The next moment, something happened that shook everyone’s eyes to the ground.

From that crack, huge figures walked out, and dozens of figures appeared in this space in an instant.

After these huge figures appeared, the cracks in the sky finally disappeared.

However, no one breathed a sigh of relief, because this huge figure was nothing else, it was a big head, Killian.

According to the information they knew, hundreds of virtual beings after a long period of killing and eroding each other, and finally formed a fusion and became a new individual, the so-called subordinate great virtual in front of them – Killian.


Even Hinoki Shubei couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, his eyes desperately looking at the figures in the sky that were bigger than the tall buildings next to him.

This is a guy who can only be solved at least at the level of vice captain, and now that he appears here, doesn’t this want them to die?

Just when everyone was nervous, no one noticed that in the dark night, there were two people standing.

“Alaala, Captain Lan Ran, isn’t this a little too much, actually sending so many big voids to deal with these little guys, it’s not to let them die.”

His eyes kept squinting at Ichimaru Gin, the deputy captain of the five-way team of the thirteenth team of the protective court like a fox, and looked at Lan Ran next to him with a smile.

Hearing Ichimaru Silver’s words, Lan Ran just pushed his glasses, with a kind smile on his face, anyone who looked at it had to say a good and easy-going teacher.

But the words that come out of his mouth are exactly the opposite of what he seems.

“It’s okay, Silver, you know, the only value of this group of guys is just to make my experiment go smoothly.”

“Gee, it’s just a casual chess hand, it shouldn’t be so serious.”

Ichimaru Yin smacked his lips, a little puzzled, although Lan Ran was thoughtful, he was not so cautious.

However, Lan Ran only shook his head faintly.

“You’re too careless, Silver, besides, the person I really want to experiment with this time is the little guy.”

“Oh, the guy named Solon?”

“That’s right, I always feel that he is not so simple, I don’t know why, he brings me a sense of oppression, not in strength, but.”

Lan Ran looked at the mirror flower in his hand and said word by word.

“It’s a sense of oppression that comes from the soul level.”

His words made Ichimaru Silver standing next to him stunned, he knew what this man in front of him was like.

Don’t look at a casual and peaceful person on the surface, easy to get along with, but in fact, his pride is unmatched.

Therefore, Ichimaru Silver did not consider whether Lan Ran was deceiving himself, but because of this, he was also more curious about what was wonderful about people who could be evaluated by Lan Dye like this.

“No, no, what went wrong.”

Solon looked at Killian in front of him with a serious expression, but he was not because these guys were serious, but because of the sense of crisis in the depths.

Their own sense of crisis, definitely not because these guys, although there are some troubles, but they can be easily solved by freeing the slashing knife, so what is going on.

However, without waiting for him to think more, those Kilian who were standing in place had already begun to move.

Looking at the few people in front of them who were as small as ants, these Killians just roared, then raised their feet and stepped down.

The huge body brings great strength, as well as the unparalleled sense of oppression.

In an instant, everyone only felt that the sky in front of them was dark, and a giant foot had already fallen towards them with the roar of death.


The earth seemed to shake twice, and Killian’s big foot landed exactly where Solon and the others had just stood.

Just when these Kilian thought that the ants in front of them were dead and ready to move on and look for delicious food, the next moment.


A roar came out, and a sword light lit up from the soles of the feet of the Killian just now.

I saw that the sword light did not have the slightest sense of obstruction, and it continued along the body of this monster all the way up to its mask.


The mask cracked a small crack, and the Killian screamed in an instant and retreated.

And just as it moved away, it was Solon and the others who were attacked just now.

“Is this really human?”

Hinoki Shu is numb, good guy, I said last second that this level of guy can only be solved by people at the level of vice captain, and as a result, you gave me a big forced pocket with your backhand.

Punch in the face without such a thing, genius is amazing, who is not a genius yet.

However, looking at the two weapons that were broken apart in Solon’s hand, he also asked with some concern.

“Sauron, are you all right, these two knives?”

“It’s okay, it’s just that you can’t withstand my spiritual pressure.”

Solon shook his head and held the intact slashing knife in his hand, his tone was unconcerned, anyway, it was just a temporary weapon.

However, Hinoki only thought that Solon was comforting him, and according to the information he had heard in the past, Solon was best at his original three-knife flow.

However, at this moment, it has broken two handfuls, making the already not rich family even worse.


At this moment, Killian’s angry roar came.

The two raised their heads and saw that the Kilian who had been repelled just now had opened his mouth and condensed a red light in front of them.

“That’s, Flash!”

Hinoki Shubing could see at a glance what this was, this was a trick exclusive to the Great Void,

and suddenly his face changed greatly, and he was immediately ready to call Solon next to him and

the bastard Asanai Koji and the other three to escape together.

“Oh, what a hassle.”

However, in the face of such a terrifying attack, Solon did not mean to dodge at all, and after sighing, he instead clenched the slashing knife in his hand, and at the same time, the spiritual pressure soared.

“It just so happens that I haven’t really liberated once since I knew their names, don’t let me down.”

Saying that, the spiritual pressure on his body had already overshadowed these great voids, and almost all of them had materialized.

“Panic and mighty, deter the world, the sun is hot, the night god and the moon are reading, the Su Shu Wuzun, the world, welcome my arrival, shock the world, the three-pillar god!”


The spiritual pressure like a storm spread out, bringing a gust of wind, blowing the four nearby Hinoki cultivators unable to open their eyes.

When the storm cleared and everyone looked at it again, they suddenly saw a shocking scene.

The slashing knife in Solon’s hand, which had only one hand, was split into three, held in his left and right hands and bitten into his mouth.

The three ornately shaped chopping knives are carved with different patterns, sun, moon and wind.

And the blade also emits different lights, reflecting Solon as if it were a god.


Solon glanced at Kilien, who had already gathered his strength and was ready to spit out the attack, a light flashed in his eyes, and the whole person had rushed towards the other party.

ps: It’s a little late, forgive you, and I forgot one thing earlier, that is, in the conventional state, the knife without liberation is just a knife, which has been changed

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