Solon counted the clouds in the sky boredly, and then suddenly became enthusiastic and pulled out one of the swords at his waist.

“Hahahaha, I am the world’s number one swordsman.”

Well, while there is no one, Solon intends to satisfy the fantasy in his heart, anyway, bragging and not breaking the law.

Besides, there is no one here, no one hears the cow, is that considered bragging? That doesn’t count.

When Osamu Hinoki came here, he saw this scene.


he deliberately made a voice to remind the other party of his arrival.

Solon should have been happy to hear the voice, but now he was confused.

who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do?

he issued a life-killing trifecta, looking at the earth under his feet expressionlessly.

Why do I often have tears in my eyes, because I love this land deeply.

When I die, please be sure to bury my ashes in this land, no why, because it is a shame and a shame.

people experience two deaths in their lifetime, one is real death and the other is social death.

Now Solon felt the pain of this death, and he even felt that he might as well be truly dead.

“Ahem, hello.”

Solon awkwardly raised his hand and greeted the other party.

Hinoki Shubo pretended not to see the scene just now, but just nodded calmly.

“Let’s go, I’ll let them go first.”

“Oooh, good.”

Solon quietly followed Shu Hinoki, and then the two came to the gate of the boundary in the square.

“Phew~ has finally arrived.”

a flash of relief flashed in Solon’s eyes, if he didn’t get it again, he would really find a place to commit suicide.

the two passed through the boundary gate and successfully arrived at the present world.

“Here you are.”

next to the gate of the boundary, Shinichi Shino was waiting for the two, and when he saw the two come out, he immediately said hello.

At the same time, he also looked at Solon with some curiosity, well, he looks like a normal person, how can he be a road fool at a young age.

although Solon could not see what the other party was thinking, he did feel a sense of malice from the underworld.

that seems to say: Solon, you are a road idiot.


Solon shook his head in horror, it was terrifying, at least worse than being dragged around the Merlie by Luffy’s neck four times.

don’t ask him why he knows about this kind of thing, because of what he has experienced.

Hinoki Shubei glanced at Solon strangely, this product seemed to be different from the legend.

Like, there are some sand sculptures.

Solon came back to his senses and listened to the sounds of battle coming from time to time around him.

“Have you started a mock showdown?”


Shino Shino nodded, although he wanted to complain about Solon being a road idiot, but he still didn’t say anything on the surface.

the expressions of the three were not relaxed, but they were not nervous.

because this experience has been carried out many times, and each time there are no accidents.

because every experience area has been cleared in advance, and now all that remains is some trash fish.

strength is the degree to which those three rebirths struggle to deal with alone, but they are just able to kill after cooperation.

Well, of course, some people with high talent and stronger strength can also destroy a virtual alone.

After chatting for a while , the three of Solon had separated, each guarding the students in each area in the shadows to prevent them from danger.

“Something seems wrong.”

After spending some time in peace, Solon, who was hiding in the shadows, suddenly frowned and looked around with a serious expression.

At this moment, a void suddenly appeared in a place not far from him.

but unlike the trash fish void that was killed by the three rebirths in front, this virtual is more than twice the size of the previous one, and the momentum on its body completely covers the void in front.


As soon as appeared, the virtual head roared excitedly twice, and then rushed towards the four students in front of him.

the four people who had just joined forces to kill a miscellaneous fish void were already trembling with the momentum of this void, and they did not dare to move.

when he saw that the big hand of the void immediately fell, and he and others were about to die on the spot.


Suddenly, a voice sounded, it was the sound of a knife unsheathed.

Solon’s figure appeared in front of the four people, and the giant void in front of him had also crashed to the ground, turning into powder and dissipating in the air.

“Hey, I’m not dead.”

the person behind Solon who had closed his eyes and waited for death waited for a long time without waiting for the pain to come, and suddenly opened his eyes.

then they saw Solon’s second killing of the giant void.

“Good, so strong.”

Solon frowned and looked at the four people behind him who were still standing still.

“What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and find someone else to meet, it’s no longer safe here.”

between words, holding a knife in his right hand, his figure flashed rapidly, and he once again killed a giant void that suddenly appeared.

but this is of no use, because in his perception, this giant void of strength is constantly appearing.

and, it seems that there is an even more terrifying guy watching here, at least, it has made Solon feel threatened.

with four people, Solon began to look for other teams to converge, and the other students also began to look for companions around them, huddling to keep warm.

fortunately reacted in time, and after a while, most of the students gathered together, and with the joint efforts of everyone, it was considered safe.

but this will not last long, because the number of giant virtual avans is increasing, as if it is inexhaustible.

“Damn, the gate can’t be opened, although the distress message has been sent, but it may take a while to rescue.”

Hinosaki Shubu couldn’t help but grit his teeth, in this situation, one more second is dangerous.

“Is there four people missing.”

At this moment, Solon frowned, and he found that the number of everyone on the scene was not the same as the number he knew.

“is Asanai Love Ji them.”

someone spoke, affirming Sauron’s words.

“You guys guard first, I’ll go out and take a look.”

Solon frowned, but didn’t say anything more, turned around and rushed outside.



> Hinosaki Shubei just wanted to stop it, now go out, it is simply an act of sending death, because there are too many voids around.

but before the words could be spoken, he saw Solon simply and neatly kill the three giant voids, and for a moment he was a little speechless.

this guy seems to be stronger than he expected, at least, stronger than himself.

he is a little lost, is this a real genius, he has practiced for so long than the other party, but he is still not comparable to the other party.

Solon doesn’t know what others behind him think, and even if he does, he doesn’t care about anything.

ps: Well, finally the code is ready, the amateur author begs for a reminder, if you give a gift, a little hand for free, forget the rest

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