Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 666: Five centimeters of super body space (10)

X Academy of Progressive Sciences.

The news of the development of the third-generation energy source by the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences has spread throughout the wasteland. Of course, it also includes the X Progressive Academy of Sciences, which also sent special envoys to observe and inspect.

[Trojan Horse] Percy, [Wujin Zhanbao] Two Vice-Presidents of Dijia, standing on the top of the tower X around the female dean, staring at the independent airships gradually gathering here from the wasteland And fleet groups.

For this event, the X Academy of Sciences even built two temporary air ports, but they were still a bit overcrowded.

"The college has already gathered almost two hundred balloon blimps. The airport is overcrowded and has begun to adopt an early rotation system. A considerable number of balloon blimps have no fixed airport berths. Among the major colleges in the wasteland, some have already arrived. Sealand Academy of Natural Sciences, Corleone Undergraduate College of Biological Sciences, Vladic Academy of War Sciences, Black Academy of Arts, and the Glenn Academy of Natural Sciences and Balrog's Roaring Academy."

Posey the Wrangler had a pair of dead fish eyes and reported the situation blankly.

Only when talking about the Gran Natural Safety Academy, Posey showed some subtle mood swings.

His younger brother Edward has become the deputy dean of this academy of sciences. When he wanted to get the news of his escape, he was chased by the Holy See, thinking that he would never be seen again in his life.

in this way.

It was this [Trojan Horse] Posey who was sent by X Progress Academy to observe the third-generation energy source.

"In addition, among the many academies that have arrived, there are two academies that are very special. One of them is the Thunder Century Academy of Sciences. They came from a long way on the remains of an extinct giant tortoise from ancient creatures. The giant tortoise is huge in size. You have also seen that its small hill-like size alone may not be inferior to any legendary creatures. This academy of sciences is so powerful and mysterious that we didn't have any information before."

After hearing Posey's mention of the name of the Thunder Century Academy of Sciences, X couldn't help but glanced toward the northeast of the Academy of Sciences.

The shell of the giant hill-like turtle is now covered with layers of dense magic runes, and there is a low and tall tower above it, which has attracted the attention of countless scholars from afar. Watching nearby.

Even [Trojan Horseman] Percy had never heard of this academy, and X, as a scholar from Aurora's Middle-earth, would never have information about this mysterious academy.

"This dean is by no means an ordinary person who can tame the legacy of such a monster. You should be cautious in receiving it later, and tell the other party that I will meet in person in the evening.


[Trojan Horse] After Posey responded, he said: "As for another special academy of sciences, it is the Tree of Life Academy of Sciences. After the disaster in the Wasteland, the Temple of Life was supported in time after the collapse of the Star Screen. The eye of the wind has been propped up, but there are still a large number of life elves who died in the ensuing disaster, and their beliefs have weakened a lot. In recent years, the Temple of the God of Life has suddenly issued an oracle, asking some half-elves to form an academy of sciences, and even support them at all costs The rise of this new college."

"Huh, that guy."

Upon hearing the Temple of Life, X looked rather disdainful.

Seeing the incomprehensibility of the two deputy deans beside her, the female dean proudly said: "This **** of life is one of the few divine residences that have been passed down since ancient times, but as a high-level god, there is no high-level god. The style of work belongs to the wall-and-grass character at both ends of the first mouse. You may be able to dominate in remote places like you, but the evaluation of her in Middle-earth is disdainful."


[Trojan Horse] Posi and [Ujin Zhanpo] Dijia glanced at each other, weird and ashamed.

Speaking of which, the land of the duchy has always been quite afraid of the thorn forest.

Except for the Principality of Sealand, which has always been invincible, which frequently provokes these elves living in the depths of the forest, almost all other principalities have made friends with these beautiful and intelligent elves, including the Grand Principality, which claims to be a gentleman civilization.

But this temple of powerful ethnic beliefs, in the middle of the earth, which the dean said, was quite disdainful.

However, although the two of them, as the deputy deans of the X Progressive Academy of Sciences, will not confront the female dean on such trivial matters, they are both members of the Principality, and they naturally do not agree with the identity of this resident of the Middle Earth. The quite proud dean was proud.

Take a deep breath.

X vigorously said: "This will be the last time we will use this old academy site. Regardless of whether we win or lose in this battle, we will move to the new site to leave behind. However, if possible, we still have to try our best. The source of three generations of energy..."

At this time, [Wujin Zhanpu] Diga on the side heard the words and smiled proudly.

"Not to mention that for this battle, we contributed the entire Academy as the rear base camp of the Alliance fleet, and even built two temporary air ports specifically for the second time. The dean alone brought the means of war from the Academy of Middle-earth, and contributed to it. Enough for us to become one of the seven central colleges from now on."

After seeing the Middle-earth warfare of this Dean X, Tiga was quite confident.

At this time.


Accompanied by the melodious sound of the horn, the three of them simultaneously looked towards the welcoming place.


[Trojan Horse] Posey surprised: "It's the fleet of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences!"

The huge balloon airship fleet with the banner of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences squeezed into the eye of the wind one after another, thinking that he was about to see his brother Edward, [Trojan Horse] Posey couldn't wait to ask X to greet him.

Dean X would never refuse.

Posey was fleeting and flew towards the wind with joy.


But soon, the two people at the tower seemed to have discovered something surprising.

[Ujin Zhanpaku] Tiga smiled after the different colors: "Unexpectedly, The two academies arrived at the same time. There was Bosie from the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences to greet him. I can only go here, otherwise Master Yi Mi’s fiery temper will not give us a good face."


Tiga also disappeared in a flash, and flew in the direction of another huge fleet alongside the fleet of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences.


The Balrog Roaring Academy of Sciences fleet consists of fourteen balloon airships.

of course.

Among them, in addition to the balloon airships of the Balrog Roaring Academy of Sciences itself, there are also airships from several nearby academies. A full dozen balloon airships lined up into the eye of the wind. The momentum is extraordinary, but it is not far from the Gran Compared with the huge fleet of 26 ships, the Academy of Natural Sciences is nothing short of a shame.

The reason why the fleet of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences is so large is of course related to the integration of many small academies nearby.

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