Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 583: Law Weapon(45)

Just about to get rid of the wind and eyes, the real body shocked, but saw the mottled messengers who were not noticed by the decaying demon god, and at the same time, they prayed high.


Never put these little things that are not in the eyes of them, but they dare to take the initiative to resist!

The pious will of these surface fanatics is simply a matter of comparison for the apostles in the underground world, and the fanaticism that puts life and death out of the world will never die.

In the unexpected call of the decaying demon god, a divine light came upon these apostles, making them almost compressed into egg shells. The divine light was supplemented a little bit, and it became a light group again, as if it had been discussed in advance. Well, in general, these apostles even gathered the magic power summoned to each other to the side of the decaying demon who was about to get rid of the wind eyes.

However, these divine powers are not aimed at the decaying demon god, but it is a new eye that tears a crack!

Supplemented by these blessings of the divine power, the black light bird that is about to fly out of the cracks of the wind eye, feels the stunned mini wind eye that was torn open by it, and healed quickly and irresistibly. !

In the scream of anger, it was squeezed back into the wind's eyes, drowned by layers of black and green bubbles.

"Huh, Huh...successful!?"

A pale-faced female apostle, gasping in a low voice, gazed incredulously at the wind-eye crack that had been smoothed again.

These apostles are not easy.

The process of summoning so many divine powers intertwined, consuming a considerable amount of vitality, and some hungry elders would almost fall at any time and could not bear a blow.

"Huh, Huh...much stronger than we expected! Just now I was almost unable to breathe, it was crazy, what the **** are we doing, it is impossible to control it at this level of restraint!"

Another apostle said, and turned around, running away in desperation.

"Damn coward! You lost the face of the fighting bloodline of the great Principality of Dorman..."


The sound of ridicule and curse was terminated, and inside the mini wind wall intertwined with awe-inspiring divine power, a hole was blown out of thin air by a horrible brute force.

Inside the hole, Sen Leng looked over.


The black bird spit out a black light spot, appearing in a flash in the vicinity of these apostles in a flash.

This is a black flame that looks unremarkable.

But as the apostles of the gods, these people who can feel the power of the law almost immediately noticed the horror of this black flame. It seemed to devour all the law black holes, ruthlessly destroying all the power of the law nearby , Bringing them decay and end.

in this way.

This group of black flames, originally the size of soy beans, almost doubled in just a moment, and on this basis, it grew and expanded twice as fast, in less than a second, just one After breathing, it formed a fist-sized black ball and exploded with a "bang".

The overflowing black spots spread like fireworks.

"Hurry away from these things!!!"

Aware of the extremely dangerous nature of these horrible things, the apostles who had gathered together in the last moment, like the startled bird, dispersed in the next moment, but there were still a few unlucky guys, contaminated by these black spots.


"Do not!!"

The tragic cry, the black spot broke through the shelter of these apostolic laws in a short time.

They believe that the divine protection that God can provide is almost paperless in front of these black spots.

In an instant.

Half of the human apostles were decayed into corpses by this mysterious black light. They were like mummies that had been baptized by wind and sand for thousands of years. They dipped in their eye sockets, dried up and ran out of the sky.

"God said that my faith and my prayers have formed a monument and a field of harvest."

Complete magic.

With the harvest apostles as the center, the amazing green light blooms, and countless vegetation grows magnificently, trying to offset those black lights and devour them, but compared with the spread of the scary black lights, it is almost ten times faster than the green fields The expansion, the harvest apostle prayed almost in despair.

Fortunately, the emergence of the field of harvest also greatly affected the speed of expansion of the black light, and bought time for other apostles.

Ordinary apostles summoned a **** power to attack that terrifying life in the most primitive way.

For creatures below the **** level, these apostles directly summon the law of divine power is an extremely dangerous attack. Even the royal academicians must be careful to deal with it, but for this black bird who has reached a higher level of threshold, these The degree of attack was just scratching the itch, and there were only layers of ripples in the space a few meters away.

