“Luffy’s world, how does it feel like something related to our reality?”

Solon touched his chin, looked at Luffy’s simulation, and found that there was more than just water in it… Haido, even the setting of the Devil Fruit has it.

it’s just a name change in it.

Wei next to her is also silently thinking about one thing, the Protoss people, and the Draco have a strong sense of immediacy.

is it really the same as Sauron said, that this world has anything to do with the world they are in now?

Lin nodded.

“Luffy’s simulated world is based on the real world, but the time has been pushed forward a little.”

Solon did not believe Lin Lai’s words at all, and looked at him with squinted eyes, his eyes revealing three points of ridicule, three points of disdain, three points of thinness and one point of indifference.

“A point is hundreds of years?”

Hey, you boy, follow me to install a fan chart here, Lin Lai pouted.

“nine hundred years.”

Well, it seems to be nine hundred years right, although Lin Lai is not sure, but he is not straight, his qi is also strong, and he raised his head instantly, full of qi.

he is not afraid of what Solon will find, anyway, he is not afraid of shadows.

< p idx="13">Solon: “………” Vivi: “………”

This person seemed to be a little sick, and the two were speechless for a while, not knowing where to complain.

forget it, let’s look at Luffy, although Luffy is a little stupid, but he is still a normal person.

the two looked at the screen, and Luffy had already entered the next island.

but the two came secretly in a small boat, according to Lalu, although the sea is not openly forbidden to others, but in private, every time the Protoss sees a guy traveling, they will secretly kill him.

Lalu didn’t know why before, but now, when he heard Luffy say something about the Devil Fruit, he probably guessed the meaning.

where is killing people who go to sea, this is clearly to reduce the chance of others obtaining the power of God.

Luffy was uh-huh on the surface, but in fact, his heart had long been surrounded by the joy of finding a normal person.

someone = something to eat, Luffy sucked in his saliva, already impatient.

Finally, after another while, Luffy had faintly seen the traces of the town, and the sound of words.

he couldn’t wait to push away a branch in front of him, and the next second, he came to the first human gathering place in a strange world.

not as bustling as imagined, nor like the town I have seen before.

The houses here are all wooden, and occasionally you can see one or two stone houses.

but Luffy just glanced at it and didn’t pay attention anymore, because at the moment, his heart was filled with food.

“Roast, I’m coming.”

he shouted, and he rushed towards the center of the town.

< p idx="30"> “No, me, you…”

Lalu sighed helplessly, this guy, did he understand what he said for so long.

“Alas, forget it, let’s go along with it, so as not to have any accidents.”

he probably thought about Luffy’s personality.

“should, probably, maybe, should, no.”

Thinking about it, Luffy had already arrived outside the town, and then entered the town.

However, just as the two disembarked and arrived in the town, two sneaky figures came to the shore.

“Hey, isn’t this the ship of the annoying Protoss?” How could it be here. ”

the taller figure in front was a little puzzled, and behind him, another thinner figure proposed at this time.

“Big brother, or the two of us go up and take a look?”

“You’re crazy!”

tall figure almost couldn’t help but slap this little brother of his own family, and it was not like this to find death.

but the skinny figure is the explanation.

“Big brother, didn’t you find anything wrong, in general, according to the arrogance of the Protoss, as long as you reach a place, no matter what the situation is, there will be a big fanfare, but this ship has been stopped here for half a day, but there is no reaction.”

said his eyes gradually brightened, and the eyes of the tall figure in front of him also lit up.

“You mean, the people on this ship may not be from the Protoss.”

“Yes, it should be some daring person who took advantage of the absence of the Protoss to steal it, now let’s go up, maybe we can drive the person who stole the boat away, and then sell the treasure on it, and get away with it.”

as soon as the two of them combined, they made up their minds, and after a while, they had already swam to the side of the boat.

“It seems like no one.”

the two waited for a moment, did not hear any movement, glanced at each other, and climbed up directly.

“Is there really no one?”

the two were overjoyed and began to look in the cabin, but they didn’t find anything of value for a while.

“What’s going on, is this really a Protoss ship?”

both of them are very puzzled, Nima’s going out is not arrogant, does not bring some gold and silver treasures to show his wealth, do not show what you call a god race.

where did the two of them know that the original owner of this ship was not to do anything, but to find a little beast, and he was not prepared to show what treasure would be brought with him.

“should have been taken by the people on board.”

the skinny figure’s eyes lit up, as if remembering something, and suddenly spoke.

the tall figure also felt that it made sense, and his expression was fierce.

“Then let’s just stay here and wait for that man to come back with the treasure, and then slaughter him.”

People die for wealth and birds for food, the two find weapons and positions, and start quietly waiting for Luffy’s return.

however, the two of them waited from the middle of the day to the moon.

and Luffy, at the moment, is holding a big belly, staggering down the path.

“Ah, it’s so full, the food here is really good.”

“Lord Luffy, you ate half of our money this time.”

Lalu was a little helpless, naïve what he thought when he heard Luffy want to go to dinner, originally thought that a meal would not cost much, who knows.

Lalu still remembers the surprised expression of the boss when he collected the money just now.

“Well, don’t worry about this Lalu, next time I ask the chef on my ship to make you a delicious meal, what he makes is delicious, and the ingredients are very unique.”

said, he gestured there, and Lalu listened to some glowing dishes and so on, and was immediately full of doubts.

your dish, is it not serious, will it shine with serious cooking?

