Grand Theft Auto: Immortal
Chapter 144
带着钟莹莹回到了研究所,也让所有人看到了,在亚人面前,特战队员就是菜 。
现在特战队员十分尴尬,他们的存在似乎就是给王亚他们送人头的 。
王亚却并不想把事情闹大,而是重新回到了直播的镜头前 。
“这是给你们一点教训,说真的没别的意思。我只想说,别挑战我的耐心。从现在开始,一分钟张大年不出现,我就枪毙一人。现在张大年还有半小时的时间,我想你的宝贝研究人员会等到你的 。”
尸体在镜头面前被拖了出去,王亚冷笑道:“对了,其实亚人搜捕队里有不少人是我的卧底。看到了这位特战队员吗?其实就是我安插在搜捕队里的人,搜捕队队长黑熊,并没有被关起来,不过他运气不错,因为没被关起来,反而被我的人杀了 。”
王亚刚说完,旁边的小黑凑过来问道:“王哥,你还在别的地方安插卧底? ”
“这是虚张声势而已。”王亚压低声笑道 。
不过王亚这招非常管用,一时间亚人搜捕队里人心惶惶,天知道旁边的人是不是亚人 。
王亚这么一句话,一下子就瓦解了亚人搜捕队的战斗力 。
当然,还要趁热打铁 。
“其实我们这个秘密组织,人员遍布全球,遍布各个部门!而且还不断有亚人加入我们。其实很简单,我只想争取一下下亚人的权益,我们只想普通的生活下去。想做实验,可以啊,签合同和不怕死的亚人合作啊,他们不怕死可以赚钱,你们也可以实验,何必来绑架呢? ”
旁边的小黑听了,一直在偷笑,王亚这真会吹,一下子把他们说成了全球性的大组织 。
“哦对了,又过去了两分钟,我得处决人了 。”
又有两人倒在镜头面前 。
然而张大年的办公室,早被媒体包围了,张大年坐在办公桌一动不动 。
“告诉他们我不在,我绝对不会出去。王亚想让我出去,我绝不! ”
张大年死赖着办公室不走,绝对不走!那大楼外面挤满了记者 。
“让保安把记者全部轰走,让他们不准踏入大楼,把门关上,都给我赶出去! ”
威利制药数年都没关过的铁门,一下子拉上 。
大楼四周是有围墙的,里面还有供人散步的大公园,现在全灭封锁起来,一点风吹草动,都会挑起张大年的神经 。
而在研究所内的王亚,看了一眼手表 。
“零号,你来处决这些犯人。小黑,我们走 。”
重新苏醒过来的钟莹莹抬头一看:“你要去哪? ”
王亚神秘一笑:“秘密 。”
让钟莹莹与她父亲相见后,王亚便消失了 。
而现在整个联邦都在关注研究所的人质事件。王亚非常嚣张,直接在网上直播杀人质,而且那些画面还没有打马赛克,屏蔽都屏蔽不了,不少人都能从各个网站上看到直播 。
记者们也是乱作一团 。
“现在距离人质全部死亡还有15分钟,也就是说剩下了15人,张大年却迟迟不出现 。”
“张大年做了这么多亏心事,拿亚人做实验,现在又不敢出现,任由人质被杀也无动于衷,真是个人渣 。”
“那些研究人员死了也活该,可张大年就是个懦夫 。”
此时在办公室内,张大年看着所有人对他的臭骂,却无动于衷 。
他坐在办公桌前把·玩这手里的戒指,开口问道:“小美,我的资金转移得如何了? ”
“大部分资金已经转移到了加拿大,您的金条也已经委托人运过去 。”
张大年点点头,笑着靠在了老板椅上:“那些人死与我何干,现在这盘烂棋已经没法下了,我要离开国内去外国了 。”
张大年美美的闭上眼睛,钱,他已经赚够了几辈子都花不完的钱 。
张天死了就死了,儿子可以再生一个,反正他现在才四十多岁,还能生育,只要找个没有人认识他的地方,就能无忧无虑的过完一辈子 。
靠在椅子的张大年笑着问道:“小美,我的专机准备得怎样了? ”
“马上就到 。”
张大年翘起嘴角,伸手勾起女秘书的下巴:“小美,你跟了我几年了? ”
“三年了,张总 。”
“不错,是时候跟我去享福了。我要带你一块走,去加拿大,然后我们去夏威夷度假,再到巴黎、还有,我准备在爱琴海边买一栋别墅,到时候我们可以住那 。”
