Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 848: Purity

Ryu completely ignored the two oul. How could their hiding method hide from hi eye? They would have to be at leat Sky God to have a chance at doing uch a thing, and even then, their reult might not be a epected.

Unfortunately, though, even after looking through their numerou ring, Ryu' found that they were quite poor. Of coure, thi wan't in a normal ene. In fact, he found many thing within their patial ring that were entirely etinct in Sacrum. It wa more o that their bet Spiritual Herb and treaure were till of the Earth Grade at bet.

Thi made ene. After all, they were only Path Etinction Realm epert, how could Ryu epect more out of them? If he wanted ome great waterhed, he would either have to fight individual far more talented than thee two, or he would have to fight omeone far more powerful, period.


Ryu' brow hot up. He had only taken a caual weep to begin with. However, the intant he took a deeper look, hi epreion hifted, hi gaze became everal fold more concentrated. Thi… Wan't normal.

Ryu wan't wrong, the bet treaure thee two had were jut of the Earth Grade. However, the quality wa o far beyond anything he wa ued to that what might have till paed a the Earth Grade eaily rivaled what wa conidered Heaven Grade to Ryu now.

A though the two weren't oberving him, Ryu took out a imple Black Grade word tored at the back of one of Ariad' patial ring, holding it up to hi eye. He carefully oberved every fiber that made it up. In the end, he flicked it with hi finger.


The word began to vibrate wildly, whipping back and forth in the air before lowly, but urely, ettling down.

The truth wa that thi word wa actually weaker than Ryu' elf-forged dagger. However, compared to normal Black Grade weapon Ryu had become ued to, they were leap and bound beyond.

It had to be conidered that Ryu' forging kill were built on the bai of Heaven' Will. He 'litened' to the ore and forged them into their mot perfect tate. It could be aid that hi form of blackmithing wa the highet that there wa in all of eitence.

Well, maybe it wan't o eaggerated ince according to thee two, Ryu' Dao wa on the border of Dominion and Hegemon. Regardle, at the very leat, hi technique were beyond what the people of the Hidden Blade Sect could match even with hi limited eperience.

The fact that thi word even came cloe wa a tetament to how large the gap between the world wa.

Ryu immediately teted everal other weapon and found the ame eact thing. What wa the mot baffling about it all wa that conidering how caually Leolar and Ariad had treated thee weapon, they were at bet crude and at wort completely uele. They couldn't even bother to keep them organized at all.

'What about…'

Ryu acted on the thought intantly, finding trewn bottle of ued pill. He brought one out, rolling it onto hi palm and lightly niffing the air.

'Black Grade pill, it eem to have the function of compreion qi, probably bet ued for the Qi Refinement Realm. It purity i at 82%, that already put it in the top percentile of what top tier alchemit can produce in thi world. But, it formula i far more potent than anything I've ever een.'

Ryu took another niff and cloed hi eye. In an intant, a long lit of Spiritual Herb appeared in hi mind and he orted their image one by one.

'Three of the main ingredient are intinct, no wonder. But clearly they're o ubiquitou in thi Martial World that they can o caually be thrown into uch a pill, a pill that thee two don't eem to care about at all, in fact.'

Ryu hadn't ued pill on hi cultivation journey thu far, at leat not in any large way. Thank to the Incubator, he could jut directly aborb the medicinal propertie of Spiritual Herb without having to worry about it. Thi method alo aved him from having to deal with impuritie a well.

However, at ome point, thi would only come back with diminihing return. There wa a reaon that the field of alchemy wa created. If it wa o much wore than jut aborbing Spiritual Herb directly, then there would intead be an indutry where everyone created Incubator.

Not every Incubator would have to be of the Origin Grade. You could eaily imagine a world where Common, Black, Earth and Heaven Grade Incubator were in greater circulation, allowing you to eaily aborb equivalently ranked Spiritual Herb. But, thi wan't the path the evolution of profeion had choen to take.

There wa a imple reaon for thi. Often, the combination of Spiritual Herb concocted into a ingle pill would produce eponential reult that tacked upon one another. When the effect of thee were compared to Spiritual Herb alone, it wa akin to night and day.

But, thi much wa jut the tip of the iceberg. The true reaon for the creation of pill wa to allow for reult the Heaven wouldn't allow for. Spiritual Herb are the creation of the Heaven, and a uch, their abilitie are fine tuned and repetitive acro a imilar race of Herb. Pill, however, can combine individual abilitie to form reult one would never think of.

Of coure, pill weren't the only method to accomplih thi. Medicinal bath, potion, and other uch liquid concoction were le advanced method of doing the ame thing a well. All of thi ued the bai of heat and fire, the root of human innovation, to accomplih thee tak.

The cot and return hadn't been worth it for Ryu when he wa on Sacrum. But, from what he could ee from jut thee middling pill of the Martial World, the difference wa like night and day. If he could get hi hand on 100% pure pill, he would definitely not mind witching hi approach to cultivation.

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