“I don’t want to stay in this broken place for a moment.”

In the endless sea, there is a small island.

A teenager with black hair in Hanbian was constantly complaining.

“It’s been three years, do you know how I’ve lived these three years? Nima’s Xiao Yan’s three-year contract is also accompanied by someone, why am I all a beast in the past three years? The

boy’s name is Lin Lai, a time-traveler, who was enjoying a wonderful blockbuster performed by countless Japanese teachers three years ago.

Sighing at the new posture, oh no, it was his knowledge that had increased, and he only felt that the darkness in front of him inexplicably came to this isolated island.

At first, he thought it was some kind of trick or something, but then he gave up the idea.

Because he had been on this isolated island for three full years, and his body had shrunk to a teenager in his twenties.

If it weren’t for the fact that his body seemed to have been changed for unknown reasons, he might not have lived until now.

After all, the island is full of fierce beasts, and the largest has even reached nearly 100 meters high.

“Oh, what the hell is this place.”

When Lin Lai thought of this, he couldn’t help but sigh

, he had been staged for three years, and he hadn’t seen a living person for three years.

Just as Lin Lai was in deep thought, two small black dots suddenly appeared at the sea level in the distance.

From a distance, it was two ships.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!!

The two ships in front of each other seemed to be in a state of chase.

“Captain, the group of pirates on the opposite side is getting closer and closer, what are we going to do.”

“Abominable pirates, call the others and fight with them with me.”

A sailor on the ship ahead was anxiously inquiring at his captain.

But he was anxious, the captain was more anxious than him, he was just the president of a small chamber of commerce.

This time I came out, how could I be unlucky enough to meet a sea thief, and it is also a sea thief with a bounty of up to 5 million Baileys.

Looking at this, they couldn’t run, their faces were fierce, they gritted their teeth, and simply asked people to gather together and prepare for the last effort.

And this scene that happened in the distance was also seen by Lin.

He first stood up excitedly, this was the first time he had seen a living person in three years.

“TMD, you can finally leave this damn place.”

Lin Lai almost raised his head to the sky to express his excitement.

“However, these people seem to be in trouble, Yo Xi, I’ll help solve the problem, as a payment, these people will give me a ride without problems.”

Anyway, looking at the group of fierce and vicious people on the ship behind, and the flag representing pirates, it doesn’t look like a good person.

Lin Lai only felt a little familiar, but he didn’t think much about it when he was excited, his legs were slightly bent, and he jumped directly towards the sea.


Lin Lai’s figure flew extremely high, and the ground he stepped on just now had already cracked, splashing a large cloud of smoke.

At this moment, the merchant ship has been forced to stop, and the pirates have also rushed towards the merchant ship.

After a while, the sailors and captains were surrounded by pirates, dead and wounded.

At the front of the pirate, a fat female pirate with a pockmarked face was carrying a huge mace and smashed it on the deck next to it.

“Who is the most beautiful woman in the world, little ones.”

Looking at the big hole that was smashed out, the other pirates swallowed a mouthful of saliva one after another, just ready to speak with a clear conscience.

Who knew that at this moment, a voice suddenly appeared.

“Oh shit you, dead fat woman.”


The girl was first stunned, then furious, raised her wolf teeth and shouted angrily.

“Who said that, stand up for me.”

Her subordinates were also stunned for a moment, and then pointed behind the woman in amazement.

“Ship, captain, in heaven.”

What heavenly?

Although the woman was a little curious in her heart, anger overwhelmed this curiosity, and she turned her head in annoyance.

Then in the next second, with a bang, a figure crashed straight into her body, and before her words could be spoken, she was knocked out.

“Ah, I’m really sorry, I didn’t master the strength.”

Lin Lai looked around, touched his chin and nodded thoughtfully, good fellow, no wonder he felt so familiar, it turned out that this was the world of One Piece

, when he just saw these two ships, he just felt a little familiar, but he didn’t think about it for a while.

It’s just that as the distance gets closer and closer, and after seeing the faces of the people on the ship, he finally sounded, isn’t this the dragon set pirate that Luffy met at the beginning of One Piece’s game.

It turns out that this is the world of One Piece.

Lin Lai was still thinking, when a voice suddenly came from behind him.

“Si Guoyi, did you see Kebi? This man actually flew from the sky.

“Luffy, let’s not approach him, he just scolded Arrita’s dead fat woman, and he will definitely be repaired later.”

Lin Lai, who heard the voice, immediately turned around and saw two extremely familiar figures.

A teenager in a straw hat and a small child with pink hair.

It’s just that Luffy didn’t listen to Kobe’s words, but instead approached Lin with two eyes shining

, my name is Luffy, I am a man who will become One Piece, do you want to join my pirate group?

Lin Lai did not refuse immediately, but instead looked at Luffy with some subtlety in his eyes.

“I remember correctly, One Piece seems to be a man, you said that you are the man who wants to become One Piece, do you say…” Listening

to Lin Lai’s words, Kobe behind Luffy also thought about it, looked at Luffy with frightened eyes, and couldn’t help but move his steps to the side

, “Hey, is there still this explanation?”

Luffy tilted his head, but didn’t care, instead continuing to speak to you.

“How? I help you fly these people, and you join my pirate group.

Lin Lai touched his chin and thought in his head.

Well, the pirate world seems to be quite dangerous, maybe when it will be affected by the inexplicable war.

Although it is also dangerous to follow the protagonist group.

But although it is dangerous to follow the protagonist group, at least you can’t die.

In this way, it seems that it is not bad to join the mixed life.

“This proposal, it seems to be good, I’ll think about it.”

Listening to Lin Lai’s words, Luffy couldn’t help but clench his fists.

“Yo Xi, that’s it.”

Luffy was a little excited, but he didn’t expect to recruit the first crew just after going to sea, and he was worthy of being the man who would become One Piece in the future, and he was really charming.

Well, as for Lin’s considerations, he didn’t listen at all.

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