看着屏幕上又一位研究人员倒下,张大年笑着闭上眼:“傻逼,谁会去自投罗网。我走了,你慢慢数吧 。”
看着最后一人死在枪口下时,张大年没心没肺的笑起来:“死了都死了,但是关我什么事情?我还巴不得你们帮我灭口呢,再见了,我的直升机还有5分钟就来��再见了山海市,再见了,蠢货亚人们! ”
张大年已经开始收拾行李,跟着他的情妇走向顶楼,等着直升机来接他们 。
张大年计划坐直升机离开山海市,然后停到外海上的一艘游轮,坐着游轮离开,前往避难天堂 。
当到了顶楼时,张大年忽然间接到了一个视频电话 。
他好奇的看了一眼,发现居然是王亚 。
“哈,王亚老弟 。”
“嘿张总,看你这打扮,要去哪发财啊?”电话里头的王亚笑着看着摄像头 。
张大年笑着说道:“我?我当然准备要离开山海市,去到一个没人的地方 。”
“哦?那我可得赶紧过去找你了 。”
听到这张大年非常开心,笑着对准镜头摆摆手:“我已经安排好了一切,你是找不到我的 。”
“是吗?那有点可惜啊 。”
说着,王亚的镜头不知道有意无意,对准了身后 。
一下子,张大年的表情僵硬了 。
那…那是他准备乘坐的直升机,直升机居然出现在了王亚的身后,那 ……
张大年立即看向直升机飞来的方向,忽然间开始大笑:“原来你再对面楼啊,王亚老弟! ”
张大年笑了,笑得特别开心 。
王亚站住了对面的大楼上,他张大年躲起来,王亚就算拿狙击枪也打不死他 。
上了飞机飞走,移动的目标可不是那么容易打中的 。
“张总,不够意思啊。兄弟我现在就来找你了。”镜头里的王亚咧开嘴 。
张大年总觉得有不祥的预感,但他却大笑起来:“我就不信,你王亚长了对翅膀能飞过来! ”
王亚点点头:“是啊,我也不信啊,不过我准备玩个刺激的 。”
“什么? ”
张大年看到王亚手中拿起一个手机,正在呼叫——炸弹 。
张大年心里咯噔一下,但想想觉得没理由 。
王亚没理由能炸他,炸弹不可能安装在他的大楼里,因为保镖可是天天在巡逻,地下停车场也不可能,最近一切人禁止进入,王亚不可能把炸弹安装在这 。
想到这,张大年松了口气,但忽然间又想到了一个问题:“等会,他不把炸弹装到我这,哪是 ……”
张大年双眼睁大,看着对面大楼底下腾起浓烟 。
王亚站住大楼顶部的塔尖上,双手抓住护栏,癫狂的大笑着:“喔、喔!我她妈有恐高症,不许了,哈哈哈,心脏都她妈要爆了! ”
“疯……疯子! ”
“哇喔喔喔喔!!!! ”
整栋大楼开始往下 ���斜,没错,王亚把楼的承重柱给炸了,整个60多层楼高的大厦,开始缓缓往张大年的总部大楼砸去 。
开始倾斜还挺慢的,就像是过山车到了高处速度龟速,可下一刻 。
“哇吼! ”
王亚感觉眼睛都快睁不开了,头发被吹起来,身上的衣服呼呼作响着 。
“张总,怎么办啊 ……”
张大年推开了他的秘书:“滚开! ”
随后爬上了直升机 。
下一刻大楼落下,一下子世界清净了 ……
在浓烟中,一只手钻开了碎片,灰头土脸的王亚挣扎着爬起来 。
“嘿……嘿嘿嘿! ”
王亚看到了直升机的残骸,大步走去 。
“哟呵,张总,我们又见面了?不过被你说中了,我还真飞过来了! ”
张大年命大,还没死,但身体一分为二,没了一半 。
他躺在废墟中抽搐着,身上插满了钢筋和玻璃,看着王亚念着:“疯子……疯子…疯 ……”
在那一刻,张大年的眼瞳开始扩散后凝固 。
估计他变成厉鬼,看到王亚的时候都能吓个魂飞魄散了 。
因为王亚知道,在突进张大年的总部大楼的时候,张大年肯定会找机会跑,而到时候王亚却会被联邦的战争机器拖住,估计打个几年都打不完 。
So he used a simple and crude method。
Blow up the building!
