Grand Line's Lord Of Shadows

Chapter 24: Lush Fruit? Gale Swordsman? 【Third Update】

"Lord William, the trophies have been counted..."

On the ship of terror.

A zombie soldier ran over happily.

Holding a treasure box in his hand, he said loudly: "We also found a Devil Fruit in a treasure box!"


"Devil Fruit?"

Hear the words.

It’s not just William himself.

Perona, Brook, Hogba Gu and others were all a little surprised.

"let me see……"

William stepped forward.

He took the treasure box.

Just open it.

A green, oval-shaped fruit with two green leaves, like a seed sprouting, with strange patterns, lay quietly inside.

"What kind of fruit is this?"

Perona is full of curiosity.

"Paramecia·Lush Fruit..."

William's pupils condensed.

He had seen the Devil Fruit illustrated book and deliberately memorized it.

He knows the shapes and characteristics of most Devil Fruits very well.

It didn't take long to recognize it.


"Lush fruit?"

"What ability is this?"

Seeing that William recognized the fruit directly.

Perona, Hogbagu, Brook and others were all full of surprises.

"Well, a rather special ability that can control nearby plants and accelerate the growth of plants..."

Weighing the lush fruit, William shrugged: "If you make good use of it, it will have quite an effect!"

This type of Paramecia fruit.

Although it didn't surprise him too much, it was better than nothing.

"Sir William, Marine wants to negotiate with us!"

at this time.

As Marine signaled for negotiation.

The zombie soldier responsible for raising the flag was busy asking William for instructions.

"Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral Momousagi, I didn't expect that she would be leading the team..."

With the help of a monocular telescope, William noticed the tall and heroic figure on the leading warship, and William raised his eyebrows.

He recognized Momousagi immediately.

Because when I was in CP9, I had already seen this famous Marine female Vice Admiral with both beauty and strength.

"Sir William, isn't Marine's target the Devil Fruit?"

Brook said in a deep voice.

Perona and Hobakugu on the side couldn't help but look solemn.

If that's the case, I'm afraid Marine has bad intentions.

"It's not impossible..."

Despite the curious Perona et al.

They took turns taking the lush fruit and looking at it.

After a brief consideration, William ordered the zombie soldiers: "Show the flag and allow their flagship to approach!"


Momousagi's flagship arrives slowly.

Entering the huge "mouth" of the terrifying ship, it docked on the shore.

On the warship, the Marines who were armed with live ammunition were full of tension.

Every muscle is tense, highly vigilant, and ready to fight at any time.

After all, this is the home of one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Although these big pirates have been recruited, they are still pirates in the final analysis.

"Don't be nervous, just relax..." Momousagi, who is the Vice Admiral of the Naval Headquarters, scolded his subordinates after all.


Without any hesitation.

He took Hina, his adjutant, and several Marines and boarded the terrifying ship.

Since the opening of Age of Pirates.

Countless ambitious people who are unwilling to settle down are vying to go to sea. The number of pirates continues to increase, and the situation on the sea is turbulent.

Facing the suddenly violent sea, the somewhat unexpected Marine was overwhelmed with attention. His troops were soon stretched thin, and he was unable to suppress the pirates who were constantly causing trouble everywhere.

He is always faced with the New World. Headed by Whitebeard, BIG-MOM, Kaido of the Beasts and others, they are like pirate emperors who rule over the sea area, and the forces under their command continue to expand like a snowball. , a big pirate with increasing strength is a frontal threat.

In order to stabilize the sea situation.

The world government had to introduce the Seven Warlords of the Sea policy.

Promising that Marine would stop wanting him and allowing him a series of rights such as legal robbery, he "recruited" the most famous and powerful pirates on the sea in disguise.

Let these lawless guys serve the world government to a certain extent.

As the time goes.

Countless pirates who are ambitious and want to challenge the Seven Warlords of the Sea and step on their heads to become famous, use their blood to declare to the world the invincible reputation of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Even, to this day.

Under the guidance and propaganda of the world government intentionally or unintentionally.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea seem to have been closely related to the Naval Headquarters, a violent organization under the World Government, which can be said to be the well-deserved overlord of the sea. There are also the Whitebeard Pirates, the BIG·MOM Pirates, the Beasts Pirates, etc. entrenched in the New World. The famous pirate forces keep pace with each other.

A three-legged situation gradually formed.

This has also resulted in the Seven Warlords of the Sea becoming more and more special in status and cannot be acted upon rashly.

As long as the bottom line of the World Government is not touched, even Marine, who is supposed to be in a hostile position, sometimes has to pinch his nose and compromise with these notorious pirates.

Turn a blind eye to Shichibukai's arrogant and domineering behavior.

The vast majority of Marine generals are very dissatisfied and hostile to these Seven Warlords of the Sea.

I have no favorable impression of these rotten pirates at all.

Momousagi, the Admiral candidate, is no exception.

She is confident enough in her own strength that she obviously doesn't worry about whether Moria will take action against her.

In fact, deep down in his heart, he wished that the other party would take action against him, so that he could have a reason to arrest him.

As for whether the sea situation is stable, that is something that senior officials need to consider.

It has nothing to do with her Marine Vice Admiral.

"Wow, beautiful Miss Marine..."

I saw Momousagi and his lieutenant Hina following him.

Brook, who was left with only a handful of bones, couldn't help but feel red in his eyes.

Subconsciously, I wanted to step forward and ask the other person's... fat times as usual.

"Brook, calm down... don't embarrass me here!"

William, who transformed into the swift swordsman Yasuo, knocked his afro in annoyance.

"Ah, what a rare visitor..."

William came forward with the No. 1 zombie general Wang Lun, Perona, Hogba Gu and others, and said with a smile: "I wonder if the famous Admiral candidate Momousagi Vice Admiral is here. What do you want to do?"

"This handsome young man has never seen you before..."

Momousagi looked at William and the others in front of him.

Faced with the secret transformation of returning life, William, who has shrunk in stature, obviously did not recognize that the other person was the CP9 traitor who caused trouble in Enies Lobby a few days ago, killed his boss and defected directly, and was wanted by the World Government with a bounty of 200 million Baileys. Hell William.

But when he noticed William's famous sword Qiushui hanging on his waist, his eyes couldn't help but condense slightly.

Looking around, he didn't see Moria, so he frowned: "Where is Moria?"

Momousagi was not too surprised that William and others recognized him.

After all, as one of the few powerful female Vice Admirals in Naval Headquarters, she thought she was somewhat famous at sea.

"Hiss~hiss~hiss~, Lord Moria is not something anyone can just meet if they want to..."

Dr. Hogba Gu introduced there: "This is the vice-captain of our Hell Pirates. He is the deputy that Lord Moria personally recruited not long ago, the swordsman of the wind - Lord Yasuo!"

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