Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 588: New era (on)

Twenty years later!

Boom Boom Boom.

Lola knocked gently on the door, but got no response.

She shook her head, gently pushed the door open, and looked at the little guy who was crying and sulking in bed, helplessly came to his side.

"Promise me, don't resent your father, will you?"

Stroking his hair, Lola said softly: "Godsend, you are already a big kid, you don't have to study hard to learn to play, and your father is also for you."

"woo woo woo woo."

The little red-haired boy cried and looked at Lola.

"No, I don't hate my father. I know he is doing it for me."

Hearing Xiao Tianci said this, Lola smiled with relief.

She was about to say some words of comfort and effort, but Xiaotianci continued crying and crying: "If someone had just shouted ‘hit me’, my father would not treat me like that, he loved me the most, ohhhh.”


Lola opened her mouth, looked at Xiao Tianci, and embarrassedly said, "Is it? Did I say that, hee hee, my mother didn't remember it!"


Xiaotianci turned around again and lay sullenly.

After a while.

With the soft snoring of the red-haired little boy, Lola covered the little boy with a thin quilt and stood to look out the window.


The energy vortex with the tower as the core is full of oppressive breath, revealing bursts of uneasiness.

A dozen kilometers away.

The thick wind wall, like a wall, can faintly see the terrible death storm outside the wall, where is the restricted area of ​​life.

Twenty years ago.

The shadow demon caused by the invasion of the ancient creatures in the underground world, centered on the Grand Duchy, spread to the Duchy.

This is an extremely dangerous curse, a'heterodimensional' curse that can kill people at any time.

Compared with the ancient underground creatures who adapted to this grotesque horror creature earlier, humans have entered the era of ghosts!

But immediately.

Compared to the next two years of the superhuman invasion and the second black death plague pandemic, the fear and death caused by these almost non-physical ghosts are almost worthless.

It was an extremely tragic death killing!

Temple of Faith, Tower of Scholars, National Fortress...

All the resistance forces are not worth mentioning in this invasion and killing, even the Grand Duchy and the Duchy of Zeeland that have the weapons of law!

One country after another was destroyed, the kingdom established by the princes and nobles collapsed,

In the Principality, hundreds of millions of humans have suffered an unprecedented mass extinction in a very short period of time. 99% of humans have been reduced to walking dead in just two years. After they became superhuman dermal parasites , Not only slaughtering human beings, but also became the executioner of invading ancient creatures, and carried out the mass extinction of the once cruel and invincible ancient creatures according to the family of the family.

The screams of screams were endless.

The sea of ​​corpses blood, and blood flows into rivers.

After destroying the resistance of humans in the Principality, Superman’s war against these powerful ancient creatures is like a high civilization’s slaughter of primitive beasts. Too many scholars have painted scrolls that recorded the battlefield. Tragic.

The ancient creatures who had nowhere to go, even began to seek alliances with the remaining anthropologists led by several pioneers to resist, in an vain attempt to defeat the superhuman in this doomsday full of black death.

Until the powerful superbody, once again demonstrated their superior power of transcendence!

This is the degree of individual evolution and the degree of technological exploration of the law, far exceeding the powerful civilization imagined by scholars, and even beyond the imagination of the confident scholar known as the genius scholar who opened the second golden age.

I have to admit that there was a time when Rello was desperate!

Hundreds of radiation weapon explosions came not only from the Grand Duchy, but also from the power of the wizards of the dark world, polluting the land and the earth into the waste of doom.

The Alpha Ecological Extinction Weapon, which has been launched frequently, has gradually transformed the once habitable Principality's land into a land of disaster raged by the wind.

The indiscriminate attack of black death lesions, although mainly aimed at the invading paleontologists lacking antibodies, still caused the star civilization to be baptized.

The ubiquitous ghost image is like a nightmare lingering, and at any time, animals that are close to the stone wall and the shadow of the earth are pulled into the soil and the stone wall and become a terrible living fossil.

But all of this can not stop the destruction of Superbody.

The terrifying superhumans not only easily destroyed the local wars organized by the rulers of humans and ancient creatures, but also ushered in a powerful army with ancient dragons as transport slaves, and came from the support of a catastrophic civilization deep in the mainland!

Hundreds of ancient creatures! ! !

Humans in the Principality, hiding from Tibet like a mouse underground, longing for the appearance of miracles.

The invading ancient creatures will be even worse!

It is said that in a decisive battle with the superbody, the dark demon was caught alive by the horrible superbody who walked like a zombie with their eyes in blue light.

Then, the Black Death spread to the other two real demon territories in the underground world with the ancient creatures that fled back. During the disaster and catastrophe, the reverse invasion of the Superman was ushered in.

