Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 567: Law Weapon (29)

Early morning.

The sky fortress is full of waste, and there are sounds of rescue and repair everywhere.

The core conference room inside the fort is also holding a high-end conference composed of the Royal Academician Gran. The conference hall, except for some academicians who did not come because of special circumstances, a total of thirteen people.

"Your Majesty ..."

Antonio shook his head and said in a low voice: "He is carrying out a secret mission. This is also a plan proposed by His Majesty personally. It is related to the success or failure of the war. Our life and death cannot be made public."

The rest of the people stared at each other, secretly guessing what the so-called secret mission of King Chen was, and even wanting to let his majesty King leave in person.


If it were not so, what a monster attacked last night. If King Chen is here, things are terrible and really serious.

King Chen's whereabouts, since it is a secret, choose not to disclose, Antonio will naturally not be disclosed at this meeting.

After a short exchange, the crowds who had experienced a night of intense fighting took a break to prepare for the fight tonight.

"[Solar Source] Master Lei Luo."

Suddenly, Antonio stopped Rello.

Rello stopped.

After seeing [Evolution] Master Antonio, he frowned, and then motioned to the side [Altar Communicator] Windsor and [Father of the Bomb] Edward to leave first.

As the crowd left, the meeting room was empty again, leaving only Antonio, Vladik and Rello.


The door to the heavy meeting room was closed again.

"Please sit down."

Antonio signaled Rello to be restless.

In Lei Luo's puzzled gaze, he sighed in a low voice: "There are only three of us here, really don't hide, plus the two of us, the battlefield knows where the king is going, no more than ten people, now you can also disclose to you ... … "

In Lei Luo's surprised eyes, Antonio said slowly: "His Majesty, he has secretly gone to Crescent Lake and will destroy the decaying temple there with fission-level radiation weapons! If there is no accident, there should be results there tonight!"

Crescent Lake!

Once the solar energy source laboratory was located!

The Grand Principality has also set up a plan for the bottom draw of the monsters last night!

"Why tell me?"

Rello asked in a puzzled way.

Antonio said: "For many years, your Excellency has been the most high-profile scholar in the Principality. Many people are talking about it in secret. Your Excellency will be the pioneer of a new pilot who will lead me to the old generation of academia and lead us to change ... … I have to admit that you do have this talent. ”


Lei Luo did not respond, silently waiting for the other party's words.

After a brief silence, Antonio continued: "To be honest, as time goes on, my attitude towards Your Excellency has changed from the initial competition to being valued. On the one hand, it is external pressure, on the other hand, it comes from itself. My life span has been baptized for nearly a thousand years, and I am going to inevitably die. Therefore, I hope to protect you, avoid prematurely joining some dangerous links, and give you enough time to grow and develop your talents. "

He shook his head and sighed.

"But in this war, the Principality has reached the danger of life and death. I have to admit that I have reached the limit, but there is still a lot of space compared to the demon god, and looking at this battlefield can really help me. It ’s one of the few fighting, so ... "

In the next words, Antonio didn't say much, he watched Relo silently.

"I know."

Rello just silently.

, Under the cloak of apocalypse shining with dark green runes, he could not see much emotion at all, and slowly stood up and said: "Tonight I will go to the center battlefield with the master. Let me prepare a little."

The color of apology, Antonio said: "Please."

With Raylo leaving, only Antonio and Vladik are left in the hall.

Antonio sat down again: "What do you think?"

"He is the one who is most likely to help you right now."


Left the secret meeting room and suddenly became noisy outside.

Everywhere is the sound of emergency repair of magic material welding, and the sky fortress is launched at full speed, as the navigator guides the surrounding balloon airship combat group to find the roar of the new parking coordinates.

After two nights of intense and continuous fighting, the faces of all the dolls were covered with fatigue.


Staring at the tired soldiers, Lei Luo sighed, no one knew what he was sighing.

Rello came straight to [Father of the Bomb] Edward's temporary laboratory.

"how about it?"

Of course, the other party knew what Raeler was referring to, and slowly said: "It will take a few hours of hourglass time. I will do my best to ensure that it is completed by night.",

Legendary creature-level crystal nucleus left by the huge magic cloud creature, Lei Luo is entrusting the other party to make a super magic crystal bomb in the shortest time at all costs.



Lei Luo stayed in the other party's laboratory for a while. After observing the practical technology of Utoran, he left the room and returned to his temporary lounge.

As a royal academician of the Principality, even if the conditions are tough, Relo's lounge still maintains a fairly high standard.

Although he was also full of fatigue, he still got up and took out the last harvest of last night.

In the experimental seal bottle, a weak and twisted sheep head bat air mass.

"桀桀 桀桀 桀桀 勀 就 ……"

Relo's instinctive laughter made the demon in the flask awake.

It twisted its body and struggled and growled in the bottle: "Dirty bugs, let me go, otherwise as long as you leave here, I will remove all your bones piece by piece !!"

Rello was unmoved.

As an evolutionary scholar, the threat from experimental specimens made him even more excited.

After taking a whole set of anatomical tools with him, Lei Luo cleanly stared at these silver gleaming anatomical tools and felt the resentment on these tools. It was the painful death of thousands and thousands of creatures. After the remaining fear, the sheep-headed bat seemed to feel a trace of fear.

"What are you doing !!"

"Nothing ~ ~ Lei Luo smiled and calmed down softly:" Relax, believe me, don't struggle, so that it won't hurt too much, otherwise, if you cut the wrong position, I'm afraid it will hurt a little, Jie Jie桀桀. "

"You, you, you ... ah !!!"

Following anatomical experimental research, I don't need to say more.

After two hourglass hours.

It was on the pole, and it was almost noon before Rello finally completed the study. After recording the anatomy results in a notebook, the sheep head bat shivered in the experimental beaker. Looking at Rello's eyes, it was like looking at a monster.

In the course of the two hourglass experiments, Rello also discovered some interesting phenomena.

Therefore, after recording the preliminary research results of this creature, Rello couldn't wait to take out a magic material, a crystal skull, which was exchanged from Windsor and was intended to be used to make his wand head.

Raylow entered some energy into the crystal skull.

As a high-level magic guide material, the crystal skull can expand tens of thousands of times by absorbing energy, and naturally can also concentrate some volume.

After Raylo concentrated it to the size of a walnut, the corner of his mouth smiled and threw it into the experimental beaker.

Under the influence of instinct, he got a brand new fossil. Sheep head bat ca n’t wait to get in and seem to want to control this fossil.

Gradually merged into one.


Seeing this, Lei Luo's eyes lit up, as if he had discovered the New World.

Tired tide hit, he put away the experimental beaker again, came to the window, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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