The falling building smashed the Willy Pharmaceutical headquarters building. Zhang Danian died together with the hundreds of security guards and employees who worked hard for Zhang Danian and did dirty deeds.。
Wang Ya gasped for breath, lying in the ruins and smiled: "It's over, it's finally over!”
When Wang Ya, who was smiling, was about to leave, a group of people gathered around him.。
Seeing this, Wang Ya sneered disdainfully: "It came quite quickly. I thought it would take at least an hour for the farm to disperse.。”
But Wang Ya was stunned by the person who emerged from the thick smoke.。
They didn't have guns, they were all doctors and nurses!
At the same time, there is... the evil sister Dong Qingyue!
Sister Daxi walked forward with a smile: "Classmate Wang Ya, you are a madman. You have revealed such a big news to us, how do you want us to end it?”
Wang Ya frowned, looked around, and found that a group of soldiers appeared, but no one pointed a gun at him.。
Instead... they brought a stretcher。
“I said Sister Daxi, which one do you want to play?”
“Classmate Wang Ya, congratulations, you lunatic has successfully attracted the attention of the superiors. Everything you did in the mountains and seas has been forgiven by God!”
Wang Ya narrowed his eyes and looked suspicious: "Why, what are you doing?……”
“That's right, the Asian school is run by the federal government. All the jobs you have received before were for the federal government and are legal crimes.。”
Wang Ya had long suspected the school, but no one checked out such a big demi-human school?
Now when Big Fierce Sister told him that the demi-human school was opened by the federation, Wang Ya was not surprised.。
“Simply put, you did what all of us would be afraid to do. Kill a guy who is colluding with foreign forces. This force is beyond your imagination. The leader is Zhang Danian, and too many people are involved at the same time. When you make big news, we are also making a big move to arrest all the officers and police chiefs involved.。
But obviously, the media is attracted to you as a lunatic, and no one cares about what you did.。”
Big fierce sister smiled and winked。
Thinking about the mission of the previous school, Wang Ya suddenly understood that the demi-human school was established to deal with this group of rebels. All information and military secrets were snatched back from the secrets released by the undercover!
Sister Daxi patted Wang Ya on the shoulder: "You can rest assured now that you have been awarded the position of captain of the Asian Special Forces. Now you are like me, a civil servant who eats the royal food.。”
But Wang Ya said coldly: "Fuck you。”
“I said screw your civil servants, I'm going to live my free and easy life, and I won't play with you scheming people anymore. screw you! goodbye!”
Wang Ya didn't even glance at the commendation order. Under the stunned expressions of Sister Daxi and others, it disappeared into the thick smoke.。
I don’t want to play anymore, there are too many tricks from city people!
After Wang Ya left the city center, he invested all his money in the island and built his home on the sea.。
The old man and Xiao Hei were responsible for changing the car factory. Wang Ya never returned to Shanhai City after the battle.。
On the island, there is a lovely sister, ten nuns as bodyguards, a beautiful policewoman as the security captain, and a considerate nanny named Yu Xiaojue.。
What Wang Ya wants to do is to play games with the black and white twins, console games, computer games and... bed games。
With endless money to spend, who would become that bullshit demi-human captain!
Who dares to mess with him? Believe it or not, Wang Ya will blow up a building again?
Wouldn't it be nice to be a carefree and immortal island owner?
