Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 578: Law Weapon(40)

Devouring demon gods, thousands of **** ghost claws tear in all directions.

However, the only faith temple built on the surface has been lost, and other faith temples are still under construction, and it is impossible to provide it with persistent restoration of faith. In the face of this state of Antonio, he is no longer as overwhelming as before.

The eight giant snake heads, from different directions, bite and devour the demon, and from time to time there are pieces of grisly claws dying from the powers of ice, thunder, rotten wood, and petrification.

But if this is the case, for God-level creatures, there is no overwhelming advantage, but the offensive and defensive trend is reversed, and devouring the demon does not feel too much about it.

During the war, with enough believers, the temple only needs time to complete the construction. .


Thousands of skinny ghost claws spread their fingers in the strange and inexplicable color of devouring the demon god, and the fierce eyes of the palm looked at the thunderhead of the giant snake, and a ray of black smoke slowly emerged.

It was Antonio.

After staring at all the snake skins, the black-frozen Antonio suddenly felt something, as if he saw something horrible, but after a stiffness, he screamed in disbelief.

"Rebels! Shadow Demon Rebels!!!"

The hysterical screams, the demon **** who had originally dealt with passive defense, seemed to see the most disgusting and terrifying things and struggled desperately.

However, the real body of the ancient Hydra has long been twisted into a ball like a beast, binding it from all directions, and not letting it escape.

"What do you want! Dirty worm! Stop it!!!"

At this moment, Antonio, who had detached himself from the real body, drifted ghostly towards the devastating devastating claws in the form of black ice overflowing with cool air.

The humans on the surface are naturally unimaginable. At the moment, the frozen wall shadow demon form of Antonio is eating the image in the eyes of the devil.

Tens of thousands of years ago.

Underground ancient creatures fled to the underground world because of this deadly and invisible creature.

Shadows are their homes, where there are shadows, where there are wall shadow demons, and where there is death.

The night is the biggest shadow.

Although these terrible things that are almost immortal, generally do not pose a great threat to god-level creatures, they are a fatal ecological extinction catastrophe for ordinary ancient creatures living in this eye-catching. !

In this way, ancient creatures fled to the underground world, and closed all passages.

In the eyes of these ancient creatures, the image of wall shadow demon, compared with the creatures that can be compared by humans on the surface, is a mixture of cockroaches, mosquitoes, snakes, and toads. Entanglement, fatal sneak attack, and sticky nausea.

There is such a complicated emotional factor for the wall shadow demon, but now it appears on the surface of the human body!

Imagine it.

From the perspective of these ancient creatures, the home where they once lived has become a ruin, and on this ruin, a new kind of creature has appeared, they are vulnerable, but the number is very large, some of which are incomprehensible They have become the new masters here. In the eyes of these ancient creatures, humans are almost the same as mice.

This feeling is just like the instinct rejection of human beings in the face of some unknown deep-sea molluscs.

Of course, deep-sea molluscs also have a lot of delicacy, just like individual mice who like to eat mutant mice, similar to bamboo rats, and so delicious, but they can't change the body's instinct to exclude it.


Facing the combination of wall shadow demon and human, devouring the demon can no longer restrain this rejection.

All year round in the underground world, the terrifying shadow devil spread quickly, almost all monsters are in fear and despair.

After all, it is in eternal darkness, which is too conducive to the proliferation of this terrifying creature!

For this reason, after devouring the demon **** discovered the tendency of these terrible creatures to spread in the territory, he also tried to use some common methods in the underground world to prevent it, but it had little effect, and this also represented the situation of the entire underground world.

The ancient creatures who had escaped for tens of thousands of years had to face the invasion of the heretics betrayers tens of thousands of years ago.

"Get away from me!!!"

Over the past few days, fighting with Antonio many times, devouring the demon has not remembered how many times I want to devour this surface creature.

but now.

Antonio separated from his real body and rushed towards the other party with human physique, but devoured the demon **** but was terrified, screaming and retreating.


Whales live, whales fall.

The death of a creature is the rebirth of hundreds of millions of souls.

There were some changes in Raylo's eyes, which were originally just the ruled world of lines, or the essence of the world, the inner world, and so on.

Sun and Moon double pupils, he saw the collapse of an emerald green sphere and a black sphere, the two were rippled, oscillated, and shattered the surrounding strands of silk, replaced by two new The breath is madly filling the collapsed space.

More and more collapsed bubbles are spreading.

Secret, vitality.

The mystery is the shadow in the dark, the vitality, and the evolutionary mystery scholars experience the adaptive vitality of the star screen world.

call out.

Lei Luo retreated, avoiding the spread of the collapsed field and witnessed the explosion of the field of primary wind eyes formed by billions of black and green bubbles, which swallowed the devil a little bit and was still submerged. Spread all around.


