On the Meili, after discussing the bounty, Solon and the others set their eyes on Lin Lai.

“Lin Lai, let’s talk about whether we can simulate crossing again.”

Luffy’s eyes were expecting, the meat quality of the beast obtained in the last simulation was very good, and it would be nice if there were a few more this time.

It’s a beautiful thing to get stronger while getting delicious.

Usopp nodded in agreement when he heard this, but his heart was not so happy.

He was gritting his teeth in his heart, ready to teach the old six giant a hard lesson if he simulated it again.

Lin Lai scanned everyone and nodded.

“If you calculate the time, you can indeed simulate it again.”

According to the current simulation progress, Solon’s progress is the fastest, and he should be the first to open up the simulation world.

As for others, Luffy Nami’s simulation world level is still quite high, and it is impossible to get through in a short time.

As for Usopp’s words, he didn’t look like Luffy, they had great strength.

If there is anything else that can make people stronger in the world of giants, it should be the power of giants.

However, the power of giants is of little use to Usopp at all, and it seems that he can only sharpen in the giant world line, and then let the system match him with a simulated world again.

He was thinking about the progress of several people here, but Yamaji next to him was looking at everyone with a confused expression.

“What is a simulation, what are you all talking about?”

He was a little puzzled, looking at Luffy’s appearance, this so-called simulation seemed to be a very powerful thing, but he had never heard of it.

“Simulation is simulation, Yamaji, you are so stupid.”

Luffy picked his nose with a look of disdain.

“Luffy, you bastard…” A

few tic-tac-toes couldn’t help but appear on Sanji’s forehead, and he suddenly felt how this guy wanted to punch the more he looked.

Or Usopp explained to Sanji on the side, just like that, he was really afraid that Sanji would beat Luffy hard.

After all, on this ship, he can only fool Luffy to live, if there is no Luffy, how can he live.

“You also know the Devil Fruit, right, just like Luffy, he is a rubber fruit ability, so he has rubber-like abilities.”

“And Lin Lai, he is also an ability person of the Devil Fruit, whose name is Dream Fruit, as the name suggests, is the ability to create dreams.”

Yamaji looked shocked.

“But isn’t Lin Lai a great sword hao?”

Lin Lai was speechless.

“No one said that Great Sword Hao can’t be a Devil Fruit Ability.”

What’s more, he, the Devil Fruit Ability, is just a gimmick, and the real reliance is still on the system.


Sanji nodded, but then wondered.

“What about the simulation?”

Dreaming and simulating, when you hear it, are completely irrelevant.

“I can let you enter the dream world, simulate your life trajectory in the dream world, and make your cultivation stronger.”

Lin Lai roughly explained, then thought about it and spoke again.

“Forget it, it’s useless to talk more, just let you see for yourself what this is.”

Saying that, he let Solon start this simulation.

Yamaji, on the other hand, was watching the simulation of several people with Lin Lai on the deck.

Watch Usopp as an old six sniper in the world of giants, watch Solon Kai Wushuang mow grass in the ghost group, and watch Nami use magic to defeat Warcraft.

Is this simulation? Sanji was shocked in his heart, no wonder the strength of these people was so strong.

With such an ability, you can’t think of it as strong.

After about ten minutes, Sanji saw Luffy and several people returning, all with happy looks on their faces, it seems that the gains from this simulation are not small.

“Well, this is a simulation, do you want to try it?”

Sanji only thought for two seconds, then nodded firmly, whether it was to find the legendary sea or to keep up with the footsteps of these companions, this simulation, he had to try.

Lin Lai nodded, very satisfied in his heart, after all, one more person to simulate, but it means that he has another migrant worker.

“Oh yes, Vice Captain Lin Lai, can I ask you something.”

Sanji suddenly became serious and looked at Lin Lai with a serious face.

“Huh? What’s wrong. Lin

Lai was a little confused, and suddenly he was a little unaccustomed to being so formal.

“It’s just…”

Yamaji rubbed his hands and asked in a low voice as he approached Linlai.

“I just want to ask, is there a simulation world with more beautiful women, and I can also be a heartthrob.”

Good guy, let’s just say that Yamaji this guy is suddenly so serious, the original purpose is here.

And the few people next to him, after hearing his whispered muttering, couldn’t help but look at him with contempt.

I originally thought that this guy was just a little, but now it seems that he is not only, he is simply a lustful devil.



Luffy and Usopp spoke, but Sanji didn’t answer, just looked at Linlai.

Seeing that he didn’t answer, Solon and Lin Lai next to him spoke in unison.



Yamaji’s eyes widened.

“Why do you tarnish people’s innocence out of thin air?”

Solon said loudly.

“What innocence, we obviously heard what you said.”

Sanji was not convinced, his face blushing and annoyed.

“Men don’t understand, what is lustful, men’s things, can it be called? I just wanted to see it.

Immediately there was a burst of incomprehensible words, what “a man is a teenager to death”, what “peony flowers die, ghosts are also merry” and the like, causing the boatload of people to laugh, the air inside and outside suddenly filled with a happy atmosphere.

Lin Lai looked at Sanji speechlessly, sure enough, LSP is LSP, in the simulation matter, the first thing that comes to mind is this aspect.

“The kind of world you are talking about is not for nothing.”

Hayashi’s words made Yamaji look surprised.


Lin Lai nodded, and then shook his head again.

“Yes, yes, yes, but my dreams will automatically edit and generate those dream worlds that match you, so whether you can go to that kind of world depends on your luck.”

Hearing this, Sanji was already happy and excited.

Just kidding, think of his generation of LSP, if the matched world is not the world he thinks now, it will really lose the face of their LSP family.

Lin Lai was speechless, and he didn’t want to say anything more with this guy, and directly strangled the back collar of his fate.

“Go you.”

As the words fell, Yamaji instantly felt that there was darkness in front of him, and his body had been transmitted into an unfamiliar space.

ps: The night shift is really unbearable, I was going to get up at five o’clock every afternoon to code, but I overslept every time, and I went to work directly as soon as I woke up.

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