The black bird spread his wings, his eyes squinted, but his eyes were beautiful, and he looked coldly at the creatures that disgusted him.

At this moment, I finally understand why the demon gods have to escape!

According to legend, every demon who has completed the soul of the greedy contract will unfold an indiscriminate slaughter to consolidate some of the things it lost after a long sleep, and the conditions of the contract between the devouring demon and the decaying demon Nirvana recovers within its body and completes its new life.

As a condition, devouring the demon is almost in the shortest time, relying on the mediocre devouring rule, promoted to the level of the median god, and mastered a part of the decay law divine power as the cardinal strength of the super card.

"No! This is not the power that an ordinary high **** should have!!"

The harvest apostle shouted in despair.

No one can feel the shock of the distant harvest goddess and the harvest goddess better than he at this moment. This is a horror demon who is difficult to confront even if the harvest goddess comes in real life!

"The strongest shock!"

Majesty and integrity, the faith to advance bravely.

The bald head carrying the **** of power has no expression on his face. His bent body is like a bow and arrow that is pulled apart. It is a combination of power and aesthetics. The air ripples in circles and circles, and finally accompanied by a thunderstorm As if the impact of tearing the space apart, a "booming" sound fell on the hollow of the wind wall.

However, the strongest punch that brought together the God of Power avatar, but stopped outside the black bird Mi Xu, as if entering the quagmire.

No matter how hard he struggles, it is difficult to move half a point.

From afar, the **** of power with amazing power avatar, the shadow of light is more than ten meters in size, but this black bird is still only Mi Xu, looking at it coldly.

The nearby black light, permeable, swept towards him.

After undergoing the initial short confrontation, the power transformed by the strongest shock has gradually become unsupported, and the divine light collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"After all, it is Fan Chen's punch, the rules of the surface apply, hum hum."

A proud voice, with the black phoenix extending a paw, scratching out of thin air, "poof" sound, this power avatar that looks like a combination of power and aesthetics, just like tofu, split into four parts The light spot dissipated.

The black bird's greedy mouth swallowed the light.

Such a horrified scene, horrified, and suddenly destroyed the resistance of the other apostles, fleeing in all directions like birds.


The **** of justice that finally came down, did not look at it because the summoning came as a dead servant, and let his corpse fall from the sky.

Hundred meters of light and shadow giant, he first looked around in a circle of curiosity, and after a slight stop on the four mini-suns and metal fortresses at the end of the distant horizon, he finally looked at the wind wall cavity of the expanding wind eyes as the enemy. , That horrible life that seemed to have been born from the cold and dead.

This is a horrible creature he is inferior to even before the **** body is damaged!

"Without the support of the time and space fortress and the Aurora world, this world is really dangerous and dangerous."

A touch of consternation, a touch of helplessness.

In the sigh, there is deep exhaustion and despair.

Since the war of betrayal 10,000 years ago, Jaeger, who had promised their good future, has never broken through the constraints of this land.

The followers who achieved freedom not only failed to realize what he said, ruled this indigenous world and became the supreme emperor, even after the original power was transformed into a body of faith, it was gradually weakened again and again, and it was already unusable. .

Even if such a meticulous and stealing life barely keeps alive, it does not see any meaning.

Deeply was regretting and ashamed of his previous choices, and even faceless to face the Grand Duke of Capricorn, and came to the central empire of Aurora to participate in the battle there.

"Well, even if it is the punishment you deserve for your wrong choice. It has been too long in this wild world full of evil thoughts. Unprecedented loneliness has tortured me every day. All places are endlessly dark without a trace. Hope, I can’t even remember the taste of the Aurora world, and I really miss the days when I struggled together."

Seemingly escaping, but also self-punishment, the black phoenix of arrogant indifference showed a look of surprise.

This guy cannot fail to perceive his own strength.

But the moth rushed over like a fire?

Does he have any secret means?

At this level, except for some secret weapons mastered by the terrifying civilizations deep in the continent, ordinary methods have been difficult to make up for the gap in macro power between individual creatures.

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