In the cabin, Nami was holding a chart and pointing at it.

“Everyone, we are about to enter the Great Voyage later, I just looked at the map again, and finally found that the entrance to the Great Route is on the mountain.”

Solon sat next to him, a little puzzled.

“Huh? That doesn’t mean we’re going to climb the mountain. ”

Climbing a mountain?”

Luffy’s eyes lit up and he suddenly realized.

“I understand, do you want us to carry the Meili underneath to climb the mountain.”

Saying that, he also made a Hercules movement.

“You’re such a clever ghost.”

Lin Lai looked at Luffy with admiration and couldn’t help but give him a thumbs up.

Good fellow, it has to be you, most people can’t think of this wonderful way.

“Where, it’s over.”

Luffy crossed his waist and couldn’t help but laugh.


Usopp was speechless and complained, is this praising you? What the hell is going on in your head?

On the side, Solon touched his chin and seriously considered this matter, well, there is Luffy, I still have Lin Lai, it is not easy to move the boat away.

As for Sanji, who is that, I know, is there such a person on the pirate group.

“It seems to be.”

Solon clapped his palms.

Nami: “…”

So you really believe it, she rubbed her brows, although she had heard the rumors there, but was it really the same as she had heard?

Lin Lai looked at Nami’s somewhat worried look, thought about it, and still explained out loud.

“Well, there is no need to guess, the entrance to the Great Passage is indeed on the mountain, and we need to climb the mountain, but we don’t need to climb, because the water at the entrance is backwards.”

Yamaji suddenly realized.

“In other words, we just need to be the same as usual.”

Lin Lai nodded, followed by another reminder.

“Well, it’s just that we have to make sure that we can successfully fall into the sea when we fall from the top of the mountain, otherwise, the end will be that the Meili crashes on the Red Earth Continent.”

However, he didn’t say anything about the shipwreck and death, after all, the strength is here, it is difficult to let this be killed.

While everyone was talking, it was already covered with thick dark clouds and pouring rain outside.

“Everyone, put away the sails first.”


Solon was sorting out the items on the ship’s board, and when he saw Luffy standing there watching the play, he was furious.

“Yagaya Road, Luffy, you guy is also here to help.”

“You crew members are really unreliable to let me, the captain, do things.”

Luffy picked his nose, and suddenly, Usopp appeared behind him and smashed down with a punch.

“Less verbose, go and help.”

“Usopp, you bastard.”

Seeing that the two were about to fight again, Nami had no choice but to strike, one punch per person.

“Less trouble here, go and help.”

“Hey! Yes, sir. The

two immediately covered the large bag above their heads and began to put away the sails.

Suddenly, Luffy raised his head and saw an endless wall of earth.

“Everyone, I see incredible mountains.”

Several people next to them also walked over, looking at the behemoth in front of them, their eyes were full of shock.

“How is it so big.”

“This is the entrance to the Great Route.”

Even if I have heard it many times, even if I have fantasized about it many times in my mind, when I really see it, I still can’t help but feel a sense of shock in my heart.

Luffy looked at the mountain in front of him with excitement on his face.

“Is this it, Red Earth Continent?”

At this moment, a violent shaking sensation suddenly struck, making everyone a little unstable.

“Hey, Usopp, you guy, take the helm.”

“Yaga, you don’t need to say this kind of thing.”

Usopp quickly came to the rudder and began to control the direction.

Seeing that the hull was still moving forward, crashing towards the Red Earth Continent, Luffy couldn’t help but speak.

“Nami, what to do now, it’s going to run into like this again.”

Looking at the crack in the center in front of her, Nami smiled.

“It’s okay, just move on like this.”

On the side, Solon looked at the scene in front of him with a shocked expression, and couldn’t help but grow his mouth.

“The sea is really flowing backwards.”

Even Lin Lai, facing this scene in front of him, couldn’t help but sigh.

There are no wonders in the big world, and this kind of unreasonable scene can probably only appear in the fantasy world.

“Right to right, I’m going to bump into it, Usopp.”

Luffy howled dryly, and Usopp quickly turned when he heard this.


“Left, left, left, deflected again.”

“It’s coming.”

“Up and down, left and right, left and right, baba.”

Luffy continued to command, listening to Usopp’s sweat, how Nima’s up and down were controlled, bastard.


Suddenly, a crisp sound came, and Usopp and Luffy widened their eyes at the same time, and their jaws dropped to the ground.


“Eight Gaya Road, Luffy, it’s all to blame for your blind command.”

Solon grabbed Luffy by the collar and shook it back and forth.

“Then don’t blame me, it’s all to blame Usopp, who told him not to control well.”

Luffy hurriedly threw the pot to the bewildered Usopp next to him.

“You bastard, Luffy, I fought with you.”

Looking at this scene, Lin Lai was a little speechless, it seems that in the end, he has to make his own move.

Sure enough, the protagonist should appear at this moment to save the world and shock the audience.

The next moment, his figure had disappeared on the ship and came to the bow.

“Give me back, you.”

He grabbed the bow of the boat and pulled it gently.

Suddenly, the Meili, which deviated due to a broken rudder, was pulled onto the right track.


Lin Lai clapped his palms and returned to the boat, opening his hands and preparing to greet the cheers.

And then.

Luffy: “It’s worthy of being my deputy captain, and it’s really as reliable as me.”

Solon: “A man I recognize, as reliable as I am.” Yamaji

: “It’s worthy of being the deputy captain of the pirate group that I recognize, and he is really as reliable as me.” Usopp


wanted to say something, but just when he opened his mouth, he was quickly stuffed with a sausage by Lin Lai’s eyes.

“Shut up, you.”

Lin Lai was speechless, a group of hair, don’t understand what the protagonist is.

Nami looked at Lin Lai’s appearance, her eyes couldn’t help but narrow, and she smiled and groaned.

“Well, good job, Lin Lai.”

Lin Lai looked at Nami with emotion.

“You still know me, Nami-chan.”

“Hey, Nami-chan or something, it’s too meaty.”

“Yes? Nope. Looking

at Lin Lai, who had recovered again, he had just choked Usopp by being forcefully stuffed into a sausage, and couldn’t help but raise a middle finger.

“What a foul-smelling man.”

Said, and viciously bit the sausage in his mouth, well, don’t say it’s quite delicious, and it will burst juice.

Luffy stood on the pole, looking at the Merly that was climbing quickly upwards, and couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yo Xi, just rush to the top.”

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