‘Ding, congratulations, this life simulation evaluation is C, please choose one of the following options as your simulation reward. ‘

‘One: Gifted sixth sense. ‘

‘Two: Three years of exercise experience. ‘

‘Three: Sixteen years of life experience. ”

Four: One sniper rifle. Usopp

came back from the darkness and gasped.

“Is that what death feels like, it’s terrible.”

Even if I know that I won’t die, even if I know it’s in the simulation, it’s so real, so real that I almost thought it was reality.

After a few seconds, Usopp slowly moved his eyes to the reward.

“These rewards.”

Usopp was silent for a moment, compared the reward, and finally chose the talent of the sixth sense as the reward.

After all, in simulation, this talent has brought him great help.

After choosing the talent, Usopp only felt a flower in front of him, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw the blue sea again.

“Hahaha, my Uncle Usopp is back.”

Usopp suddenly cheered, and the familiar scene made him can’t help but get excited for a while.

“Yo, Usopp, how does it feel?”

Lin Lai looked at the bouncing Usopp with a smile on his face.

Just now from Usopp’s critical hit reward, he got the foreknowledge of the sixth sense critical hit.

As the name suggests, it is a short-term foreknowledge of the future that can only be done at the top level.

This ability gives him a strong advantage when fighting, which can be said to be of great help.

Although foreknowledge also has a disadvantage, that is, the future that can be predicted must be related to himself, and the time is still very short, but his heart is also very content, and his mood is very good.

Usopp looked at Lin Lai, listened to his question, and then looked at the three Luffy next to him, and he didn’t want to say the fear of death just now.

Dang even gave a thumbs up and spoke towards Lin Lai with a proud face.

“The experience is okay, but it just feels a little low, not very suitable for a master like me, overall so-so.”

“But I saw you being chased by giants and almost cried.”

On the side, Luffy did not look like he was holding the scene at all, but instead buttoned his nose indifferently and directly dismantled the platform.

“Yaga, Luffy you bastard shut up.”

Usopp began to quibble.

“The Usopp in the simulation is not the real Usopp, besides, the pirate thing, can it be called to run?”

Immediately afterwards, he said a lot of words that others could not understand, what big husband can flex and stretch, take a step back and open the sky, and other incomprehensible words.

Several people looked at Usuo’s ordinary red face and laughed, and the inside and outside of the boat were suddenly filled with a happy atmosphere.

Lin Lai looked at Usopp’s strong appearance, and also smiled and spoke.

“I didn’t expect that this level is still too low for you Usopp, it seems that it will be more difficult to change next time.”


Usopp’s face is full of question marks, I’m holding up, can’t you see?

Now I’m overwhelmed, and if it’s hard, it’s not my life.

“Huh… I feel that this is good now, although

it is a little worse, but it is better than bothering Lin to come to you.

Usopp spoke, deciding that it would be better to take a break from the heart for the time being.

Teasing Usopp, looking at his pale face, Lin Lai did not continue.

He came over to Luffy and patted him on the shoulder.

“Luffy, are you ready? Your simulation is about to begin.

Luffy rolled up his sleeves eagerly, his face full of anticipation.

“Oh, let the horses come, I’m ready.”

Then in the next second, he had already entered the simulation space and began his own simulation this time.

Lin Lai just inquired about the system and learned one thing, that is, about simulation, the system will automatically generate a world that is more in line with the current strength.

If you want to change the simulation world, you don’t necessarily need to clear the world, as long as you increase your strength, the system will automatically simulate another more suitable world again.

Luffy’s simulation world is a world similar to Pirate’s world.

Luffy in the simulation, abandoned on an isolated island, raised by a monkey, still eating rubber fruit, hungry, it should be said that everyone fruit phantom beast species Nika form.

Should it be said that it is Luffy? As he grew up, he began to fight with the beasts on the island.

From the beginning of the second kill, escape to the back of the counter-kill, the beast as food.

‘One year old: You came into the world, abandoned on an isolated island, picked up and raised by a monkey. ‘

‘Two-year-old: In the food that the monkey feeds you, you eat a fruit that tastes worse than, and that fruit is familiar to you. ‘

‘Three-year-old: Born with a relatively tenacious vitality, you have begun to make trouble on the island, often chased and killed by wild beasts. ’


‘Fourteen: You begin to challenge the mighty beasts in the center of the island, because the beasts on the periphery have been eaten by you, and you fail and start to escape. ‘

‘Fifteen years old: The only beasts left on the island are smaller animals and the beast king in the center, and you decide to challenge him. ‘

‘You fail, you die, the simulation is over.

“Luffy is really, energetically.”

Lin Lai was a little blind, he somewhat understood why this goods was picked up and raised by monkeys.

Since Luffy himself is a monkey, this may be the mutual attraction between the same kind.

Good fellow, he has been dying since he was three years old, and it is really a miracle that he can grow up alive.

In the simulation space, Luffy scratched his head, looked at the prompt in front of him, and began to choose his own reward.

‘Ding, congratulations, this life simulation evaluation is B, please choose two of the following options as your simulation reward. ”

One: Fifteen years of experience in fruit development. ‘

‘Two: A corpse of a beast rich in energy. ‘

‘Three: Thirteen years of practical experience. ”

Four: Body strengthening. Luffy

looked at it, and without the slightest hesitation, he chose the fruit development experience and the beast corpse.

What is more important than your own fruit and what you eat?

Luffy returned to the Merly, and after seeing the corpse of the beast beside him, he didn’t wait for the others to say more, so he couldn’t wait to shout.

“Everyone, let’s have a banquet.”

Seeing that there was food, Solon and Usopp, who were about to ask Luffy about his strength, also came to the beast corpse with bright eyes.

With such a big head, you must be able to eat a full meal.

It didn’t take long for the beast to be dealt with and placed in front of everyone.

“I’m moving.”

Without the slightest hesitation, Luffy directly pulled off a thigh and swallowed it all in one bite.

When others saw this, they couldn’t wait to move, you fight with me, and the scene was very chaotic for a while.

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