In the enduring patience, finally, the people in the Principality gradually discovered that the number of superhumans seems to have decreased a little bit?

Until one day, the real death sandstorm devoured the Principality's land.

No one knows what happened.

Remaining human beings, relying on only a few towers left, centered on scholars with extraordinary knowledge and wisdom, established academies as a civilized habitat, and established a more scientific mathematical statistical system, constantly trying Establish a new tower college as a habitat.


Sigh low.

Lola left the room and came to Rello's office.

Light coffee fragrance, Lei Luo looked at the file in his hand, looked up after hearing the door open, and saw a thin, light-dressed Lola, with a graceful figure and long red hair, although she was long gone. , But this more mature woman's breath is undoubtedly more attractive to Lei Luo.

"he has slept?"


Nodding his head, Rello continued to look down at the file in his hand, frowning slightly.

"What happened?"

Lola put hot coffee for Lei Luo, came to his side, squeezed his shoulders to relieve the pressure.

Recognizing Lola's depressed mood, Lei Luo quickly put down the secret information in her hand, showing a comforting smile, leaning back on the chair and holding her hands, and said softly: "Nothing, don't worry."

Lola glanced at Raleigh.

"Can't I know?"

For a moment of silence, Lei Luo gazed at Lola's eyes, and finally shook his head, slowly said: "Information from the Zealand Academy of Natural Sciences, there have been inquiries about the wind and eye of the star screen and the superman in the Principality. The reason for disappearing!"

Amazing colors.

Lola said: "What is it?"

If once the scholars of the Principality want to cross Panguula to the central empire of Aurora, it takes about one year to go back and forth, then in this environment of death and death storm, even the extraordinary scholars, Death on the way is also a high probability event, so even after ten years have passed, the people of the Principality have not yet received any news of the Aurora Central Empire.

Lei Luo took a deep breath and said in a low voice: "The main body of the superhumans who invaded the Aurora Central Empire has had an unprecedented war with the Aurora Central Empire, and the bright creator... has fallen!"

After the Superbody invasion, it is roughly divided into three parts.

The main part occupies more than half of the superbody, and invaded towards the fertile and fertile Aurora Central Empire.

The secondary part, from the ancient creatures broke into the entrance of the various devil caves of the surface world, reversed invasion into the underground world where the Black Death raged.

Finally, there are less than 10% of superhumans scattered in the land of the Principality, the land of thorns, the Hengduan Mountains, the Pangula Highlands...

"The light creator...fallen?"

After she was unbelievable, she sighed naturally, "Well, for so many years, haven't you been eager to overthrow the Holy See? Now that it has finally come true, but those superhumans have dealt with Olora, I am afraid... …"


Rello said slowly: "You are wrong."


For more than two decades, the history of the Aurora Central Empire has been blank, and no one knows what happened there since the Wizards of the Dark World waged war on the Holy See.

Rai Luo picked up the intelligence, and his eyes were sharp.

"Under the radiant wasteland, the Holy See was indeed at a disadvantage in the face of the war launched by the dark world, and even the bright creator was hit hard, but when the bright city rose from the ground, it became a space shuttle. After the city of the sky, the wizards eventually lost. Even in the next Superman War, the Holy See still won the final victory, which is a super weapon of incredible civilization and technology!"

In amazement, Lola stood stunned, unbelievable.

"City of the sky? How can such a civilized technology exist in the decayed Holy See, and the temple can study weapons? Or the legacy of Utoran? Can it defeat the Superman? If the Holy See has such power, why not the previous cross? Defeat the Nightfall in the Army Expedition?"

Rello shook his head.

"I don't know, but I think... all the secrets should be in that sky city."

"How did the bright creator fall?"

"It is Pope Hayes! He sealed the light creator with the dark magic eyes, the ancient civilization treasure that once sealed the Duke of and then replaced the Holy See, established the temple of stargazing and became Aurora New owner!"

Lola couldn't believe this fantasy ending.

Lei Luo sarcastically said: "Do you know what the doctrine of the Temple of Astrology?"

Lola shook her head slowly.

Pampering scratched Lola's nose, Rello said: "The betrayer always betrayed!"

The sarcasm means no cover.

"Oh, this pope is really a ruthless man. He can die with God first, proving that the God of Light is not an omnipotent creator, and even applied some dark reasoning in academia, completely defeating the fantasies of all believers. It was a massacre, the Virgin of Light, six Cardinals in Red Dress, 37 Bishops, 144 religious judges, thousands of adjudicators, nearly one million Light Paladins, and millions of priests , Nuns, ascetics, missionaries, believers, almost all the remnants of the Holy See after the two wars, they were cleaned up by thunder."

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