The fireball hit the cliff, causing half of the cliff to explode.

"This... this firepower is much stronger than the powerful fireball technique!"

"Is this the power of maturity?"

Weiwei's eyes widened and she looked at the still roaring Greymon in wonder.

"Weiwei, it's too early to be surprised now."

"The next stage, the complete body, MetalGreymon!"

With Luo Qi's laughter, the body of the Tyrannosaurus began to expand rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it formed a giant dinosaur filled with a large number of machines and shaped like a hill.

"Giga Destruction Cannon!"

MetalGreymon roared angrily, and the hatch on his chest suddenly opened, and two missiles flew out from his chest, flying straight towards the opposite side of the sea.

When the missile was about to disappear at the edge of the sea, a burst of intense white light suddenly emitted.

The next moment...

Boom! ! !

A huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose on the distant sea surface. The strong fluctuations even caused the sea water to roll back, directly raising waves tens of meters high.

This scene made Luffy, Nami and everyone stay in place in surprise.

Even Luo Qi, who had expected it, couldn't help but admire the power of the complete Metal Greymon.

"This...can actually have such power!"

"If I summon Susanoo's armor, will it be able to withstand this attack?"

Weiwei frowned. She never thought that the cute rolling ball beast could have such terrifying power in the end.

"That's awesome. If Chopper chooses Rollermon, can he also evolve into MetalGreymon?"

Luffy turned his head and looked at Chopper with shining eyes.

Not to mention Luffy, Chopper's eyes were also shining at this moment, and he looked excitedly at MetalGreymon directly opposite him.

Rossi could completely believe it if he hadn't been introduced to Tsunade's abilities before.

Now Chopper may be excited to choose the "Rolling Ball Beast" as his template.

"Complete body, is this the ultimate power of Rolling Ballmon?"

"Such a powerful bombardment, I don't know how it compares to the Pluto that Crocodile is pursuing."

Nico Robin looked ahead and muttered in a low voice.

"Robin, you are wrong to think so."

"I never said that MetalGreymon is the end of Rollermon."

The corners of Luo Qi's mouth raised, revealing a mysterious smile.

"It's not the end. Could it be..."

Robin looked up in surprise. Before he could finish his words, he was disrupted by the golden light and majestic momentum emanating from MetalGreymon.

"MetalGreymon's ultimate evolution...BattleGreymon!"

With MetalGreymon's roar, his originally huge figure began to shrink.

Finally, it transformed into an adult-sized humanoid dinosaur with almost its entire body covered in metal armor.

However, Chopper and others did not look down upon him because of his smaller size.

Even if the things in the Heroic Spirit Space were just welcoming, they could still feel the powerful pressure from BattleGreymon at this moment.

BattleGreymon jumped, and his body took off directly. As he raised his hands, the energy in the atmosphere began to condense between his hands, and turned into a fireball that was like a small sun, emitting extremely high temperatures.

BattleGreymon threw the fireball in his hand towards the sea in the distance. The moment it fell into the sea, the sea began to boil due to the impact of the extremely high temperature.

The sea water evaporates directly without even a chance to form fog.

More than ten seconds passed, and Chopper and others were horrified to find that a huge vacuum area had formed in the sea, and the seawater in it had been evaporated by the scorching flames.

"How about it, Luffy, I should be satisfied now."

Luo Qi raised his hand and snapped his fingers. While everyone was still surprised, the introduction screen about the 'Rolling Ball Beast' was dismissed.

"Ma''s so powerful. That's BattleGreymon, the ultimate form, right? It's so powerful. It's so interesting."

"Rozzi, you can transform! Even if Chopper doesn't choose the 'Rolling Ball Beast', you can still transform like the Rolling Ball Beast."

Luffy hugged Rozzi's arms with both hands and looked at Rozzi with bright eyes.

"Haha, guess what."

Rozzi shrugged and shook it from his hand.

"The ultimate body has the power to evaporate so much sea water. This can be called divine punishment."

"But, fighting Greymon, is this the end of Rollermon?"

Nico Robin took a deep breath to calm down her excitement and then turned to look at Rozzi.

Rossi smiled mysteriously and did not answer Robin.

He didn't want to tell anyone about the further battle between Greymon X and Omegamon.

Otherwise, he felt that Luffy might have been pestering him for a long time to transform into BattleGreymon.

If he could change, he would change. The problem is, he may not be able to obtain the heroic spirit template of the 'Rolling Ball Beast'.

He even felt that even if he obtained the heroic spirit template of "Rolling Ball Beast", with his current ability, he might not be able to use the heroic spirit template of "Rolling Ball Beast" just like Zaraki Kenpachi's Wankai. It evolves into the ultimate form of BattleGreymon.

Not to mention the further Omegamon.

