Grand Line's Lord Of Shadows

Chapter 40 The Kidnapped King, The Poker Pirates [Fourth Update]

In the blink of an eye.

A week passed like this.

The ship of terror set sail again according to the original plan and continued to move forward.

In addition to developing fruit abilities, William exercises physical skills and practices swordsmanship.

It is to guide the practice of Wapa, Perona, Brook, Van Oka, Hogba Gu and others.

What makes him more satisfied is that Perona and Brook have made rapid progress and have mastered the six types of shaving.

The reason why Brook came from behind is not only because of his own strength, but also because he only has a handful of bones left and his body weight is relatively light, so practicing shaving can be said to be twice the result with half the effort.

But Wapa showed his tenacious will during his hard training.

Let Perona, Brook and others marvel.

"Lord William, this is the permanent record pointer of the Drum Kingdom!"

This day, at noon.

When William and others finished their training and began to enjoy their meals.

A zombie soldier respectfully handed over a record pointer.

"Lord William, aren't we going directly to Prehistoric island?"

Hogba Gu was filled with surprise.

According to William's plan, they will next go to Prehistoric island·Little Garden, and then to Bucklow Island located at the entrance of the Grand Line to retrieve the treasure in the treasure map.

Then, fulfill Brook’s wish and head to Twin Point, the entrance to the Grand Line.

"Well, the course remains unchanged, but I may have to leave in the next two days..."

After swallowing a piece of bone-in meat, William said nonchalantly.

Next, he is going to visit the Drum Kingdom.

Capture Drum King Wapol, who is Paramecia Munch-Munch Fruit's ability user.

After all, if you don't have such an ability in hand, it would be a waste of money to let that guy waste Munch-Munch Fruit's ability.

But considering that the Drum Kingdom is, after all, one of the countries that joins the World Government.

Now he still needs to wear the cloak of Seven Warlords of the Sea, but it is difficult to attack directly, otherwise he will definitely anger the World government.

In order to appease other World Government member countries, the World Government will definitely directly remove Gekko Moria from the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and even send Marines to attack it.

Therefore, there is no need to make such a big fanfare.

It is the best policy to seize the person quietly to avoid attracting suspicion and attention from the outside world.

"Eh? Sir William, do you want to leave alone?" Perona was surprised.

"Well, we'll set off in a moment..." After swallowing a piece of pizza, William ordered: "You just stay on the boat and continue on your way. I will meet you again then!"


Not long after——

Under the watch of Wapa, Perona, Brook and others.

After finishing his meal, William didn't waste any more time. He took some dry food and the permanent record pointer of the Drum Kingdom and flew directly towards the distant sky.

The next day, at dusk.

Follow the guidance of the record pointer.

William, who was tired of his travels, came to the Drum Kingdom.

"Huh, it's really a bit cold!" Looking at this winter island covered in ice and snow, with the dark devil's shadow wings on his back, William chuckled from high in the sky.

The royal castle is located on the snowy peak.

It looks like an iron bucket standing there, which is very eye-catching.

After William finished his dinner in the deserted wilderness.

It was already evening.

In the dark night, he easily sneaked into the castle where the royal family was.

It didn't take much effort to find out the location of King Wapol.

"Buzz..." An invisible wave spread suddenly.

One of the guards foamed at the mouth, lost consciousness and fell down.

Including Wapol himself, who was bloated and was sleeping soundly.

He directly used the prepared seastone handcuffs to cuff the unconscious Wapol.

William took him directly and left the Drum Kingdom quietly.

"No, King Wapol has been kidnapped!"

The next day, early in the morning.

The news that King Wapol had been kidnapped spread directly throughout the Drum Kingdom, causing a huge sensation.

However, countless people in the Drum Kingdom sang and danced and played their crowns to celebrate.

Many people cried with joy and prayed that Wapol would never come back.

This shows how unpopular this king is.

However, this has nothing to do with William.

at this time--

An uninhabited island.

William took the kidnapped Wapol with him and briefly rested there.

"Ah, who are you?" Wapol, who was bloated and ugly, was full of fear and panic, struggling desperately.

However, it is bound up by the dark shadow lines.

Couldn't move at all.

Moreover, his hands were handcuffed to seastone.

In the past, with the blessing of the Munch-Munch Fruit ability, the teeth that could not only be opened extremely wide, but could easily crush steel, were ineffective.

"I am the king of a country that has joined the World Government. If you know what I am doing, let me go quickly. The World Government will not let you go..." he said loudly and with a stern voice.

"Shut up!"

William, who was eating a piece of beef jerky there, glanced at him.

The ability of the Shadow Fruit was activated, and a black substance condensed on his hand, and he flicked it casually.

"Woo... Wu..." The black substance was like tape, sealing Wapol's mouth firmly.

He couldn't speak anymore.


William's eyes narrowed.

Looking at the sea in the distance.

A black spot grew bigger and bigger, and it turned out to be a ship.

And it's also a pirate ship.

"Pirate ship?"

He took out a manual and flipped through it.

After comparing the increasingly clear pirate flags above, he quickly found the relevant information. William raised his eyebrows: "The Poker Pirates?"

"Captain the Big Bear King, with a bounty of 11.6 million Baileys? Or is it Paramecia, the one with the steel fruit ability?"

The bounty is low though.

But as a user with the ability of the Iron Fruit, his strength is obviously more than that.

Looking at the struggling Wapol, William smiled: "Just right, you can give it a try!!"

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