At least Wang Ya is enjoying his current life very much.
现在特战队员十分尴尬,他们的存在似乎就是给王亚他们送人头的 。
王亚却并不想把事情闹大,而是重新回到了直播的镜头前 。
“这是给你们一点教训,说真的没别的意思。我只想说,别挑战我的耐心。从现在开始,一分钟张大年不出现,我就枪毙一人。现在张大年还有半小时的时间,我想你的宝贝研究人员会等到你的 。”
尸体在镜头面前被拖了出去,王亚冷笑道:“对了,其实亚人搜捕队里有不少人是我的卧底。看到了这位特战队员吗?其实就是我安插在搜捕队里的人,搜捕队队长黑熊,并没有被关起来,不过他运气不错,因为没被关起来,反而被我的人杀了 。”
王亚刚说完,旁边的小黑凑过来问道:“王哥,你还在别的地方安插卧底? ”
“这是虚张声势而已。”王亚压低声笑道 。
不过王亚这招非常管用,一时间亚人搜捕队里人心惶惶,天知道旁边的人是不是亚人 。
王亚这么一句话,一下子就瓦解了亚人搜捕队的战斗力 。
当然,还要趁热打铁 。
“其实我们这个秘密组织,人员遍布全球,遍布各个部门!而且还不断有亚人加入我们。其实很简单,我只想争取一下下亚人的权益,我们只想普通的生活下去。想做实验,可以啊,签合同和不怕死的亚人合作啊,他们不怕死可以赚钱,你们也可以实验,何必来绑架呢? ”
旁边的小黑听了,一直在偷笑,王亚这真会吹,一下子把他们说成了全球性的大组织 。
“哦对了,又过去了两分钟,我得处决人了 。”
又有两人倒在镜头面前 。
然而张大年的办公室,早被媒体包围了,张大年坐在办公桌一动不动 。
“告诉他们我不在,我绝对不会出去。王亚想让我出去,我绝不! ”
张大年死赖着办公室不走,绝对不走!那大楼外面挤满了记者 。
“让保安把记者全部轰走,让他们不准踏入大楼,把门关上,都给我赶出去! ”
威利制药数年都没关过的铁门,一下子拉上 。
大楼四周是有围墙的,里面还有供人散步的大公园,现在全灭封锁起来,一点风吹草动,都会挑起张大年的神经 。
而在研究所内的王亚,看了一眼手表 。
“零号,你来处决这些犯人。小黑,我们走 。”
重新苏醒过来的钟莹莹抬头一看:“你要去哪? ”
王亚神秘一笑:“秘密 。”
让钟莹莹与她父亲相见后,王亚便消失了 。
而现在整个联邦都在关注研究所的人质事件。王亚非常嚣张,直接在网上直播杀人质,而且那些画面还没有打马赛克,屏蔽都屏蔽不了,不少人都能从各个网站上看到直播 。
记者们也是乱作一团 。
“现在距离人质全部死亡还有15分钟,也就是说剩下了15人,张大年却迟迟不出现 。”
“张大年做了这么多亏心事,拿亚人做实验,现在又不敢出现,任由人质被杀也无动于衷,真是个人渣 。”
“那些研究人员死了也活该,可张大年就是个懦夫 。”
此时在办公室内,张大年看着所有人对他的臭骂,却无动于衷 。
他坐在办公桌前把·玩这手里的戒指,开口问道:“小美,我的资金转移得如何了? ”
“大部分资金已经转移到了加拿大,您的金条也已经委托人运过去 。”
张大年点点头,笑着靠在了老板椅上:“那些人死与我何干,现在这盘烂棋已经没法下了,我要离开国内去外国了 。”
张大年美美的闭上眼睛,钱,他已经赚够了几辈子都花不完的钱 。
张天死了就死了,儿子可以再生一个,反正他现在才四十多岁,还能生育,只要找个没有人认识他的地方,就能无忧无虑的过完一辈子 。
靠在椅子的张大年笑着问道:“小美,我的专机准备得怎样了? ”
“马上就到 。”
张大年翘起嘴角,伸手勾起女秘书的下巴:“小美,你跟了我几年了? ”
“三年了,张总 。”
“不错,是时候跟我去享福了。我要带你一块走,去加拿大,然后我们去夏威夷度假,再到巴黎、还有,我准备在爱琴海边买一栋别墅,到时候我们可以住那 。”
