didn't disturb her life rashly, so she would have a separate and secret contact with herself.

Speaking of which, this can be regarded as the tradition of the Gran aristocrats in the old age.

Up to the royal family, down to the baron knight, whoever has not left one or two romantic debts outside, and one or two illegitimate children outside, is simply sorry for his aristocratic status, and they seem to be quite proud of them when talking with each other the meaning of.

"what happened?"

Lola, who was carrying a godsend, took the initiative to ask after seeing Leiluo walking with his heart.

Leiluo easily picked up the gift of God, and after getting intimacy with the little guy through the mask, he shook his head and responded: "Nothing, it's not going well."

As if it were just a trivial matter, after Lei Luo finished speaking casually, he walked towards the airport with Lola Godsend.

The family of three enjoyed themselves.

In the envious look of passers-by, Luluo bought a few gadgets for Godsend before boarding the balloon airship heading to the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences.


Two months later.

Lola's secret garden laboratory.

Leiluo stood in a hidden place, staring at Ankalev, who was leading many academy messengers to observe the construction process of the third-generation energy source at this moment. These messengers were all colleges even if they were not deans of major colleges. Among them is a well-known bachelor.

After a long time.

After a few hourglass explanations, these envoys dispersed one after another, and Ankalev flashed and appeared beside Lei Luo in the body of thunder.

"These people are very careful. They are all masters in energy superconductivity. I know a few of them. They were surprised when they saw me. They thought I died in the war 20 years ago, haha."

Lei Luo said: "With the third-generation energy source as the reward for the central academy, I am not afraid that these academies will not go all out in the next battle. With this battle as the basis, once the alliance order is established in the future , The cohesion will naturally increase slowly, and if we can’t defeat this catastrophe base..."

Lei Luo didn't say the next words, but the meaning was self-evident.


Leiluo and Laura were looking at the Godsend who was chasing Bailan playing in the room. Suddenly he sensed something and naturally took out the crystal ball. After seeing the information on it, he quietly put it away and stood up: " There is a meeting, I want to go over."

Laura nodded, Tianci and Bai Lan were playing on Xing's head, and did not notice Lei Luo leaving.

After a while.

Lei Luo opened the door of the secret meeting room, and the tree of truth 42, Edward, Prisoner Dao, and Animo were all in the room.

Leiluo nodded to several people and then sat on the chair.

He straightforwardly said: "Our alliance conference ceremony will start at X Academy of Natural Sciences in a month. We need to leave about fifteen days in advance. How are you preparing?"

The first to speak is the tree of truth 42.

"The Wall Shadow Demon research report passed back from the Windsor School of Business a few days ago. The school has already started to make special seal cages based on the information mentioned in the report. However, some of the special techniques will take some time. If successful, in the future In addition to being able to use traditional methods to disperse the Wall Shadow Demon, we can even threaten the survival of this strange creature. The security of the Academy will undoubtedly be raised to a new level!"

Tree of Truth 42 spoke confidently.

In this era, the deaths caused by the Wall Shadow Demon and the Black Death are just like food poisoning and cold deaths. They are accidental misfortunes and are no longer the panic disasters that were avoided like tigers.

Almost every month, more than a dozen people in the college died of both.

"Space-time academic researchers are scarce, and Windsor is a well-deserved top achiever among them. According to the research of [Frost Witcher], it is found that the invisible and indestructible form of the Wall Demon is due to the existence of this creature. , It is like a worm living in the gap of time and space, so handing over the information to Master Windsor is indeed the most reasonable choice."

Relo was quite satisfied with 42's report.

Time and space are not a force, but a barrier that inhibits the biological perception of the vast space and the infinite history.

Studying the power of time and space technology is like studying the source of energy. It does not bring about a change in personal power for those who study it, but for the entire civilization, it is an undoubtedly new class that leads to the dawn of dawn.

Many ignorant people would think that the so-called teleportation altar is a space-time technology.

But from the analysis and decomposition of this technology, the so-called altar teleportation technique is essentially just a gravitational channel. Its effectiveness can only occur between the surface and the high altitude, and cannot be transported horizontally, similar to the Quran civilization. The moonlight channel transmission technology mastered is the same, using the force of the moon to induce tides.


If you have to forcefully say what time and space power is contained in it, it is not without it, it is to protect the teleporter through some rare energy spar and magical materials that contain time and space power.

