Grand Line's Lord Of Shadows

Chapter 21 Shadow Tailor, The Combined Shadow [Fourth Update]

"Yo ho ho ho~, I got it all in one go... The ghost fruit is such a terrifying ability!"

Not long after——

The huge island ship came slowly.

The huge "mouth" "swallowed" the large pirate ship.

William, Hogba Gu, Brook and others came to the pirate ship.

A pirate with a fierce appearance was lying there in a state of confusion, looking extremely depressed.

Completely losing the ability to resist.

"If there is an afterlife, I would rather be a flea!"

Even the pirate captain, who wears a pirate hat and has a strong aura, is no exception.

"Damn it...who are you?"

"One-eyed" Hacks was so weak that he knelt there and raised his head tremblingly.

"Hehe~hehe~hehe~, open your eyes wide and watch, this is the vice-captain of our Hell Pirates - Lord Wei... Yasuo!"

Perona put her hands on her hips.

He raised his chin and introduced proudly.

After getting along with him these days, she has already been completely impressed by this adult's strength and appearance...

The key is that although William is sometimes domineering, the other party has never treated him badly.

It's just that sometimes he is too bad and always likes to "bully" himself.

"Hiss~ Hiss~ Hiss~, Sir William, I have found out clearly... They are the One-Eyed Pirates!" Dr. Hobaku Gu, who was wearing a white coat, was flipping through the reward list: "This guy is 'One-eyed' Hacks, bounty of 98 million Baileys!"

"The bounties of several of his cadres also range from 5 million to 30 million!"

He was filled with excitement.

There are at least hundreds of these pirates.

With so many shadows, many zombies should be resurrected.

"Oh?" William raised his eyebrows and nodded slightly: "Although the bounty does not exceed 100 million, it is still barely usable... just right!"

next moment--

He looked sharply.

A flash of red light flashed in his eyes.

The ability of the Shadow Fruit was activated.

"Shadow assembly area!"


"my shadow……"

For a moment.

Under the horrified gazes of the few remaining conscious pirates such as "One Eye".

"Brush, brush..." Human-shaped black shadows extended from the pirates' bodies and gathered on his hands.

There are hundreds of them.

These shadows tried to struggle, but were held tightly by William.

Unable to resist.


The two intertwined shadow knives turned into large scissors.

Cut these shadows off.

"Thump, thump..."

A pirate fainted immediately after being hit hard.

He collapsed to the ground and lost consciousness.

"Lock them all up!" William ordered directly to the zombie soldiers.

The target whose shadow has just been taken away will not immediately turn into ashes due to the sun's irradiation.

But after a quarter of an hour, the ability of the Shadow Fruit will truly take effect.

It's like an irresistible curse.

Once a person who has lost his shadow is struck by the sun, he will be burned or even directly turned into ashes and disappear from this world.

This is why, in the original trajectory, during the Summit War, Moria used the ability of the Shadow Fruit to plunder the shadows of the pirates and Marines who were fighting.

Those people just fainted and had no direct reason for disappearing.

These days, a large number of cells have been built underground on the ship of terror.

It was specially used to hold the prisoners whose shadows he had taken away.

This is also just in case.


Lots of zombie soldiers.

They boarded the ship in threes and fives and began to send these unconscious prisoners to the underground prison on the island ship.

At the same time, under the command of Perona, the treasures and supplies on the ship began to be transported.

These are their trophies.

Of course it is impossible to let go.

"Lord William, are you going to create zombies directly next?" Looking at the hundreds of shadows on William's hand, Hogba Gu asked expectantly.

"Not in a hurry……"

William waved his hand.

He directly activated the new ability he developed and began to operate: "Shadow Tailor!"

"This is……"

"It's sewn up!"

In the unbelievable eyes of Perona, Brook, Hogbagu and the zombie soldiers.

"Brush, brush..."

Thin black lines flew out from William's hands one after another.

It actually penetrated these shadows one after another, connecting them alive.


It’s like cutting and piecing together a rag doll.

All of a sudden, one shadow after another was cut by William, and was forcibly pieced together.

Finally, it spliced ​​into a large shadow.

No, it is no longer an ordinary shadow, it has become completely like William's shadow mage.

It became round and round, like a black humanoid doll.

He kept struggling there.

But William held him tightly.


Hogbagu gasped.

Immediately his eyes were burning, full of excitement: "With so many shadows put together, wouldn't it be..."

"It's unbelievable..." Brook's skull jaw almost dropped to the ground.

"Is this your new ability, Lord William?" Perona's eyes flashed with diamonds, full of admiration: "It's really amazing!"

One can imagine.

So many shadows combine to form one shadow.

How powerful is it once it is implanted into the corpses of those strong men who have been perfectly repaired by Hogbaku using the Paramecia Repair Fruit ability?

"Even if shadows don't have much of a rejection reaction to corpses, forcibly cutting and splicing so many shadows will undoubtedly require higher requirements for the carrier..."

Gazing at the "shadow puppet" that was stitched together by a large number of shadows, which seemed to be many times larger than before, and expanded like a rag doll, William shrugged: "As a target of a shadow carrier, your body must be strong enough. , can accommodate and carry such a combined shadow!”

"Hiss~hiss~hiss, I don't think you need to worry about this..."

Hogba Gu was very excited and said with a strange smile: "After strict screening, the corpse of a zombie general of this level should be more than enough strength!"

He is very confident in his repair skills.

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