看着屏幕上又一位研究人员倒下,张大年笑着闭上眼:“傻逼,谁会去自投罗网。我走了,你慢慢数吧 。”
看着最后一人死在枪口下时,张大年没心没肺的笑起来:“死了都死了,但是关我什么事情?我还巴不得你们帮我灭口呢,再见了,我的直升机还有5分钟就来��再见了山海市,再见了,蠢货亚人们! ”
张大年已经开始收拾行李,跟着他的情妇走向顶楼,等着直升机来接他们 。
张大年计划坐直升机离开山海市,然后停到外海上的一艘游轮,坐着游轮离开,前往避难天堂 。
当到了顶楼时,张大年忽然间接到了一个视频电话 。
他好奇的看了一眼,发现居然是王亚 。
“哈,王亚老弟 。”
“嘿张总,看你这打扮,要去哪发财啊?”电话里头的王亚笑着看着摄像头 。
张大年笑着说道:“我?我当然准备要离开山海市,去到一个没人的地方 。”
“哦?那我可得赶紧过去找你了 。”
听到这张大年非常开心,笑着对准镜头摆摆手:“我已经安排好了一切,你是找不到我的 。”
“是吗?那有点可惜啊 。”
说着,王亚的镜头不知道有意无意,对准了身后 。
一下子,张大年的表情僵硬了 。
那…那是他准备乘坐的直升机,直升机居然出现在了王亚的身后,那 ……
张大年立即看向直升机飞来的方向,忽然间开始大笑:“原来你再对面楼啊,王亚老弟! ”
张大年笑了,笑得特别开心 。
王亚站住了对面的大楼上,他张大年躲起来,王亚就算拿狙击枪也打不死他 。
上了飞机飞走,移动的目标可不是那么容易打中的 。
“张总,不够意思啊。兄弟我现在就来找你了。”镜头里的王亚咧开嘴 。
张大年总觉得有不祥的预感,但他却大笑起来:“我就不信,你王亚长了对翅膀能飞过来! ”
王亚点点头:“是啊,我也不信啊,不过我准备玩个刺激的 。”
“什么? ”
张大年看到王亚手中拿起一个手机,正在呼叫——炸弹 。
张大年心里咯噔一下,但想想觉得没理由 。
王亚没理由能炸他,炸弹不可能安装在他的大楼里,因为保镖可是天天在巡逻,地下停车场也不可能,最近一切人禁止进入,王亚不可能把炸弹安装在这 。
想到这,张大年松了口气,但忽然间又想到了一个问题:“等会,他不把炸弹装到我这,哪是 ……”
张大年双眼睁大,看着对面大楼底下腾起浓烟 。
王亚站住大楼顶部的塔尖上,双手抓住护栏,癫狂的大笑着:“喔、喔!我她妈有恐高症,不许了,哈哈哈,心脏都她妈要爆了! ”
“疯……疯子! ”
“哇喔喔喔喔!!!! ”
整栋大楼开始往下 ���斜,没错,王亚把楼的承重柱给炸了,整个60多层楼高的大厦,开始缓缓往张大年的总部大楼砸去 。
开始倾斜还挺慢的,就像是过山车到了高处速度龟速,可下一刻 。
“哇吼! ”
王亚感觉眼睛都快睁不开了,头发被吹起来,身上的衣服呼呼作响着 。
“张总,怎么办啊 ……”
张大年推开了他的秘书:“滚开! ”
随后爬上了直升机 。
下一刻大楼落下,一下子世界清净了 ……
在浓烟中,一只手钻开了碎片,灰头土脸的王亚挣扎着爬起来 。
“嘿……嘿嘿嘿! ”
王亚看到了直升机的残骸,大步走去 。
“哟呵,张总,我们又见面了?不过被你说中了,我还真飞过来了! ”
张大年命大,还没死,但身体一分为二,没了一半 。
他躺在废墟中抽搐着,身上插满了钢筋和玻璃,看着王亚念着:“疯子……疯子…疯 ……”
在那一刻,张大年的眼瞳开始扩散后凝固 。
估计他变成厉鬼,看到王亚的时候都能吓个魂飞魄散了 。
因为王亚知道,在突进张大年的总部大楼的时候,张大年肯定会找机会跑,而到时候王亚却会被联邦的战争机器拖住,估计打个几年都打不完 。
So he used a simple and crude method。
Blow up the building!
