Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 725: Cross-civilization exchange (part 2)

"Grand Academy of Natural Sciences (

"The history of mankind in the star screen world can be traced back to the period when the Quran Demon ruled thousands of years ago. Before that, in this land that was repeatedly destroyed by various terrors and catastrophes, several once-strong civilizations have become history. Humans and the Quran Demon are fortunate to have enjoyed a long period of relative peace in this area for more than 10,000 years, without being discovered by the destruction weapons of those dangerous and powerful civilizations in the dark depths."

The faint voice reveals the awe of the unknown deep in Lei Luo's heart, and the awe of those terrifying civilizations that he has never seen, but guessed and imagined through fragmented clues.

"You humans are very lucky, at least to be able to face infinite possibilities. We have been at ease in this underground world for too long."

The old silkworm sighed.

"Yes, we are lucky."

After Reluo responded, his words changed again.

"But our luck is not because we live on it, but because the dominance of the Holy See is far less solid than that of the Demon God system here. The profound knowledge of the Holy See simply looks down on us scholars in barren and odd regions, even the darkness. The world also dismissed us, and eventually developed and expanded with the efforts of generations of great men."

The old silkworm did not speak any more.

Obviously, it agreed with Lei Luo's words, and felt sorry for the fate of the dark creatures in the underground world.

They had the opportunity to create new history.

"Whether it is to break through the boundaries of time and space as the classification of civilizations, or to classify civilizations in a way of mastering the rules, the underground world is just a bloated and huge deformed civilization between the second and third levels, just like us humans, on the surface Look, one is divided into two, it is a thin and weak civilization between the third and fourth levels that is in a period of transformation.

"You said... on the surface?"

What the old silkworm noticed.

"Yes, on the surface."

Leiluo deeply responded to the confirmation.

The old silkworm nodded, waiting patiently for Lei Luo's next words.

"You, who have never left this ancient land, may just divide the civilizations of different levels through narratives, but there is definitely no intuitive comparison of civilizations between different levels. Concept, I have some very interesting clues for you to reverie."

Reluctantly, Lei Luo held out a finger.

"I used to follow the guardian organization of mankind to go abroad. In an island group called the gem sea, I easily destroyed a second-level civilization. At that time, the power of the guardian organization was almost equal to the most powerful one. It’s just a human principality. Later, I followed the human wizards of the dark world to destroy the two second-level civilizations that were in a long war in Death Storm. The ridiculous thing is that the reason why humans have obtained their coordinates is actually weak. One party was deliberately exposed and then destroyed one by one after being discovered by humans. This is the gap between the second-level civilization and the third-level civilization."

Leiluo stretched out a second finger, a gloomy look.

"As for the gap between the third-level civilization and the fourth-level civilization, that was about thirty years ago."

"Since the beginning of human history, the Holy See in the Middle-Earth of Aurora began to form a Crusade Expeditionary Army, expeditioning again and again to the enemy on this continental peninsula. We call it the civilization of blood, but thousands Years have passed, and the Holy See has never been able to achieve a real subversive victory. However, such a powerful enemy was accidentally discovered more than 30 years ago because of a fourth-level civilization curvature space-time war platform in the depths of the mainland. They suffered a devastating catastrophe. They even failed to discover the so-called enemy from start to finish and wage a war in the traditional sense. They are just like the underground world today. The demise of civilization cliffs has become an inevitable fact."

At this point, Lei Luo couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"And for this fourth-level civilization that destroyed the blood-derived civilization, human academia has obtained enough clues of intelligence, we call it the black death. From the power comparison between the black death civilization and the blood-derived civilization, and the human academia as the first level From the perspective of the fourth-level civilization’s speculation on the future, for a mature fourth-level civilization, the difference in strength between ordinary third-level civilizations is even greater than that between the second-level civilization and the third-level civilization. In front of the first-level civilization, there is even no chance to resist. All the lower-level civilization can do is rely on the death storm, do everything possible to hold your breath, hide yourself, and pray that you will avoid being passed by those high-level civilization curvature space-time vehicles that may shuttle by at any time. Discover it and destroy it at will."

Observing that the old silkworm had obviously never heard of these remarks, let alone the examples and clues that Lei Luo directly listed, it seemed to be shocked.

