Grand Line: Heroes Of The Straw Hats

Chapter 234 A Headshot, Doflamingo's Fall

"The ship turned out to be human."

"Rozi, is this also your strength?"

Kuzan stood a few meters away from the Meri and said grimly.

On either side of him, Crane, Blackbeard, Doflamingo, and other Marine stood in all directions, vaguely surrounding Rozi and the others.

"Guess I'll tell you!"

The corners of Rozi's mouth rose and nodded to the side.

Meili, who was understanding, immediately used the power of the color fruit to hide herself, Rozi, Luffy, and the others.

"Invisibility? I remembered that this must be the East Blue treasure hunter's Devil Fruit ability. ”

"I didn't expect you to keep this fruit until now.

"However, you don't think that this ability can allow you to hide it from us."

A red light flashed in the crane's eyes, and the thunder qi quickly captured the aura on Rozi and the others.

"The ability to take away other people's Devil Fruit is really real."

"Rozi, is this ability of yours from Devil Fruit, or is it some special ability of the 353 sides of science?"

Blackbeard stepped forward, and while Observation Haki's red light flashed in his eyes, his right hand was raised high and stretched out in the direction of Rozi.

"Dark water!"

Dark Fruit's ability formed a swirling black mist in Blackbeard's hand, which looked like a black hole grew in Blackbeard's hand from a distance.

After a second, the smile on Blackbeard's face slowly disappeared, and his eyes looking at Rozi became more and more solemn.

'Dark water has no effect on Rozi, which means this guy is not relying on some kind of Devil Fruit power to take someone else's Devil Fruit?

If technology can gain the power to seize someone else's Devil Fruit, will the guys from Djerma 66 and Vegapunk from Marine also do so in the future?

Sure enough, this Rozi has to be killed." (babj)'

Blackbeard turned his right hand to Nico Robin, who was standing next to Rozi in the range of Qi perception in the room.

Nico Robin, who was far away on the Merry, only felt a powerful suction coming from where Blackbeard was.

His body began to fly uncontrollably towards Blackbeard.

Fortunately, Rozi, who had been prepared for a long time, only moved sideways to block Nico Robin behind him.

Nico Robin also regains his freedom after his body hits Rozi's back.

"Just now, is it that guy's calendar??"

Nico Robin frowned and looked at Blackbeard who had withdrawn his hand with jealousy.

As if hearing Nico Robin's words, Blackbeard burst out laughing.

"Thief haha, it's a pity, Ben still wants to catch the son of the devil."

"Although your reward is not more than 100 million, I think Marine and the World government will still allow me to directly inherit Shichibukai's identity because of your identity."

Blackbeard smiled unbridledly, not noticing the growing murderous intent in Rozi's eyes.

The next moment, he quickly sealed his hands and spat out a large amount of white mist from his mouth.

' Boil Style Technique!

Rozi's physical strength was transformed into Chakra of fire and water and fused, and finally turned into a boiling, extremely acidic hot mist towards Marine, Blackbeard and others.

The first is Doflamingo, suspended in the air and closest to Rozi and others.

"Ferferfer, even adding a palm can't make you completely invisible from our eyes."

Doflamingo smirked, about to taunt Rozi and the others.

Suddenly, his expression froze, and he looked at his body in surprise that had begun to show signs of melting.

"Melt? These are not ordinary fogs?"

Doflamingo was stunned, he never thought that these seemingly ordinary fogs had such a terrifying dissolving ability.

At this moment, a cold voice came from behind the mist.

"Ten thousand solutions, Kamishini no Yari!"


Nico Robin held the short blade in one hand and aimed at where Doflamingo was.

The next moment, the short blade in her hand quickly stretched and came to Doflamingo in an instant.

Doflamingo, who was looking at his body, seemed to have not come to his senses at all, and was directly pierced through the head by Nico Robin's Kamishini no Yari.

"Huh?! Isn't it, Shichibukai's Doflamingo is solved?"

"Just kidding, the Straw Hat Pirates are so strong?"

"What the hell is going on with this long knife, it's too long anyway, right?!"

The Marine generals, who followed closely behind Kuzan and the others, looked in amazement at the blade that was still extending into the distance after piercing Doflamingo's head, their faces full of amazement.

In the next moment, the long knife instantly shortened as if it had completed the master's task, and broke away from Doflamingo's body.

After losing support, Doflamingo's body fell directly from the air and completely fell into the white mist.

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