The day passed quietly, and the next day, a small island appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

“Is this Nami’s hometown?”

Usopp looked at the island, somewhat curiously looking towards the coast, and found that it was no different from his hometown.


Nami nodded.

“In the old days, there would be some children playing here.”

It’s just that since those guys came, the atmosphere here has changed.

Just as the Meili was heading towards the shore and wanted to dock.


There was a loud noise, and the sea suddenly exploded, stirring up a large number of waves.

The next moment, everyone only felt that the top of their heads was dark, and when they looked up, a sea monster had appeared in front of the Meili, and its huge body even covered the sunlight.

However, everyone present did not show any panicked looks, but kept commenting on the sea monster.

Usopp: “It’s strange, it actually has a minotaur body.”

Luffy: “Yakiniku, yakiniku!!” Yamaji

: “In general, this guy should be non-poisonous and can be eaten.” Solon

: “Pair it with a good bottle of wine, and it will do.” Sea

monster: “……”

Do you hear what you are talking about?” Or you will be the sea beast, and I will go?”

I may not be human, but you are a real dog, its whole beast is not good, looking at the straw hat pirate group in front of him, looking angry.


At this time, a surprised voice came, and when I looked at the source, it was Nami who said it.

“What, Nami, do you know this guy? Then you can’t bake it and eat it.

Luffy scratched his head, a little regretful.

“Well, this guy is a pet fed by Aaron and his gang.”

When Nami mentioned Aaron, her tone was already calm, without the slightest feeling of gritting her teeth before.

After all, she is completely different from her before.

But Nami is now curious about why Moo is here, according to custom, it is only sent out when Aaron and his gang need to be scouted.

Aaron, what is he staring at? Or do you say…………

A bad thought suddenly flashed in Nami’s mind, her face suddenly changed, and her body had turned into a ray of thunder and jumped towards the island.

Moo saw that Nami wanted to go over, although it was a little strange why Nami could turn into lightning, but thinking of Along’s order, the huge body had moved in front of Nami, blocking her way.

At the same time, looking at Nami who was getting closer and closer, its huge mouth opened and directly let out a loud roar, wanting to stop Nami in place.

“Get out of here!”

But Nami has no time to delay here, and she has a bad guess in her heart, so she is anxious at the moment and directly launches magic.

“The roar of the Thunder Dragon.”

With just one blow, the moo, like a small mountain, was already scorched black and fell into the sea.

Nami did not hesitate in the slightest, the whole person only paused for a second, and then continued to jump towards the island.

Lin Lai and several people looked at the back in surprise, what happened to Nami, why was she suddenly so alarmed.

Looking at Nami’s back, Lin Lai gestured to Luffy next to him.

“Luffy, I’ll go over first to see what’s happening over there with Nami, and you guys will bring the Melly in the back.”

“Okay, leave it to us here.”

Luffy stopped giggling, and the whole person became serious.

Looking at Nami’s performance just now, he knew that something serious might have happened, otherwise Nami would not have made that kind of change.

Lin Lai nodded, his figure moved, and he instantly followed behind Nami, turning into a black dot and disappearing.

“Everyone, full speed ahead.”

Luffy looked at the two people who left, his face was solemn, and he spoke directly.

Others also began to steer the Merly, driving it closer to the coast.

Ahead, Nami’s figure quickly shuttled through the woods, and after a while, she had reached a small village.

Looking at the familiar village, Nami’s anxiety suddenly decreased, but in the next second, she found something wrong.

“Why, so quiet.”

Although the village is not as lively as it used to be because of Aaron, occasionally one or two people can be seen walking on the path.

But now, no, nothing, the whole village is not coming out at all.


Suddenly, a shocked voice came from the side, and Nami was startled and quickly turned her head.


Looking at the source of the voice, I saw a girl with purple hair who obviously looked a little more mature than Nami standing there.

“Phew~ it’s really you.”

After determining Nami’s identity, Nokigao’s expression suddenly relaxed.

But then he thought of something, and quickly ran to Nami’s side and hurriedly urged.

“Nami, let’s go, that guy Aaron, I don’t know where to get your bounty list, and I’m looking for you everywhere now.”

Nami looked at Nokigao’s anxious look and soothed her softly.

“It’s okay, Nokigao, I’m strong enough to solve Aaron now, and I’ve found a group of reliable companions.”

When Noki heard this, although she was very happy that Nami had finally found her partner, her inner anxiety was even greater.

