Bang bang!!

Suddenly, several shells fell around them.

“It’s the Navy.”

Lin Lai saw the warship approaching at great speed in the distance, and it seemed that it should be a call from the merchant ship earlier for help.

“Looks like we have to run away first, Luffy, otherwise it’s not good to be entangled by the navy later.”


Luffy turned his head to look at the naval warship, and suddenly remembered the terrifying figure of his grandfather, and couldn’t help but snort.

“Yes, yes, the navy or something, it’s really terrible, let’s run.”

Luffy grabbed Kebi behind him and jumped towards the boat on the sea.

Then look towards the forest.

“Lin Lai, you should also come down quickly.”

Lin Lai suddenly remembered something, if he remembered well, Na Meimei was also here.

It’s just secretly carrying treasure.

Thinking of this, Lin Lai opened his mouth towards Luffy.

“Wait for me, Luffy.”

Saying that, the whole person entered the second layer, and as he expected, when he just entered here, he saw a sneaky figure.

This figure was carrying a large package at this time, and was just about to run away, when he suddenly saw a person appear in front of him.

“You you you, you’re the guy on the boat just now, aren’t you supposed to be fighting now? How could it be here. Obviously

, she also saw the picture that Lin Lai appeared just now, if it weren’t for this, she wouldn’t have come to smuggle the treasure at this time.

“Oh, then you should also know that this is my booty, little thief cat, it seems that you are not small.”

Lin Lai glanced at Nami, thinking about her appearance in a few years, and couldn’t help nodding, well, it’s really not small.

Nami secretly cursed in her heart, she was also a 5 million Bailey sea thief, how could she fall all of a sudden.

It shouldn’t be because this product is more handsome, so his subordinates are merciful.

Nami thought like this, who knew that at this time Lin Lai had already walked to Nami’s side and grabbed the treasure on her back.

“Take it, you.”

Before she could react, she felt light, and when she came back to her senses, Lin Lai had already walked to the deck.

“Give me back my treasure, you bastard!”

Originally, she was still a little scared, but she instantly stood up and chased after her with her steps.

The corners of Lin Lai’s mouth hooked when he heard the movement, and sure enough, this trick was very effective against Nami, who was greedy for money.

The system said that if you can simulate the lives of all the people who belong to your forces, Nami, the original navigator, certainly can’t miss it.

“You’re so slow, Lin Lai, and, who is this.”

Luffy glanced curiously at Nami, who ran onto the boat after Lin Lai.

“Oh, this is the navigator I specially found.”

Lin Lai answered casually.

“Navigator? Skuichi.


eyes lit up, but he didn’t expect that just when he came out to sea, he had already found the deputy captain and the navigator.

Nami had just boarded the boat when she heard Lin Lai’s words, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared in her eyes.

How did this person know that she was a navigator?

It’s just that Lin Lai obviously didn’t have an explanation, and directly took an oar from the boat and threw it to Luffy.

“Luffy, go, or you’ll really be caught.”


Luffy replied angrily, and immediately shook his hand quickly.


In an instant, the boat rushed out at a very fast speed.

On the boat, Lin Lai thought about the next plot.

The plot of One Piece’s opening game is that Luffy comes to a naval branch after defeating Arrita, meets Solon, and successfully invites Solon to join the Pirates.

Then it’s about defeating Bucky the Clown, destroying Chloe, recruiting Usopp, defeating the Fishman Dragon, rescuing Nami, and letting Nami truly integrate into the Pirates.

After these is the Alabastan chapter, don’t watch the time passed a long time in the anime, in fact, the time is only a month or two.

It has only been more than two years since Luffy went to sea to become the fifth emperor of the sea.

If you think about it, it’s quite terrifying, worthy of being the protagonist group, it’s simply outrageous.

Then again, this is probably one of the few works that has been serialized longer than the time in the manga.

Time is like a book of One Piece, the fungus is black, the grapes are purple, and the tough guy who is unyielding has become soft, but it is still strong, think about it and have a little egg.

Lin Lai’s thoughts were scattered everywhere, thinking cranky, and suddenly, a voice came from his ears.

“Lin Lai, I’m hungry, I want to eat meat.”

Luffy’s breathless voice sounded, along with these words, and the grunt of his stomach.

Lin Lai turned his head and looked, and sure enough, he saw Luffy’s cargo that had fallen on the boat on his stomach, looking like he was about to die.

“You guy.”

Lin Lai was a little speechless and looked at Nami next to him.

“Nami, how long do we have to get to our destination.”

Nami stood aside with her arms folded.

“What kind of joke, who wants to show the pirates the way.”

Lin Lai pulled out a Bailey.

“Ten thousand Baileys.”

“Who do you think I am?”

“Fifty thousand Baileys.”

“Hmm~ actually.”

“One hundred thousand Baileys.”

“Really, what is our relationship, talking about money is too hurtful, you just do it, I will definitely send you to the nearest island in half an hour.”

Nami snatched the Bailey in Lin Lai’s hand, and the clothes that were stuffed into her chest disappeared directly, completely invisible.

“Hiss~ It’s really unfathomable.”

Lin Lai looked at this scene and couldn’t help but gasp.

Then again, why do two-dimensional women do this trick, is there a dimensional space there?

Damn, I really want to see for myself, is there another space there.

Kebi looked at the scene in front of him in shock, these two guys actually carried out such a dirty transaction in broad daylight and did not change their faces.

Is this a pirate? Sure enough, these two people simply show the words of different appearances, dirty thoughts, seeing money, and hiding knives in laughter.

“Knock knock~”

Kebi swallowed a mouthful of saliva and wiped the sweat on his forehead, sure enough, the pirates are too terrifying, or the navy is good.

“A sneeze~”

Lin Lai suddenly sneezed, rubbed his nose, looked around, and couldn’t help muttering.

“How do you feel that someone is praising me for being handsome?”

But in a blink of an eye, he didn’t care, anyway, someone praised himself for being handsome, and he had long been used to it.

After all, the isolated island life in the past three years, if it were not for the support of his own prosperous beauty, he would have been unable to stick to it for a long time.

At this moment, the boat was already under the control of Nami, and it was moving forward quickly in the face of the sea breeze.

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