“Hey, Sauron, and Sanji, how did you get here.”

Luffy looked at the two people who came outside the castle with a look of surprise, and directly extended his arm to give the two a big hug.


“Pain, you baga, let me go.”

Solon and Sanji were smashed by Luffy’s body at the same time, and they were both immediately disgusted.

“You guy.”

Yamaji almost couldn’t resist printing his size 42 soles on Luffy’s face.

“Hahaha, I’m not excited, anyway, why are you here?”

Luffy laughed, not paying the slightest attention to the details.

Solon pouted.

“I just rushed here just to prevent you from having an accident.”

Solon forcibly pretended to be forced, without revealing half of the reason for his coming here.

However, he did not say, but Yamaji did not give him face at all, and directly demolished the platform.

“This guy is actually lost, so he came here by accident, so I looked for him for a long time.”

“Yaga, what the hell are you talking about, how could I get lost.”

< p idx="15"> “huh…”

> the two glared at each other angrily, and they were about to fight if they didn’t agree.

Luffy looked at the two, and did not stop it, but nodded with satisfaction.

“It’s really worthy of my crew, the relationship is still so good.”

“Who has a good relationship with him.”

Solon and Sanji both looked at each other in disgust, and then each turned his head again, lest he couldn’t help but make a move.

scene of the three people fighting fell in the eyes of Qioba above the castle, which made him can’t help but show a trace of envy.

“By the way, Solon, Yamaji, I also found a new partner this time Oh, he’s a doctor, it’s fun.”

Luffy suddenly said to the two with interest, and then pointed to Choiba above the castle.

“Naw, look.”

the two were fascinated by Luffy’s sea area, and both looked in the direction Luffy was pointing.

Solon opened his eyes and scratched his head in some doubt.

“Oh, what is that, it’s weird.”

Yamaji has a different opinion.

“reindeer? Venison dinner? Luffy, you are really thoughtful, you will actually prepare emergency food for our ship. ”

said, and patted Luffy’s shoulder with satisfaction.

It’s just that Qioba, who was still watching the three people with great interest, couldn’t help but tremble after hearing the words of the two, and ran inside.

“Hey, he’s a guy like I’m talking about, and you scared him.”

Luffy punches Sanji in the head and chases after Chopba.

“Hey, Joba, wait for me.”

said, and already Choiba chased after him, leaving Solon and Sanji to look at each other helplessly.

Good guy, who knew his new partner was a reindeer, they really haven’t seen this kind of scene yet.

and at this time, Dalton also rushed up with a group of residents.

“That reindeer, that blue nose.”

Dalton looked at Choiba who ran back to the castle with some surprise, and suddenly recalled the incident a few years ago, the man who was obviously not very good at medicine, but more like a doctor than those real doctors.

wasn’t the reindeer in front of you the reindeer adopted by the doctor at the time?

looking at the traces of battle on Qioba’s body, he thought of Waporu, who had just been carried down the mountain, and his body suddenly shook.

“So it is, you have been fighting for this country for so many years.”

Dalton is very guilty, he has not done anything in all these years, compared to Choba, he is too far behind.

“Why is this guy so upset?”

Solon looked speechlessly at Dalton, who was suddenly dejected next to him, scratched his head a little speechlessly, and then walked into the castle as well.

“Choba, don’t run.”

Luffy looked for Joba everywhere, but did not see where the other person was.

Usopp was building snowmen on the snow, watching the scene of Luffy running around, and couldn’t help but shake his head.

“Luffy, maybe people don’t want to be pirates at all.”

“Yaga, I don’t care, I just want him to be my partner.”

Luffy didn’t care either, and continued to shout Joba’s name loudly.

a small room, Choiba listened to the conversation of several people, a little self-deprecating.

“It’s not that you don’t want to be a pirate.”

At this moment, Nami and several people also came to the snow outside, looking at Luffy, Nami was a little puzzled.

“What about Choba, isn’t he there?”

Usopp nodded.

“yes, Luffy has been looking here for half a day.”

Solon nodded.

“Let’s go, look at this, the other party should not want to come.”

Saying this, Choiba had already appeared in front of everyone.


Luffy looked at Qioba’s figure happily and smiled.

“It’s been a long time waiting for you, Choba, let’s go to sea together as pirates.”

Joba lowered his head, his hat covering his face, and no one could see what he was thinking.


deep voice spat out of Joba’s mouth, but Luffy didn’t care and continued to speak.

“Why can’t it be, come on, be happy to be a pirate.”

“Because, because I’m a reindeer.”

Joba raised his head a little excitedly and looked at Luffy.

“I have feet, hooves, and a blue nose, although I would like to be a pirate, but I am not a human partner, and I am still a monster, I can’t be your partner, so…” < p idx="71" > said, and Choba’s voice gradually lowered.

“So I’m grateful to you for inviting me to be your partner.”

Listening to what Joba said, the Straw Hat and the gang looked at him calmly, including Luffy.

“I’m going to stay here, not to mention, you can continue to come to me if you are free that day.”

Choiba had given up the idea of going to sea with Luffy and them, however, the next moment, a heavenly voice sounded.

“Less verbose, let’s go!!”

Luffy raised his hands and shouted as if he hadn’t heard Joba’s words.

Qioba’s heart was instantly touched, and he looked at Luffy blankly, and tears involuntarily flowed from his eyes.

, Usopp, Yamaji, Solon, Nami, and Vivi all looked at this scene with a smile on their faces.

“It’s true, and you want to invite others, and you still hate people’s verbosity.”

Lin Lai stood next to him and shook his head, but he also had a smile on his face.

Sure enough, it is wonderful to be able to experience such a journey firsthand, where in reality there is such a sincere and simple emotional ability.

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