After putting away the overlord-colored domineering < p idx=">0″, Luffy came to Lin Lai’s side.

“Hey, didn’t they come out?” Great, I’m number one! ”

Luffy looked around a few times in surprise, and then was pleasantly surprised to find that he was the first to come out.

hahaha, let you always say that I am han, in fact, I am not humble, but witty a batch, this does not take the first place.

Lin Lai snapped and landed on Luffy’s head.

“Ah, it hurts, Lin Lai, what are you hitting me for.”

Luffy covered his forehead and looked at Lin Lai with dissatisfaction.

“Are you stupid, the first to come out does not mean that you are the first to die, no one else is cold, you are finished, you are still embarrassed to laugh.”

Lin Lai looked at Luffy speechlessly, are you missing a root in your head.

“Oh, it seems to be.”

Luffy suddenly realized, and then collapsed a face, so didn’t he become really stupid?

just as he was thinking so, several figures appeared in a row, and Nami and they also returned.

“Hey, Luffy, why are you standing here, oh, I see, you’re the first to come out.”

Usopp appeared behind Luffy with an exaggerated firearm on his back in a mocking tone.

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no

Luffy was stunned when he heard this, then became furious, and smashed a punch on the top of Usopp’s head.

“Yaga, Usopp, you bastard, aren’t you dead too.”

“Oh, but I died after you.”

Usopp picks his nose to complete the lore.

Luffy’s face was ashen, and he instantly crouched in the corner with a gray-white background.

“Hey, Usopp, did you succeed?”

Nami looked at Usopp and looked at the giant gun in amazement.

“Then again, didn’t you say that this weapon is a little girl’s, how could it be with you, did you?”

Nami, glancing at Usopp with disdain.


Yamaji nodded.

“actually shot at ladies, scum.”

Lin to mend the knife.

“scum in scum.”

the three sang and harmonized, and Usopp was stunned to hear it.

a while before he came back to his senses and quickly explained.

“No, that little girl with pink hair was killed while on a mission, the picture is old, or I am avenging her.”

after a moment, Yamaji touched his chin and realized something.

“That is, as the reason for your revenge and your strong sniper talent, this gun is still in your hands.”

Usopp nodded in satisfaction.

“Yes, that’s it, so don’t slander me here.”

Luffy appeared beside Usopp at an unknown time and gave him a disdainful look.

“snatch the relics of maidens, scum.”

Usopp was furious.

“It’s not like that, Luffy, you bastard.”

several people made a noise, and Wei Wei next to her was shocked, but then she was envious.

their relationship looks so good.

several people sat together, talking about what they had experienced in the simulation and how they died.

Yamaji spat there.

“Then again, originally I went to vegetable heaven with that guy named Ayu, but it turned out that the guy pulled out a lightning fire phoenix feather in the thundercloud and there was nothing wrong, I followed and pulled one, and I was chased and killed all the way, and finally fell from a height of 10,000 meters, what the hell is this setting.”

Usopp laughed.

“You are also too weak, could it be that the other party sees you too ugly.”

“Shut up, you guy, then how did you die.”

Usopp heard this, and immediately raised his head with a proud expression.

“I’m not like you, I went to snipe the strongest man in that empire, a guy named Esders, that’s why I died.”

Luffy looked at Usopp with disdain.

“Che, I was killed by one person, but I was besieged by three people.”

Nami just quietly watched the three people talking, and did not talk.

After all, death or something, it is not a good thing to say, he is not like these goods, he looks quite proud.

Solon held his arm and stood by without speaking, maintaining the pressing position of a cold swordsman, well, definitely not because they were staring when they died.

As for Lin Lai, he is accepting the reward from the system at this moment.

what top overlord color domineering, top armed color domineering, top sight and smell color domineering, food cells have improved, magic has also increased, physique has also improved, instantly become handsome and bigger and longer… Ahem, it got stronger.

Wuhu, take off.

Lin Lai is very happy, that is, what is more comfortable than improving strength.

the pleasure that comes from the heart, the sage time after a slight trembling, and the light wind and clouds that see through everything, all of which indicate the beauty of strength improvement.

“Now that everyone’s simulation is over, let’s eat, let me tell you, this time I got a great ingredient.”

“What’s that?”

Luffy’s eyes lit up, and he couldn’t wait to ask, after all, eating is a big hobby of his.

“It was a soup, a precious ingredient called the soup of the century, which was put together by countless portions of delicacies, and then processed by nature, and after a long time, this thing would appear, and I almost died in order to obtain him.”

“Oh, Si Guoyi!”

Suddenly, the sound of Sanji and Luffy talking next to him made Lin come back and forth.

“Oh, Yamaji, I want a pot.”

he shouted, drawing a burst of angry glares from Yamaji.

“Roll the calf, I only got a pot in total, one bowl per person, no more.”


a few people talked and laughed, and walked towards the Meili, although it was also possible to eat here, but it was the Meili ship that made them feel more cordial.

“Hey, aren’t you leaving?”

Lin Lai passed by Wei Wei’s side, and saw her unresponsive appearance, a little curious.

Vivi was stunned, then shook her head.

“I’m not going, this is a party between you, it’s not good for me to go by an outsider.”

Although I say this, when everyone is happy to party, I can’t fit in, and I still feel a little lost.

“Oh, I thought you didn’t want to go, so let’s go.”

Lin Lai walked past her.

“By the way, you have to hurry, otherwise according to the personality of that group of guys, maybe it’s late and everything is eaten by them.”

said, Lin Lai suddenly woke up.

“Lying groove, yes, it shouldn’t even be eaten by mine, no, I have to hurry up.”

Lin Lai said this, directly grabbed the back collar of Wei Wei’s fate, and then galloped towards the Meili.

“Hey, hey, let me down, shouldn’t you grab my hand and run together at this time?” What the hell is carrying my back collar. ”

Wei Wei complained in her mouth, but there was a strange feeling in her heart, as if this feeling was not bad.

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