This kind of energy conversion technique that relies on special materials can be regarded as mastering the power of time and space technology, it is like a primitive cannibal who learns to use human drawings, saying that he has mastered the art of civilization.

But even with the application of this space-time force, Windsor also has an extraordinary position in the old Grand Duchy and the current radioactive wasteland.

As far as Lei Luo knows.

Although in the wasteland, besides Windsor, there are several scholars who study space-time academics, and each has its own strengths, but none of them can communicate randomly across time and space or even sign contracts like Windsor.

According to rumors, Dean X from the land of Aurora is also one of the space-time scholars.

Thinking of this, Lei Luo said: "Your Excellency guards the academy. We are also relieved a lot during this expedition."

At this time.

Edward also got up and took out a data sheet rather rigorously.

"According to your request from the dean, I have made detailed statistics on the Radiation Jinghua stocks in the academy. Except for the amount of fuel reserve as a source of energy and the reserve in case of accidents, the rest has already begun to prepare for combat. I believe it It will be done in a few days."

After speaking, Edward passed the data in his hand to Lei Luo.

Reello glanced roughly.


Nodded, Lei Luo put away the information.

At the peak of the Principality of Gran, there were only two dozen fission-class radiation weapons in reserve. At this time, the productivity of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences was far less than that of the former Principality of Gran, and these dozens of radiation weapons were indeed hard-won.

With these radiation weapons, it is probably impossible for other colleges to conceal the glories of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences in this battle.

After the prisoner took a sip of tea, he slowly put down the teacup.

The little old man has become accustomed to being low-key, which is also one of the habits of scholars of the human body's potential.

According to Prisoner Dao, Qi Zong has the effect of prolonging longevity after practicing to the depths. Although there is no clear data, all the Qi Zong masters who have been hiding in the deep mountains for years are long-lived, but they are indisputable. fact.

"According to your requirements, the college has initiated a forced recruitment of qualified scholars. Without affecting the normal operation of the college, the number of recruits is about 3,800. The actual situation If it is, there can be almost 5,000 to 6,000 people, and with the in-service scholars of the college, almost 10,000 or more scholars can go to the field."


Leiluo nodded, but said: "Although it is only a battle-level war, what we deal with is a part of the forces left behind by higher civilizations. With the powerful power of higher civilizations, quantity is only a resource, so we The scholars who are dispatched this time had better stay elite and don't make unnecessary sacrifices. Just forget the natural scholars who make up the number."

"Got it."

After Prisoner Dao nodded and responded, Animo was about to follow him to talk about his own preparations, but the old man suddenly said: "There is one more thing, the last time the dean gave me the limbs, I already have Some research progress has been made. This is the data, and I believe it will not disappoint the dean."

Speaking of this, Prison Dao's eyes inevitably showed a little pride and excitement.

Lei Luo naturally knew what the prisoner Dao was referring to was the Capricorn body secretly given to him after the previous meeting.

Slightly surprised, he didn't expect him to make progress so quickly, Lei Luo hurriedly opened the information and read it silently.

However, Leiluo seemed to frown more and more puzzled.

After a while, Lei Luo collected all the materials and said ashamed: "The various human potential acupuncture point terms mentioned in the master's materials are really limited in the following aspects, and it is difficult to understand for a while, and I will have time to study them later. Of course I agree with the experiment mentioned by the master. As for the loss of the body, the master don’t worry about it. Since I hand it over to the master, I express my trust in the master and hope that the master can accomplish something in this respect. The master’s remains are limited, so please be careful every step of the way."

"Dean rest assured!"

Prisoner said excitedly: "I already have more than 90% I have cultivated it into my body and nourished it with my vitality. Over time, I will use it as my acquired organ for transplantation. Although some lives will be lost as a result, it is undoubtedly the best choice for prying into the physiological secrets.

Lei Luo nodded, and said nothing more.

He turned to look at Animo who had just been interrupted.

"The meaning of the human face spider mother Kuriana is to let the multiplying spider mother and the multi-eyed king stay here, and she will lead a small number of elite tribes to march with us. The dream king has the opposite meaning. Many tribesmen whose soul consciousness has been severely eroded by Alpha particles have no room for salvation are sent to the battlefield, and they are left to cultivate new tribesmen and unlock their inherited wisdom."

Leiluo gave an "um" but responded nonchalantly: "I don't care how you arrange it, but you must pay attention to the balance between the two. I don't want any trouble."

"Do not worry."

Animo is naturally not a good kind, knowing what Lei Luo means.

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