Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 745: Forced mutation

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After half an hourglass.


Following the intense pressure and stretching on the altar of time and space, Lei Luo's eyes flashed and appeared in an unfamiliar space.

Xiao Kang took Lei Luo and came to an extremely secret miniature floating island in the sky.

The area of ​​this sky floating island is extremely small, only a few hundred squares, and its height is also in the atmosphere. At this height, the natural energy of the star screen world is still quite abundant, and the power of the subtle terminal rules can barely extend. At this point, the white clouds drifted past nearly ten kilometers from the floating island.

On the floating island, under the raging cold and violent wind, a white castle stands tall.

"The distance of time and space can minimize the impact of various horror experiments and curses from terminal mitochondrial mutant cervical cancer cells. Therefore, I paid a huge price to purchase this private floating island in the sky and create a matching transmission for it. The altar used the refinement mixed with dark essence to build the stone of the castle, doing everything possible to weaken the curse from the ground."

There is a soft grassland underneath. These are mutated plants after the wasteland era. They have amazing vitality and are extremely cold-resistant.

When Leiluo stepped on the secluded green lawn, the tender grass under his feet did all he could to support him, as if stepping on a huge sponge.

"Hey, my master, you are back!"

The heavy bronze street light poles on both sides of the fence gate suddenly anthropomorphized and made an exaggerated gesture, smiling and welcoming Xiao Kang's return, and took the initiative to open the iron fence gate.

Lei Luoduo glanced at this bronze street lamp with an unexpected look.

You must know that because of the assistance of star core alchemy, plus the X mutation secret recipe, he himself can be regarded as a master alchemist, but compared with the alchemist who forged this street lamp sculpture, his alchemy skills may be far behind. .

Perceiving Leiluo’s concern, Xiao Kang smiled and said, “This is the work of a human alchemy master hidden in the cave dwarf’s territory in the Hengduan Mountains. For the White Star, I beg this master to create several works at all costs. I tried to invite him to join the academy, but he sternly refused, and asked me to promise him that no outsiders would disturb his life."

The color of surprise disappeared in a flash, Lei Luo nodded, and soon returned to normal.

He couldn't help sighing.

"The secret recipe for soul-infused forging is to infuse magical weapons with spirits. I have fortunately seen this forging process once in the underground world. I did not expect that anthropologists have already focused on this way. It is not difficult to see that this is obviously He is also a master of spiritual and soul academics."

Scholars who focus on spiritual and soul academics, the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences also has them, such as one of the two guardians at the top of the college tower.


"It makes me feel comfortable. Try harder, harder, don't stop."

"My old bones..."

As the two stepped on the stone slabs in the courtyard, these stone slabs issued a soft and refreshing moan + groan that made the scalp numb, Xiao Kang smiled, and Lei Luo rolled his eyes.

Immediately, Lei Luo noticed that the corner of this paradise castle seemed to have been attacked by a behemoth. There were more than a dozen clear claw marks on the bricks. Even if you only look at these scary traces, you can imagine the visitors. Powerful.

Xiao Kangxin explained with lingering fear: "After all, the height of this floating island is too close to the ground. Almost every time, you can see some powerful creatures flying through the freezing cold wind and flying through nearby high altitudes, and some of them are even discovered. Here, even a few years ago, a terrible cold crystal phoenix attempted to descend on this floating island. Although it was eventually repelled, it also left terrible traces on the castle. I had to re- Designing the etched trajectory of runes cost a huge amount of gold."

But this time when mentioning gold coins, Xiao Kang didn't have a trace of heartache, as if everything was worth it.

Relo looked up.

Through the glass window, Lei Luo could see by the window on the second floor, two teenage boys were looking at him, as well as the old classmate who hadn't seen him for many years, the mother Bai Xing.

"Let's go up."

Xiao Kang invited.


After Lei Luo walked into the hall along the door of the room, he asked, "So, have all you done have spared the three of them, mother and son, from the trouble below?"

"In the beginning, the effect was not bad, but in recent years, especially in the past two years, the shelter effect that this castle can provide has been getting worse and worse. For this reason, I had to create a personal blessing demon for the three of them. In order to avoid the influence of various curses and horrific experiments, even some blessed holy artifacts from the Holy See were found from the middle earth of Aurora and wrapped it."

Lei Luo looked at it, and in the center of the hall on the first floor, a seraph war weapon was nailed to the cross with his hands and stood standing with his head down.