“Hey, someone is on our ship.”

just as he was thinking this, suddenly, Luffy stopped.

he scratched his head a little stunned, no, this is his own ship.

Lalu behind him also reacted immediately and quickly spoke.

“Lord Luffy, this is someone sneaking on the ship, it seems that they want to disadvantage us.”

As a lackey of the Protoss, he knows the arrogance of the Protoss, and he has not met the desperate guy in the past, and he is no longer familiar with this kind of bridge.

“We’re going to sneak up and hit them off guard, after all, they have a good position, we…”

Before he could finish speaking, he saw Luffy stretch his arm at once, grab the edge of the boat, and jump up.


“Uh-huh~ah~oh~yamayumph~Don’t, stop, we don’t dare anymore, it hurts.”

a scream came out along with the sound of the wind, and Lalu’s face was black, which, almost forgot, Luffy is also a god power.

“Hey, Lalu, I’ve solved it, you come up.”

After a while, Luffy craned his neck and shouted at Lalu below.

“Ah, oh.”

Lalu replied stunned, then came back to his senses and quickly climbed into the boat.

“Say, who are you and what you want to do here.”

tall figure with a blue nose and a swollen face at the moment, pointing at himself very obediently.

“My name is Abin, and this one next to me is my younger brother, called Adu, the two of us came here just to see if there is any leakage, I want to help fix it, please spare the lives of the two Protoss adults, we don’t dare anymore.”

the two of them regretted it, if they knew that this ship was really a Protoss, they would not come up if they were killed.

Well, apparently the two have taken Luffy’s rubber ability as a Protoss ability.

It’s just, listening to the words of the two, Lalu was furious, you and I are fools, this kind of nonsense can only be believed by the second arm.

he’s going to teach these two guys a lesson, then.

“Ah, so you guys came to repair the ship.”

Luffy suddenly realized.



>What is this operation? Lalu was stunned, could it be that Lord Luffy was really a fool.

No, there must be something he didn’t think of, Lord Luffy must have his own thoughts when he said this.

Laru fell into deep thought, as the first person with abilities outside the Protoss in so many years, Lalu was convinced that Luffy’s arrival must have his meaning.

for example, overthrow the Protoss, lead people to freedom, and fight for a better tomorrow.

but while he was thinking, Luffy had already dropped the two off the boat.

although he enthusiastically said whether he needed to take a break, the other two also enthusiastically refused.

Good guy, this guy must be laughing and hiding a knife, maybe he is playing tricks on them, just waiting for them to respond and it will be cold on the spot.

standing under the boat, Abin looked at his brother next to him stunned.

“Hey, are we really okay?”

“as if it was.”

Adu scratched his head, also with an incredulous face, isn’t the legendary Protoss very cruel?

boat, Lalu, who looked at the two who had already gone down, instantly seemed to think of something.

Lord Luffy must have done this to spread his reputation and recruit more like-minded people to join him.

but he is low-key and humble, so this is how to imply the two.

but with the brains of those two people, can they think of this?

he waved his hand.

“Lord Luffy, I want to go down and come back right away.”

“Oh, go ahead.”

Luffy patted his stomach and comfortably found a position to lie down.

what could be more comfortable than sleeping when you’re full?

However, this scene in Lalu’s eyes is Zhizhu in hand, spoiled and unfazed, and everything is expected.


Lalu admired even more in his heart, and after coming under the boat, he found the two who had not gone far.

“You two, wait a minute.”


Abin and Adu instantly became vigilant, how did this person catch up again, could it be that the Protoss master just played with himself, and now he is ready to kill himself when he has played enough.

however, Lalu only glanced at the two of them, and then spoke lightly.

“Lord Luffy, he’s not a Protoss.”

Abin was stunned, randomly shocked, and just wanted to open his mouth to refute.

but LaRue did not wait for the two to speak, so he continued to speak.

“Lord Luffy has the power of a god, but it is not used to oppress civilians like the Protoss, you should have seen it, he treats people very kindly.”

hearing this, the two couldn’t help nodding, this is really good.

“So, Lord Luffy has come to lead us to freedom and defeat the Protoss, and he is not a Protoss but has the power of the gods.”

“Although Lord Luffy generously let you go just now, but there are a lot of him, but I am different, if you want to leave, you have to do one thing.”

Abin also faintly guessed something when he heard this, and his expression was serious.


“Spread the name of Lord Luffy in the shadows, and gather like-minded people to rebel against the Protoss.”

Abin showed such an expression, did not hesitate, and nodded.

“Okay, I said yes.”

Lalu got a reply and left satisfied.

“Lord Luffy must be very satisfied with the current result.”

thought to himself.

In the woods, Adu and Abin look at each other.

“Big brother, are we really going to do this kind of thing?” If it’s discovered, that’s it. < p idx="138"> Abin waved his hand.

“Don’t you think that guy has a point?” Overthrow the Protoss, what a great ideal, that adult named Luffy must also be a great person, and it is much better to be able to do things for such a person than to be sneaky before. ”

” too.”

Adu nodded, thinking about it.

“So how do we advertise.”

“Well, first of all, we must shout a loud name when we promote it.”

“How about calling it a god-king.”

“It’s cheesy, I want to think, or I’ll call it the sun god.”

“Well, the name is good, the sun god, the god who brings people light and future, freedom and warmth, well said, brother.”

“Well, your understanding is not bad, brother.”

far away, the sound of two people talking on the path.

ps: This chapter, four thousand words

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