Solon didn’t know that he had been backstabbed by his friends at the moment, otherwise, what he would do now was not to stand in front of Hawkeye, but to cut Luffy and Lin Lai first.

But fortunately, the hawkeye on the opposite side is more reliable, not like Lin Lai.

After all, as a world-famous sword hao, how could he be welcomed by a little man.

“What is your purpose.”

Hawkeye looked calmly and did not put Solon in his eyes.

Solon did not care about these things either, but untied the bandana on his arm and tied it to his head, word by word, with a firm tone.

“The strongest.”

Of course, he actually knows that his current strength is not enough to challenge Hawkeye.

After all, he has already seen the power of the great sword hao from Lin Lai, but if he faces the target and does not even dare to pull out the sword, then what is the strongest, simply go home and raise pigs.

The corners of Hawkeye’s mouth hooked, but the words that came out of his mouth were very indifferent.

“It’s stupid, you should be able to see the gap between you and me.”

He could see at a glance that Solon was also a sword master who had reached the realm of slashing iron, and it was impossible for a person who could reach this height not to detect the gap between the two at this moment.

Solon bit the word Aido to his mouth, holding a katana in each hand, and his eyes instantly sharpened.

“Ah, that’s of course, the gap is as huge as a heavenly graben, it is worthy of being the first in the world, and it is terrifyingly strong.”

In Solon’s perception from the Ghost Extinction Breathing Method, Hawkeye’s surroundings exude a dazzling light that people dare not look at directly, and compared to him, it is simply a candlelight compared to the bright sun.


Watching Solon’s movements, Hawkeye’s eyes suddenly narrowed, and then he took out a small toy-like dagger from his arms.

“What a proud fellow.”

Although he had long known that he was not an opponent, watching this scene, Solon couldn’t help but jump.

“Oooooh, it’s about to start.”

Above, Luffy looked excited, and Usopp and Nami also watched intently.

Only Lin Lai touched his chin and muttered.

“Then again, how Solon managed to bite the knife and talk without letting the knife fall.”

Theoretically, this is simply unreasonable.

“yes, how did Solon do it.”

Luffy suddenly realized, and Nami was also thoughtful.

At this time, Usopp was speechless, this group of guys, obviously the atmosphere is here, the feeling is up, but you pay attention to some strange things.

It was like suddenly stopping when he was about to go, and Usopp decided to ignore the three guys and cheer Solon himself.

“Solon, come on, defeat that guy.”

Usopp shouted at Solon, a voice that awakened the thinking three and supported Solon.

“Come on Solon.”

“You can do it.”

“Dry, big green-haired brother.”

Solon is speechless, you are green hair, your whole family is green hair.

Ignoring the last sentence, he focused his attention on the enemy in front of him, and his whole body soared.

“Don’t die.”

Leaving a word, Solon’s figure instantly rushed towards the other party.

“Ghost Slash!!”

The chilling sword intent spread out, setting off a gust of wind that shook the surrounding planks.

“So fast!”

Some people exclaimed, others also agreed, the first sword hao in the East China Sea really lived up to its name, looking at the unresponsive appearance of the world’s number one sword hao opposite, it should be able to win immediately.

Everyone thought so, but in the next second, their jaws dropped in shock.

I only heard a sonorous sound, and under the incredulous eyes of many melon-eating people, Solon’s powerful blow was easily blocked.

“It’s terrifyingly strong.”

Solon didn’t react at all, after all, he had already imagined this image in his mind.

He just paused in his steps, twisted his right foot back, the muscles of his whole body bulged, and the power converged towards his arm again, and at the same time, a strange energy also converged on the sword.

“Fire Breath Method, Second Type, Rising in the Flame Heaven!”


A burst of flames suddenly rose up, slicing through the air, heading towards Hawkeye.

The huge heat instantly caused a scorched smell of the surrounding wooden boards.

“Flame, lying groove, can actually use a sword to cut out the flame, the East Sea hunter is worthy of the name.”

The melon-eating crowd opened their mouths again to express their shock.


Hawkeye was also a little surprised, and his inner interest soared, this was a sword move he had never seen before.


He raised his knife and blocked the attack easily.

“Come again.”

Solon’s eyes narrowed, and his left and right hands each gathered energy, and the water and fire breathing method was used at the same time.

“Water breathing, wanton type, striking tide.”

“The breath of water, the ten types, the flow of life!”

“The breath of fire, the three types, the qi is inflamed!”

“Breath of Fire, Type Five, Flame Tiger!”


One water and one fire were used by him at the same time, and the power did not cancel out in the slightest towards Hawkeye’s non-stop attacks.

Ping-pong, everyone only felt a sound of weapons clashing, and then looked at the field, the water spray and the fire kept lighting up, reflecting each other, so that people could not see what was happening inside.

This scene not only shocked the jaws of the melon-eating masses, but even Creek, who was waiting next to him to sit and reap the profits, was shocked.

Are these two guys really human? Why is it so powerful.

But this is also good, the stronger they are, waiting for both defeats after the decisive battle, they can pick up a bargain to kill the two, and they can also show their strength more.

I don’t know whether to say ignorance or boldness, and now Crick still holds that naïve idea.

With a bang, suddenly, the planks in the field cracked because they could not withstand the fierce battle.

Solon and Hawkeye, who were in the middle of the battle, also had to temporarily separate and each jump onto a new plank.


Solon gasped, already adding several scars to his body.

On the other hand, Hawkeye on the opposite side is still unscathed, elegant and calm.

Everyone was shocked at this time, it turned out that the gap in strength between the two was so large.

“Very interesting sword moves, also very subtle, never seen before, but a little less powerful.”

Hawkeye commented, he saw that this set of sword moves should be paired with other special things, so that it can burst out the power of water and fire.

A little different from his moves, his moves are relatively simple, that is, to break the enemy with one sword.

In contrast, Sauron’s sword moves are fancy.

“Hehe, then thank you for the compliment.”

Solon felt the situation of his body, and the use of so many skills in an instant just now, as well as the physical injuries, made his physical strength begin to be a little weak.

“Do you want to continue? The situation should already be obvious now. Because

he saw the novel move, Hawkeye did not have the idea of killing Sauron, and prepared to collect his sword and leave.

However, Solon was serious.

“Do you still need to ask about that kind of thing?”

After saying that, he exhaled a turbid breath again, concentrated his energy, and prepared to continue fighting.

“Courage is commendable, as a reward for you for allowing me to see new moves, I will use this black knife to fight you at night.”

Although Solon’s strength is still very weak, Hawkeye no longer underestimates him.

After all, no matter what, a person who can develop such an unprecedented move, even if his strength is high, is also worthy of respect.

Hawkeye misunderstood Solon and thought that the breathing method he used was self-created.

“Put your name on it, swordsman.”

Hawkeye looked serious.

Solon took a stance, and three knives were aimed at Hawkeye in unison.

“Roronoa. Solon. When

the words fell, the two figures had quickly rushed towards each other.

Hawkeye slashed with a sword, calm and silent.

In comparison, Solon was much more bells and whistles, directly shouting his strongest mysterious name.

“Three thousand worlds!!”

Water and fire blended, spinning non-stop, and in just a moment, the bodies of the two had staggered and stood again.

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