As the highest war weapon of the Holy See, the three pairs of light wings behind it still exude a faint sacred light even at this moment, filling the room with an unspeakable warmth and holiness, just like the stars once ruled by the creator of the Holy See. The place of the curtain.

"Dear Dean Lei Luo, we meet again."

The mysterious man wearing a black iron mask took the initiative to greet Lei Luo, who was once a strong guardian next to Xiao Kang.

Xiao Kang smiled and said, "This is my housekeeper."

Soon, Lei Luo followed Xiao Kang and came to the second floor.


Two days later.

There were only Lei Luo and Bai Xing in the room, and Xiao Kang was waiting quietly in the lobby on the first floor with the housekeeper and two children.

Bai Xing is very weak.

As the castle becomes more and more difficult to withstand the intrusion of various mysterious curses and horror experiments in the land of the star screen, her body is getting weaker and weaker. She has a feeling that the cancer cells that have been separated from her have become extremely incomparable. They grow stronger, and they have become the destroyers of the "body". Their survival and reproduction are all stealing the power of the "body". Now they want to "divide" themselves and destroy themselves.


On the experimental bench, in the glassware under Leylo's high-power microscope, there are 0.18 grams of terminal mitochondrial mutant cervical cancer cells that are soaked in nutrients, dividing indefinitely.

Bai Xing sat on the chair, but his body was shaking unnaturally, his face extremely pale.

Every cell in her body was instinctively fearful, as if the dividing cell in that vessel was a piece of red-hot carbon, burning her skin, and the pain from her heart made her restless.

Leiluo did a series of experiments without rushing, and time was lost every minute.

After a long time, he actually said quietly: "It seems that Master An Liya has indeed found the strength to counter me. Let's end this battle. You cannot defeat An Liya with your strength."

Relo's ongoing experiments on the experimental platform include not only terminal mitochondrial mutant cervical cancer cells, but also soft-derived biological cells that were killed on the way.

After the death of the host, this soft biological cell cannot be cultivated indefinitely, but it is not too difficult to maintain activity in a short period of time. At this moment, Lei Luo compared it with terminal mitochondrial mutant cervical cancer cells and found that he was very concerned about these. The effect of the radiation of cells is almost the same as the effect of terminal mitochondrial mutant cervical cancer cells on white stars.

In other words, An Liya has indeed mastered the power of laws similar to her own to control cognitive pathways.

The samples of cervical cancer cells with terminal mitochondrial mutations in every laboratory and scholar's hands are providing energy for her, and have broken through quantitative changes and reached qualitative changes.


Bai Xing was sitting on a chair, pale and weak, panting, almost begging: "Save my children, they haven't even really experienced the colorful and happy world below."

Leiluo glanced at Bai Xing.

"Although I do not approve of whether the world below is happy and colorful, I will definitely do my best to save you. This is an experiment in a race against time. I think you should have felt it. They are becoming stronger and stronger. , The instinctive trembling and fear of normal cells in your body may be accompanied by intermittent insomnia and nightmares, right?"

Bai Xing nodded palely.


It was getting late and the results of the experiment had made preliminary progress, and Lei Luo began to order his own experimental materials.

"You are very lucky. At this stage, there are people who can force mutation in the academic world. I think it should be difficult to have a second one besides me. Now that Xiao Kang has found the angel war weapon, I think he is ready When necessary, use you as a similar war weapon to continue to survive to get rid of the trouble of terminal mitochondrial mutations in cervical cancer cells."

In Bai Xing's excited look, Lei Luo opened the door of the laboratory.

The people who had been waiting for a long time hurried over.

Leiluo didn’t say much, and calmly said: “I need some time to cultivate specimens, which can last for half a month and 10 days as short as possible. Try to force mutations on the three of you. From then on, you will not be regarded as real human In fact, the cells in the body will be relatively divided from cervical cancer cells with terminal mitochondrial mutations, and the effect is probably dozens of times that of this castle."


Xiao Kang was overjoyed with the effect of this castle dozens of times.

Only the black iron mask steward on the side suddenly cautiously said: "Such a good experimental effect must be accompanied by certain risks, right?"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help calming down and looked at Lei Luo nervously.

After a little thought, Lei Luo said cautiously: “If it’s a risk, I haven’t found it yet. This is indeed a bit unreasonable, so the only explanation I can think of is that this forced mutation is actually a failure mutation and a high-level one. A degradation of potential creatures to low potential creatures. In other words, this will make you lose a certain deep potential as human beings. It may be an unknown and powerful force that has not yet been discovered in our academic circles."

