Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 595: Remains of Glory (Part 2)

Rustling rustling...

For the silent space of ordinary people, Lei Luo has passed the infrasound wave and heard the rustling sounds from far and near, like the harshness of two sandpapers rubbing against each other.

Even though the spar lamp can only shine to a distance of more than ten meters around, Lei Luo's eyes have already seen through the darkness and saw the giant that is quickly walking in the gravel.

This is an adult sandworm.

The surface is yellow-brown wrinkled skin, as if the concrete after mixing is like an enlarged worm. Even scholars, it is really difficult to find an aesthetic vocabulary to describe this ugly creature.

Sandworm's creeping speed is not fast, at least relative to the surface of Warcraft.

Because like this sand bug.

Sandworms that have not infiltrated into the gravel are really rare. If they sneak in the gravel, according to research, its movement speed must be increased by at least three times.


After it sensed Raylo's footsteps through resonance, the huge body quickly moved towards this side, and the mouth with its head closed originally opened like a chrysanthemum, revealing a circle of dense scarlet teeth, and Corrosive mucus sticking between teeth.

These mucus can help it digest.

The sandworm's teeth are undercut, which can help him to swallow his prey better. According to research, it can swallow twice the volume of its prey in one mouth!

At that time, after the prey enters its body, the folds of the skin will stretch like a ball, which is why the size of the adult sandworms ranges from four to five meters to more than ten meters.

Greave, ugly.

With the sandworm creeping to the distance of five meters in front of Lei Luo, the surface of the body can be clearly seen through the crystal light. The human body is standing in front of it, so fragile, small and insignificant, even count Without rations, it can only be regarded as a snack to improve the taste.


When Lei Luo's eyes looked indifferently with contempt, accompanied by a magnificent breath of a real body of stars, at this moment even the tens of meters deep yellow sand ground, under this overwhelming atmosphere of subversive overwhelming atmosphere, it seemed like to see what horror and terror In the picture, it is the will to face the supreme physical rule of the celestial bodies running in the universe. A burning red celestial body invades here through the atmosphere of the star screen world.

This originally powerful sand bug was stiffened in place.

As if I had forgotten the time, my soul thoughts solidified.

This is the power of fourth-level creatures to pass the law, suppressing the essence of lower creatures!


next moment.

With a wave of Ren Luo, the small body easily waved a strong pressure air cannon that collapsed the air highly. This is a gas cannon with a diameter of more than five meters. With a "bang" sound, the soul consciousness freezes and freezes the sandworm, As if cleaning the **** at will, Lei Luo slapped deep into the darkness.

With the echo of the shock, the sand worm exploded into a pool of plasma, as if shooting a mosquito.


With the support of powerful physique, Lei Luo, even with just a wave of his hand, the terror energy intensity gathered by the boxing artillery easily exceeded the three Baidu, and the coverage area is even more difficult for extraordinary scholars to match. The overwhelming crushing attack is fundamental. It is not resisted by ordinary lower creatures.

Without stopping, he continued to walk forward.

Soon, he came to the end of the underground ruins, and seemed to perceive something, looking down at the gravel under his feet.


A strong pressure was released in the body, and the gravel under the feet was removed, revealing a wind wall door leading to the underground.

Exquisite guardian prohibitions were etched on the gate. If it hadn't lost energy for years, I was afraid that it would have launched a counterattack on the invading Lei Luo.

Although he is not good at etching energy prohibition, the relationship between the Austrian scholars background, the magic array prohibition knowledge is relatively shallow, but for today's Raylow, etching the general lower prohibition is also within reach.

But at this moment, it is obviously not necessary for Lei Luo to etch knowledge through the runes to try to slowly open the underground door.


As Lei Luo's right foot stomped gently, the horrible oscillation impact formed by Lei Luo as the center, the slate etched with runes under his feet, the cracks spread like dense spider webs, exposing the secret chamber below.

The passage is extremely dark, exuding the decay of old age.

Silently, Lei Luo carried the crystal lamp and went down.

On both sides of the corridor, weird murals are painted.

Lei Luo frowned slightly and observed carefully. The content of the paintings seemed to be a group named ‘Kunnu’ at the junction of the Principality of Zealand and the Hengduan Mountains.

There are not many contacts between the Gran scholars and this ethnic group, but as a well-known university student in the Principality of Gran, Lei Luo can still learn some secret information of this rare ethnic group through the advanced knowledge reserve of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences.

Among them, the most distinctive force of this ethnic group is to incorporate the curse into the painting traps on the walls!

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee……"

Suddenly, there was a sharp laughter in the originally silent corridor space.

As expected by Raylow.

When Lei Luo walked to the third mural, he saw that the mural creeped slowly and seemed to be shrouded in a mysterious force full of coldness. This kind of power was neither a spiritual force nor a fluctuation in the soul. It is a chain of curses based on the causal connection between all things. A scholar has not yet established the mysterious power of the scientific system.

Rello turned his head slowly, looking at the creepy mural.