Without saying a word, that kind of tense and weak powerlessness was fully expressed at this moment.

"As for level five civilization..."

Speaking of this, Lei Luo paused, with deep expressions in his eyes.

"Didn't you get relevant information from the mysterious leader of the rebel army?"

"You said Mandala!"

The old silkworm answered.

"Jie Jie, it is! If I am not mistaken, the mature five-level civilization manifestation is exactly the form of Mandawara and another continent called Alpha civilization. They have been able to perfectly adapt to a certain legal environment, And be able to change the environment of human will through the corresponding laws and weapons. In the mutual law and catastrophe confrontation, stand in an invincible position, without fear of this discovery that is full of mutual hostility and destroy other civilizations on the continent, and have enough time With support, he will cover the entire continent and even the entire world with his own law and will, and finally complete the qualitative change through quantitative change, gaining a glimmer of opportunity for promotion to a higher level of civilization."

After thinking about it, Leiluo remembered something and added: “Of course, they dominate such a vast territory, not to mention the space-time technology they master. It is definitely not limited to the shallowest curvature space. With the support of huge energy, they It is likely that the exploration of deep gray matter layer curvature space technology has begun. After all, the layers between light gray and dark gray are difficult to count, and it is difficult to say what degree of gray matter layer is."

"Your human academia, the exploration of the world, has really reached this level?"

The observer, the old silkworm, is incredible.

Its existence, as far as the underground world is concerned, is like a pioneer of the human world dying for the transformation of civilization at any time, and his vision is far beyond the reach of the creatures of the old age.

But at this moment, in front of this surface human, it feels like a child sitting in a well and watching the sky.

A slight curve appeared in the corner of Lei Luo's mouth, and there was no need to respond to this matter.

He crossed his hands with his hands behind his back, with a high and deep look, staring into the distance, the boundless black lava.

"As for the sixth-level civilization, it should be the manifestation of a superhuman."

"I don’t need to say much about the power of superhuman beings. I think you already have the most intuitive feelings, but what I want to add is that the almost irresistible superhuman in your eyes was only two people in this world tens of thousands of years ago. After the mature fifth-level civilization fights back hard at the cost of self-destruction, it is only the sixth-level early civilization that has fallen into the trough of civilization fault."

"I know this."

The old silkworm said quietly, "Mandosa is destroyed by this."

Leiluo continued: "In the past tens of thousands of years, this so-called level six civilization has been weakened so badly. I am afraid that its strength is less than one-tenth of its peak. But even so, it is blocked by the iron curtain of the world. , And being controlled by the Alliance of Higher Civilizations in the center of the continent, a trivial force that came here, while facing the two enemies of the Underground World and Aurora, it was swept away and easily crushed us Confidence has shattered many terrifying behind-the-scenes existences that you don’t know one by one, and the space-time vehicle that envelops the black death civilization that easily destroyed the blood-born civilization has also been captured, if it weren’t for them..."

In Lei Luo's heart, all kinds of information about the central civilization and mission ancient gods flowed through the bottom of his heart one by one.

Depressed, silent.

The look in the eyes of the old silkworm is extremely complicated.

It seemed to regret that it hadn't been able to leave the zero-degree space of the underground world earlier, and take a look at the vast world in Lei Luo's mouth.

"Then...what about the level 7 civilization in your mouth?"

Finally, the unprecedented curiosity drove the old Canan to ask this sentence.

He could no longer bear Lei Luo's sudden cessation of words, his eyes filled with unprecedented desire in the afterglow of life.

Leiluo learned the same old silkworm smile.

The look of helplessness, the observer Lao Can knows that the two sides will enter the core transaction moment.

And it has exposed its bottom line.

"The way I am now, I can't even be called a life. I cannot move, return to the real world, or even resist. I can only passively hide myself, annihilation and shallow space. Don't you worry about it? I really want to Know all of this."

The old silkworm showed weakness.

"Sorry, trading is trading. What I will say below is likely to be the civilization trajectory of human civilization. In my opinion, a civilization is like a creature, its history, its heritage, its encounters, and its Attributes, its talents, are likely to determine the potential of its future development trajectory, and in my opinion, although human encounters, attributes, and talents will be determined by the future academic world, its history and background are the greatest Secret, I'm taking a big risk."

"You... alright."

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