Everyone looked at each other.



Relo sat on the sofa in the room, closing his eyes tightly.

Through the connection in the dark, he awakened the real body that fell into sleep and repaired after being seriously injured.

The ravines are full of craters bombarded by unknown substances.

The world where there were many triphasic organisms has now become extremely dead, as if they had never appeared before, and they have been completely erased by an invisible big hand, leaving only a few three-phase organisms at the bottom of the food chain at the end of evolution. , Surprisingly survived.

Rumble rumbling.

The geological changes caused by the laws in the depths of the earth's crust are slowly repairing the scars on the surface of these stars, but I don't know how long it will take.

at the same time.

In the depths of the earth's crust, a figure curled up like a baby's eyelids suddenly jumped.

After a long time, he finally opened his eyes slowly.

Accompanied by the pain, he looked down at his body, the scars on it were vertical and horizontal, and there were even a few dark holes that almost penetrated his body. The remaining power of the unknown law resisted the regeneration of the body around the wound. He could only Use the power of the law of self-regeneration to continuously wear away these unknown laws and slowly repair these wounds.

"The second-level superhuman officer, the star-level battlefield of the sixth-level civilization..."

He muttered a low voice, with a trace of fatigue in his eyes, and spit out a few juvenile human face spiders from his mouth, looking up at the attraction channel of the astral rainbow in front of him.

The 1024 Night Guardian Shield wrapped these juvenile human face spiders and sent them inside.

After doing all this, he sighed faintly: "What is the huge potential of human beings? There is no risk of mutation. According to the law of conservation, this variant of the human face spider is actually a failed evolutionary method. It seems that [Sura Dao] is angry. It's not without reason."

After murmured, his body ached and tired, and he slowly closed his eyes again.


After half a month.

Lei Luo surgically implanted the human face spider eggs into the bodies of the three people, waiting for the results.

There are only two experimental results.

Respectively, the human face spider eggs engulf the host after hatching, and the host's body cell fusion and assimilation, a failed war weapon containing human cells.

And this kind of almost terrifying experiment, under the control of Lei Luo, naturally only one result, and that is the transformation of the three people from humans to human face spiders, and in the next ten days, they gradually mastered the "spiderization". The ability to transform.

No matter how you look at it, this kind of spider transformation seems to be a form of transformation strengthening ability.

But the conservation rules followed by scholars proved that this kind of mutation experiment with almost no risk must be a kind of failed evolution, and the three must have paid a certain price that Lei Luo could not detect.

After doing all this, Lei Luo took out the terminal mitochondrial mutant cervical cancer cell again, thaw it, and soaked it in the nutrient solution.

"How is it now?"

Bai Xing and the two children looked at the glassware on the test bench in confusion.

The sense of fear that once seemed to have disappeared. After watching it for a long time they even reached out and touched the glassware, looking at the organisms that were keeping vigorous and multiplying, but they didn't feel a trace of it. , And then shook his head to Lei Luo.

With a faint smile, Lei Luo nodded towards Xiao Kang, who could no longer hide his excitement.

"Great! Success, success, success..."

This big stride meatball hugged Bai Xing and the two children, tears filled his eyes with excitement, and wept like a new life.

A few more days passed.

The three finally left the sky castle and returned to the ground, further confirming the accuracy of the experiment.

They have almost no additional connection to cervical cancer cells with terminal mitochondrial mutations, except for a little allergic reaction after direct skin contact.

This allergic reaction is completely within the controllable range.

Perhaps in the secret perception of these terminal mitochondrial mutant cervical cancer cells, these human cells that steal their power seem to be dead.

After getting the result, Xiao Kang relaxed completely, breathing the long-lost free air.

"Thank you, my friend, really thank you. I have let down your new appointment and did not tell you this secret. In order to express my apologies and to express my support for the development of the Central Academy, I am willing to follow In the past three years, donated 10 million gold coins to the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences in batches!"

"10 million gold coins! You are really a purple gold mine, it's no wonder that others call you Zijin Pig, this title is not fake at all!"

Considering the strong purchasing power of gold coins in this era, Lei Luo couldn't help but smiled heartily, and said: "I have already contacted Master Corleone and Lina Ya'an. In a few days, I will go to Corleone Biomarker College to meet Master An Liya. Make a settlement agreement, I am afraid I need the help of this master for the next thing."

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