The falling building smashed the Willy Pharmaceutical headquarters building. Zhang Danian died together with the hundreds of security guards and employees who worked hard for Zhang Danian and did dirty deeds.。
Wang Ya gasped for breath, lying in the ruins and smiled: "It's over, it's finally over!”
When Wang Ya, who was smiling, was about to leave, a group of people gathered around him.。
Seeing this, Wang Ya sneered disdainfully: "It came quite quickly. I thought it would take at least an hour for the farm to disperse.。”
But Wang Ya was stunned by the person who emerged from the thick smoke.。
They didn't have guns, they were all doctors and nurses!
At the same time, there is... the evil sister Dong Qingyue!
Sister Daxi walked forward with a smile: "Classmate Wang Ya, you are a madman. You have revealed such a big news to us, how do you want us to end it?”
Wang Ya frowned, looked around, and found that a group of soldiers appeared, but no one pointed a gun at him.。
Instead... they brought a stretcher。
“I said Sister Daxi, which one do you want to play?”
“Classmate Wang Ya, congratulations, you lunatic has successfully attracted the attention of the superiors. Everything you did in the mountains and seas has been forgiven by God!”
Wang Ya narrowed his eyes and looked suspicious: "Why, what are you doing?……”
“That's right, the Asian school is run by the federal government. All the jobs you have received before were for the federal government and are legal crimes.。”
Wang Ya had long suspected the school, but no one checked out such a big demi-human school?
Now when Big Fierce Sister told him that the demi-human school was opened by the federation, Wang Ya was not surprised.。
“Simply put, you did what all of us would be afraid to do. Kill a guy who is colluding with foreign forces. This force is beyond your imagination. The leader is Zhang Danian, and too many people are involved at the same time. When you make big news, we are also making a big move to arrest all the officers and police chiefs involved.。
But obviously, the media is attracted to you as a lunatic, and no one cares about what you did.。”
Big fierce sister smiled and winked。
Thinking about the mission of the previous school, Wang Ya suddenly understood that the demi-human school was established to deal with this group of rebels. All information and military secrets were snatched back from the secrets released by the undercover!
Sister Daxi patted Wang Ya on the shoulder: "You can rest assured now that you have been awarded the position of captain of the Asian Special Forces. Now you are like me, a civil servant who eats the royal food.。”
But Wang Ya said coldly: "Fuck you。”
“I said screw your civil servants, I'm going to live my free and easy life, and I won't play with you scheming people anymore. screw you! goodbye!”
Wang Ya didn't even glance at the commendation order. Under the stunned expressions of Sister Daxi and others, it disappeared into the thick smoke.。
I don’t want to play anymore, there are too many tricks from city people!
After Wang Ya left the city center, he invested all his money in the island and built his home on the sea.。
The old man and Xiao Hei were responsible for changing the car factory. Wang Ya never returned to Shanhai City after the battle.。
On the island, there is a lovely sister, ten nuns as bodyguards, a beautiful policewoman as the security captain, and a considerate nanny named Yu Xiaojue.。
What Wang Ya wants to do is to play games with the black and white twins, console games, computer games and... bed games。
With endless money to spend, who would become that bullshit demi-human captain!
Who dares to mess with him? Believe it or not, Wang Ya will blow up a building again?
Wouldn't it be nice to be a carefree and immortal island owner?
At least Wang Ya is enjoying his current life very much.
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