Grand Line: Heroes Of The Straw Hats

Chapter 75: The World of Infinite Swords, Zoro is Surprised (Subscribe)

"Sanji, you see, I can't help it either." 1

"Who told us that the only woman in our captain wouldn't want you to use the color fruit.

"Since that's the case, I'll keep this colored fruit reluctantly, and give it to other people who are willing to take Devil Fruit in the future.

Rozi shrugged, making a final decision amid Sanji's desperate expression.

"Oh no!"

Sanji fell to his knees, as if he had lost all hope of life.

"Sanji, let's open up."

"Although you can't take the color fruit, you can't sneak into the girls' bathroom."1

"But at least you can keep your ability to swim."

"Imagine if a beautiful woman invites you to swim in the pool in the future, but you can't go into the water, wouldn't it be a pity-?"1

"Or, if beautiful ladies fell into the water and you couldn't save them, wouldn't that be - pretty bad?"

Rozi crouched down, patted Sanji on the back, and comforted.

"Damn, Rozi, you have the ability to be invisible, of course you can say these things.

"If I have the ability to be invisible, I can do more."

"Don't talk about going to the pool, I can even sneak into the ladies' locker room."

Sanji said angrily, ignoring Nami who was watching him with a scumbag expression on his face.

"By the way, Rozi, don't you have that cloak that makes you invisible?"

"Since you don't give me the color fruit, can you lend me your transparent cloak?"

Sanji stood up suddenly, grabbed Rozi's hand and said seriously.

"No, you can't lend him, Rozi!"

Before Rozi could answer, Nami stood up first.

"Miss Nami, can't I be satisfied with this extravagant wish?"

Sanji looked at Nami pitifully.

"No, I don't want to worry about whether a lascivious guy like you will suddenly appear around me.

"But what about Rozi, isn't Miss Nami worried about Rozi?"

"Hehe, he's not like you. You're right, Rozi."

Hearing this, Rozi shrugged and laughed:

"Who knows, after all, I'm a man who can 'steal' even women's private clothes.

"Maybe one day I'll be beastly as well and use my invisibility to sneak into your bathroom, Nami.

Nami blinked, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and smiled:

"Really, then from today onwards, I will charge you 100,000 Berry every day.

"It's just that you peeped at my reward.

As soon as these words came out, Sanji was even more desperate.

"Damn, why does Miss Nami treat me differently than Rozi.

Sanji patted the deck with his hands and shouted miserably.

Usopp: "Give it up, Sanji, Rozi and Nami have a good relationship."1

Luffy: "Hee hee, Sanji is really interesting. The rice balls are also delicious!"

Zoro: "Rice balls are really good, but apart from that, there's nothing else.

Sanji: "Green algae head, what are you saying, do you want to fight?"

Seeing that Sanji and Zoro are arguing again, Rozi quickly intervenes between the two.

"Sanji, don't waste time."

"Choose it quickly, choose your heroic spirit template earlier, and you will be able to familiarize yourself with the power of heroic spirits earlier." 1

Rozi said.

"Well, since you said so." Sanji looked at the panel in front of him, "I don't know if any of these three have the ability to be invisible."

Until now, Sanji was looking forward to gaining the ability to be invisible.

Sanji raised his hand and pressed the name of Shirou Emiya, who is of the 'chef' attribute, and the entire Heroic Spirit space trembled again.

After the space settled down, a man with dark skin and white hair, wearing red and black tight fitting clothes and a coat appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, he is quietly making dishes in the kitchen.

"Hey, the knife skills are good, and the expression on the cooking is also very serious, so that he is indeed an excellent chef."

Sanji walked to Emiya Shirou's projection and watched Shirou Emiya's performance with interest.

"However, if this heroic spirit named Emiya Shirou only has these strengths, it won't do me much good.

Sanji lit a cigarette and shook his head.

"As far as cooking is concerned, Shirou Emiya's skills may not really help you, Sanji."1

"However, if it is about combat, it may give you some inspiration.

"Of course, his fighting style is quite different from yours now."

"It does fit in with Usopp and Zoro's battle suits.

Rozi laughed.

Hearing Rozi's words, Usopp and Zoro's faces immediately became curious.

The screen turned, and in an instant, the original kitchen had disappeared, replaced by a fierce battlefield.

One side of the battle was Emperor Shirou, while the other was an extremely tall, strong, sword and axe warrior.

Emiya Shirou walked around the enemy nimbly with two Short Swords, one black and one white, and his sharp slashes fully demonstrated his rich combat experience.

"So, is this chef still a swordsman?"'

Zoro walked over to Rozi and asked curiously.

"Yes, no.

Rozi smiled mysteriously, and soon Zoro saw that the weapon in Shirou's hands was destroyed, but reforged in an instant.

0・For flowers…

After that, it seemed that the two swords could not help the enemy.

Emiya Shirou suddenly took a step back and jumped into the sky.

And then scattered his hand to cut off the knife, and turned to use his ability to build a longbow.

He just gently pulled the longbow, and countless red arrows attacked the enemy.

"So that's the case, not only good at using knives, but also good at using bows and arrows?

"No wonder Rozi you would say that he and I are compatible with Zoro.

"But Rozi, what is he capable of."

"How do you feel that he can make different weapons at will?"

Usopp asked curiously.

"Emiya Shirou's ability is projection magic, he can project almost all the weapons he has seen.

"Whether it's a sword or a bow."

"As long as there is enough energy in his body, he can even project extremely dangerous weapons.

"Like this 'pseudo-spiral sword' in his hand!"

After Rozi finished speaking, Usopp immediately fixed his eyes, just in time to see Emiya Shirou bending a bow and shooting an arrow, throwing the pseudo-spiral sword as an arrow.


The huge explosion enveloped the entire enemy, Usopp looked at this scene in shock, and his mouth grew to the maximum.

"This, this, is this still an arrow?"

"Rozi, this is much stronger than the explosive arrow you gave me earlier." 1

"Rozi, do you think I can make arrows like this too?"1

Usopp asked excitedly.

"Of course, Usopp you can do it, I trust you."

The corners of Rozi's mouth rose, and he poured Usopp a bowl of poisonous chicken soup without hesitation, and then continued:

"Of course, the abilities Emiya Shirou is showing are only relatively ordinary abilities."

"In addition to these, he also has an ability called 'Infinite Sword System'."

"There, almost all the projections of swords he has seen in his life are condensed.

As Rozi's voice fell, Emiya Shirou put his right hand on his chest and quickly muttered mysterious words.

After a while, a strong and dazzling light suddenly radiated from Emiya Shirou at the center.

The people at the scene closed their eyes unconsciously.

When everyone opened their eyes again, they found that the scene had changed again, and they came to a world full of swords.

Looking at the surrounding scene, Luffy and the others put aside for a while, Zoro's eyes widened first.

"This... these swords are all sharp knives, no, even big sharp knives?!"

How many excellent weapons does this man possess!?

Zoro asked in surprise.


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