I saw the original sketch of the hills and grasslands on the mural, and several Kunnus suddenly merged into a grinning head, looking at themselves grotesquely.

His left eye looked at Lei Luo straight, and his right eye became a vortex, and countless worms poured out of the vortex, these worms, the baby-like laughter!

If you look closely, these worms, which are just the size of a thumb, are actually deformed human baby heads!

"Spiritual illusion? Is it a spiritual worm that exists physically? Or is it the expression form of the causal curse link under the eyes of the law?"

Lei Luo stared at the right eye of the grotesque face.

Although these horrible worms are terrible, they can't get close to Lei Luo at all. It seems that there is a transparent glass shell around his body, blocking these worms from Mi Xu.

They crawled layer by layer, and some of them began to grow black wings as time went by, gradually becoming a little demon form.

"Also have the ability to evolve?"

Inquisitive, Lei Luo extended his right hand.

The terrifying gravitational magnetic field imprisoned a little devil, who wanted to put it in front of his eyes and observe carefully.

Under the cage of strong gravity, the little devil struggled desperately, but to no avail, but when Lei Luo ingested it in front of him, suddenly a puff, the little thing turned into a ray of soot.

Seeing this, Lei Luo could not help but show a look of disappointment.

The power of the real body is too strong. These little things obviously can't survive on the real body of the star, so they will be wiped out as soon as they approach Relo.

Shook his head.


The invisible ripples erupted, and in a matter of time, thousands of little demons who were lingering on the surface of Lei Luo were all wiped out, and then Lei Luo extended his right hand, along the right eye of the vortex of the horror head on the mural, and inserted it!

Weird feeling.

Its right eye seems to be connected to another layer of space.

When Rello returned to his right hand, the mural had returned to normal, and Rello's right hand suddenly had an extra skull cover.

After careful discrimination, this turned out to be a human baby skull cover etched with runes!


Beep beep.

Star Core Tip: Found 0.1g of Dark Essence!

Surprised, after a closer look, Lei Luo suddenly had a quaint book in his hand. It was the "Mithril Seal" that could be evolved by consuming the essence of darkness!

Wow la la la.

As the pages slowly opened, a silver gleam gleamed deep into the baby's skull, and the baby's skull was melted at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and was gradually swallowed by "Mithril Seal."

After a moment.

The baby's skull has melted completely, disappeared, and merged into "Mithril Sealed Dust."

He continued to walk forward.

Click! Click!

Rello came to the end of the corridor and entered the real underground laboratory.

With no signs, the cages around him were generated almost instantly, trapping Lei Luo in it.


The lilac thunderbolt landed from the top of the head, and the energy intensity reached at least three Baidus. Even for ordinary scholars, such a sudden attack is almost fatal, but for Rello at the moment, a sudden attack of more than 300 degrees is an accident. , But obviously not fatal.

After struggling to break through the layers of magnetic film on the surface of Lei Luo, Thunder landed on him.

The sound of "poo" just caused the ordinary person to be slightly burned by cigarette butts, with a plume of green smoke at the skin wound, and he frowned slightly.

Beep beep.

Star Core Tip: Found 308.45 grams of Gu Ling Iron.

"Gu Ling Iron?"

After the color of surprise, Relo, who was about to destroy the cage, stopped and looked at this metal cage with dense pale white light spots.

As one of the advanced magic materials for alchemists, Gu Ling Iron is a very special material. Nowadays, the manufacturing process has been lost. The main reason is the refining of Gu Ling Iron. It is said that iron must be put into A kind called Gu Ling is slowly cultivated in the abdomen, and the yield is extremely limited.

the most important is!

With the passage of time, Gu Ling has been extinct in the land of the star curtain with the rise of the Protestant scholars!

It is said that the biggest effect of this magic guide material is the sharp sky breaking speed. It is a high-quality material for manufacturing high-level metal puppet war weapons, as well as flying boots, cloaks, and magic wings. If you add some, you can greatly reduce the air resistance. Increase speed by half.

Now some people have mixed Gu Ling iron into this trapped cage, and achieved an unexpected effect.

I was about to go to Vladik, I believe the scholars there should be very interested in this magic material!

Click, click, click...

With Rayloe's right index fingertip, a black ball slowly emerged.

Under the strong gravity of this black ball, the cage with amazing power began to twist at a speed visible to the naked eye and merged into the black ball at the tip of Rello's right index finger, turning into a black and white with a diameter of about 10 centimeters. Metal Ball Next, you only need to remove the metal impurities in it by a special alchemy method to get the Gu Ling Iron.

He kept the material quietly, and Lei Luo continued to walk forward.

With the gains, Rello was in a much better mood, and he also showed a stronger expectation for this small underground relic.

The underground laboratory was empty. Only rows of wooden shelves with unknown functions, like a evacuated library, came to the end. Relo saw a stone test bed and a corpse.

"This should be the resentful figure in those bone memories."

Rello walked towards the mummy.

If there are any secrets and gains here, it should be him.

"I was expelled from my territory and I slept here for another thousand years..."

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