‘Paimon, Tsunade, and Rollermon, the power these three carry is very good. ’

‘Chopper will definitely choose Tsunade, so the Straw Hat Pirates will definitely have the medical technology. ’

‘If possible, I really hope that Chopper will get Tsunade's Heroic Spirit Template, and I will get Paimon and Rollermon's templates. ’

Of course, Rosie can only think about this idea, and there is no way to implement it in reality.

“Chopper, you have seen the three Heroic Spirit Templates, now it’s time to make a choice.”

Rosie turned his head and looked at Chopper and said.

Chopper heard this and came back to his senses. His eyes immediately looked at the name of ‘Tsunade’ on the panel in front of him.

But the next moment, he turned his head and looked at the name of ‘Rollermon’.

For a moment, he was a little hesitant.

On the one hand, he admired Tsunade's medical skills.

On the other hand, his body had a strong desire for transformation.

Nami, Usopp and others around him did not intervene, but waited quietly.

They all understood that Chopper had to make this decision himself.

And this wait lasted for five minutes.

Seeing this, Roche shook his head and said:

"In fact, I have another ability that I haven't announced to everyone."

Roche's words made everyone, including Chopper, look over.

"I have always asked you to choose one of the three Heroic Spirit Templates."

"In fact, this does not mean that you will only have one Heroic Spirit Template in the future."

"If the situation allows, I can help you have a second Heroic Spirit Template."

Roche's mouth corners raised, and he said meaningfully.


Chapter 145 Don't think about one-on-one in the team battle later (please subscribe)

What, there is still a chance to master the second Heroic Spirit Template? !

Roche's words shocked Luffy, Usopp and everyone else who had obtained the Heroic Spirit Template.

What followed was an extreme surprise.

For Luffy, getting a second Heroic Spirit Template is like getting a second favorite power and toy.

But for people like Usopp and Nami who lack a sense of security, having one more Heroic Spirit template is equivalent to having one more means of saving their lives.

"Rozzi, why didn't you say this earlier?"

Nami pouted and looked at Rozzi with a face full of resentment.

"Yes, yes, if I had said it earlier, I wouldn't have been so entangled at the time."

Usopp nodded repeatedly.

"Usopp, you didn't have much entanglement when you chose 'king' at the beginning~."

"Since Rozzi didn't say it before, it's probably because it's more difficult to master the second Heroic Spirit template."

Zoro crossed his arms and said calmly.

"That's right! As Zoro said, in addition to my personal need for more devil fruits."

"You also need to master the power of the Heroic Spirit template you currently have to a very high level."

"And your own physical strength must reach a very high level."

"If a person's body is not strong enough, your body will explode directly like a bomb."

Rozzi said, using his hands to describe the scene of a bomb exploding.

This scene made Usopp and Nami tense instantly.

"No wonder, Rosie, you can have so many Heroic Spirit templates. It turns out that your body is strong enough."

"That doesn't seem right. According to what you said, two Heroic Spirit templates require a strong body strength."

"But aren't the Heroic Spirit templates you have too many?"

Sanji touched his chin and asked with some doubt.

"My situation is special because I am in charge of the Heroic Spirit Space, so I can get the favor of many Heroic Spirits."

Rosie smiled, turned to look at Chopper, and then said:

"That being said, as long as you don't slack off and make your body reach the level of those monsters in the New World, you can still have a second Heroic Spirit template."

"At that time, this Heroic Spirit Space will select Heroic Spirits again based on your attributes."

"Although different Heroic Spirits may be selected, it is not impossible to select the same Heroic Spirit again."

"Do you understand what I mean, Chopper?"

At the end of his speech, Rosie smiled at Chopper.

"So... in other words, if I choose Tsunade, is it possible that I will choose Rollmon in the future?"

"Maybe it will be Rollmon, but it could also be other Digimon, or it could select your other 'attributes'."

"So that's it... I understand!" Chopper took a deep breath, "Although Rollmon is handsome, I still want to be a doctor like Tsunade!"

Chopper looked at the three words 'Rollmon' again with nostalgia, and then slapped the name 'Tsunade'.

As the two words 'Tsunade' turned into pure energy and merged into Chopper's body, leaving a unique seal on his heart, the mechanical voice of the system came from Rozi's mind.

[Ding! Tony Tony Chopper made a choice, obtained the template of 'Doctor' Tsunade, and comprehended Tsunade's initial skills. Through training and becoming stronger, he can comprehend more Heroic Spirit template skills. ]

[Note: Consuming Devil Fruit for a partner can speed up the progress of comprehending Heroic Spirit template skills, and even comprehend ultimate skills! ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ‘doctor’ Tsunade template and the ‘emergency food’ Paimon template, and for understanding all the skills of the Heroic Spirit template. ]

[Note: Although the host can understand all the skills of the Heroic Spirit template, whether the host can use the skills depends on the host’s own strength. ]

‘Did you randomly select ‘Paimon’? ’

‘Okay, if necessary later, you can pay a devil fruit to ask Ying for help. ’


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