Nami this guy, usually so clever, how can she be stupid now, how can she beat Aaron’s fishman.

Nokiko still wanted to speak, when Nami spoke again.

“Nokigao, what about the people in the village.”

At this moment, she finally couldn’t help but ask the question she had always wanted to ask.


Nokigo hesitated, not knowing whether to tell Nami or not, but looking at his sister’s determined look, he finally chose to compromise.

“Everyone, all of them were captured by Aaron, so that you can personally go over and apologize to them, and then teach you a lesson.”

“Everyone chose to resist because they didn’t want to drag you down anymore, but they were easily defeated by Aaron, and I also struggled to escape.”

“Everyone, this bastard!”

Nami listened to Nokigao’s story, and the anger in her heart couldn’t help but rise, her fists clenched, and she gritted her teeth.

“I’m going to kill him.”

“Nami you! Don’t be impulsive, cough cough…” Noki

Gao just wanted to persuade Nami, but in the next second he suddenly coughed violently, and his figure also fell forward.

Fortunately, Nami’s hands were quick and grabbed her body in time, so that she did not fall to the ground.

“Nokigao, you…”

Nami then found that there were already several more wounds behind Nokigao, and the injuries were quite serious.

Just when she was worried and didn’t know what to do, suddenly, a warm green suddenly enveloped Nokigao’s body.

At the same time, Lin Lai’s figure also walked out of the woods.

“Don’t mind if I eavesdrop on your conversation, don’t worry, she’ll be fine, it’s my healing magic.”

When Nami heard this, the nervous expression on her face was relaxed, and she looked at Lin Lai and shook her head, indicating that she didn’t care.

Then she had a sincere expression and said seriously to Lin Lai.

“Thank you, Lin Lai, otherwise, I really don’t know what to do.”

“Aren’t we partners? Between partners, where to say this.

Lin Lai shook his head, and then asked.

“Now, what are you going to do?”

“I’m going to slaughter that Aaron guy.”

Nami repeated what she had said to Nokiko again, and then sneered.

“Originally, I wanted to use the 100 million Bailey to see if my previous efforts were useless, but now it seems that there is no need at all, such a bastard, I’m afraid he has always been teasing me.”

From the original book, it is true, Aaron has never thought of letting Cocosia Village go, nor has he ever thought of letting Nami leave after collecting 100 million Baileys.

All he has been thinking about is how to use Nami and how to squeeze Nami’s interests.

“Well, then the villagers will leave it to me, Aaron, and leave it to you to solve.”

Lin Lai nodded towards Nami, and then as soon as his figure moved, he had already disappeared in place, and began to look for the place where the villagers were held.

After Nami saw Lin Lai leave, she first found a safe position to place Nokigao, and then her figure also began to move towards Aaron Paradise.

This has shrouded the shadow of Cocosia Village for many years, and it is time to burst.

At this moment, in Aaron Paradise, Aaron, who did not know that Nami had rushed here, was comfortably drinking red wine and basking in the sun.

“Hehe, that group of untouchables who don’t know whether they are dead or alive are actually rebelling against the noble fishmen.”

Thinking back to what they were saying when they went to capture the villagers, we had dragged Nami down for a long time, how could we continue to drag her down.

Thinking of these words, he couldn’t help but laugh, these guys, if it weren’t for threatening Nami to obediently submit and draw a good nautical chart, they would have been slaughtered long ago, where would it be their turn to make a big fuss.

“Yes, he actually tried to resist us, Boss Along, in my opinion, or we will kill one or two first to help the fun, anyway, as long as there is still someone alive, Nami will not dare to resist.”

When Along heard this, he was very moved, indeed, what the fish man next to him said was not wrong.

According to Nami’s personality, even if only one resident is in their hands, she does not dare to resist.

However, just as he was thinking about whether to kill one or two villagers to relieve his pressure, the wall in front of them suddenly shook violently.

“You guys, damn it!!”

With a roar, the wall collapsed, kicking up a cloud of smoke.


Along was furious, someone actually dared to come to the door and break his paradise, wasn’t this hitting him in the face?

Even the other fish people were ugly, you know, since coming to the East China Sea from the New World, no one dared to provoke them like this.

However, when the smoke cleared and the figure of the person who provoked them was revealed, all the fish people were shocked and incredulous.


PS: Although there is only one chapter, there are many words

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