The explosion frequency of the two-color bubbles slowed down slightly, and the explosion density also decreased, but the explosion range of each bubble increased a lot, still maintaining a rapid diffusion trend.

In the coming months, it will steadily form an eye-catcher that covers half of the Grand Duchy!

However, during the period of its formation of the wind eye, the spread area will form a strong storm of more than 8 levels, which will last for several months. Although it is far less terrible than the death storm, it is still a devastating blow to the basic animals and plants. , Will cause a large number of biological deaths, and then the new birth will start.

Of course, this so-called violent wind is only a trivial matter compared to the spreading wall demon.

"The radiant waste soil, the coming of superhuman beings, the wall shadow demon, the unknown cataclysmic civilization that strikes the land of the night with law weapons, plus the Holy See and the wizards who are still in the fire of tea, the land of the stars has become a real No one can stop the end of the vortex of death, the rise of the new generation of scholars!"

In the process of retreating, the light and dark twisted Rello came to the war zone on the edge of the core.

"What happened over there!"

The nearby Academician Gran and the supporting apostles also noticed the changes here, and their attention shifted from the four small suns in the distant night horizon, staring at this terrifyingly.

"Quick leave here!"

Although it is unclear exactly what happened or who made the withdrawal order, the instinctive sense of crisis has made everyone choose to retreat safely.

Including the demon kings who fought with these humans, they also retreated.


In the darkness, pieces of monsters and Gran soldiers were fighting.


After a crow stopped, his body twisted and became an old woman with an eagle nose.

She first stared at the four rising mini suns towards the end of the horizon, and couldn't help murmuring.

"Damn it! The guardians there haven't been able to stop this from happening? The Aurora Central Empire War caused thousands of deaths and injuries, and large-scale mysterious deaths occurred in the thorn forest. Now even the Principality's land has been launched due to the full invasion of monsters. After the radiation weapon, is the Stars Land really not saved? Is humanity really going to die, or is the Guardian organization really too weak?"


Immediately afterwards, the old woman frowned and looked in the other direction.


She was surprised: "Which **** fell? Or... is a pioneer!"

After a twist, she transformed into a crow again, ignoring the fierce fighting monsters and humans, and soon appeared on the edge of the rapidly expanding wind eye, feeling the majestic vitality and adaptive mutation inside. For a time, it was determined that the fallen person was an academician Gran.

Only those Glan scholars who chase the evolution of supernatural creatures can have such adaptive vitality.


Suddenly, as a black silk bubble exploded, the tip of the old woman's finger extended silently through a shadow.

There is no breath, no vitality, and even no fluctuations in energy, only a light and invisible shadow visible to the naked eye.

At the next moment, the amazing attraction landed on the old lady unexpectedly.


The exclamation, the terrible attraction, seemed to **** her in.

"What the **** is this!"

The crow shed a feather and was sucked into the exploding black bubble.

She screamed, circling, looking in horror, looking for the terrible creature hidden in it. After a while, she still found nothing.

"Does humanity really have an irreversible end? No, we must report the situation here to the Great Guardian!"

The crow flew away without looking back.

Anxious in his heart, the crow clearly realized that perhaps this is the center of the most terrible war compared to the thorn forest and the Aurora Central Empire, and there are some terrible things that she cannot understand.

Suddenly, nearby screams let it look over.


Heartbreaking screams and wails came from the mouth of a soldier tied to a chair.

Around him, there were several former classmates who were looking at him in horror, squirming inside, and occasionally changing a terrible face, trying to break free from it.

"Peel his skin! Hurry, take out the contents, he must have been infected by some monster!"

This person must not realize that his voice was crying.

"Shave him!!!"

No one started.

An old friend couldn't bear the fear anymore, shouting that the knife was inserted into his stomach, and tears burst into his eyes.

The rest of the people no longer hesitated, swarming up, hoping to find something from the **** wound through the flashing fire, but eventually desperately found that there was nothing in it, only the heart that was beating suddenly, and the worm Gastrointestinal spleen pancreas.

"I am a murderer, I killed my friend, I am a murderer, I am a murderer, ah..."

Killing my classmates with your own This man can no longer suppress his oppression. He became mad and looked at the surroundings dumbly, even making a smirk.

Gradually, his breath also changed, and a blue light appeared in his eyes, becoming cold.

Goo, goo, goo, goo.

At this time, the already **** recipient, the stomach opened up crazily squirmed into a terrible grimace, protruding from his stomach.

Grimace looked around curiously, and wrapped a nearby weapon, even chopping towards his restrained hands and feet, and in a gesture of humanity, the wound floated bloody, and gave out a laugh.

"Crazy, crazy, crazy!"

Witnessing this scene of the crow that was going away, there was a shock that was hard to conceal in his eyes.

"Is this the devil hell! What's wrong with this world!!!"

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