“It hurts.”

Several people covered their heads and fell on the boat and wailed.

“I said you, give me enough to stop.”

Lin Lai was speechless, looking at these people with a look of hatred.

“Is it time to look at this?”

Vivi agreed.

However, before she could speak, Lin Lai’s voice sounded again.

“Even if you want to look, you have to find a place where no one is looking, and looking here, isn’t it obvious to find a fight?” Ahem… Good brother, I have a friend. Then

he also fell on the deck.

Nami grabbed Lin Lai by the collar and dragged him to the cabin like a corpse.

“Huh… Let you calm down inside, stay with Luffy and them every day, and learn the bad ones. ”

Lin Lai immediately wanted to refute, just because Luffy they also wanted to teach me badly, just kidding, what kind of person am I?

However, he thought about it and still did not refute it, after all, people also care about themselves.

“Aligado, Nami-san.”

Lin Lai said very sincerely.

But he was in a better mood, but Usopp on deck was not happy.

Why, everyone is on the same boat, their own lecherous is obscene, Lin Lai lustful is bad learning.

Is it possible that growing up handsome can really do whatever you want? This is not bullying honest people, what is this.

He wants to revolt, he wants to protest, he wants to fight, he wants to break this worldly injustice, and he wants to question why Nami treats her differently.

If fate is unfair, then fight him to the end, and Usopp stands up.

The next moment, hearing the sound of thunder and lightning, the corner of Usopp’s eyes twitched, and he immediately accepted this unfair world.

Well, in fact, it is good to treat differently or something, he has no other advantages in Usopp, but he likes to treat this differently.

He slowly squatted down holding his head, like the dog on the side of the road.

Luffy next to him looked at him with disdain, and Usopp was furious, glaring back.

Then the two began a game of eye contact.

Facing each other, several other people also inexplicably joined this eye war.

Within minutes, a group of people began to crouch on the deck and stare wide-eyed.

“Oh, I really am, why am I angry with these people.”

Nami looked at this group of sand sculptures, and suddenly felt so tired, why did she get angry with them just now.

It’s not worth it, it’s not worth it at all.

Shaking her head, Nami didn’t care about them anymore, and let a few people play the essence of sand sculpture.

As soon as Nami left, the group immediately began to imitate again.

Of course, among them, Xiaofeng is in charge of the performance, and Luffy Usopp and Choiba are responsible for watching.

Yamaji let him know that it was impossible to look at the beauty again because of the blow just now, so he walked away with a lack of interest.

And Solon is because there is no woman in his heart, and he draws his sword as a natural god.

If you want him to be the world’s number one sword master (future), how can he be tempted because of this little beauty.

It’s just a root of trouble.

Solon was gesturing with a knife to something, but after hesitating for a long time, he still didn’t make a move.

The few people on the other side had already begun to go their separate ways, and Luffy on this side had already begun to dance, and they looked happy.

However, after a while, Xiao Feng was the first to see his ship drive back.

“Yaga, these bastards.”

He cursed angrily in his heart, originally he had already mixed up with the Straw Hat Ball, as long as he stayed a little longer, he could collect information, but if he was engaged in this, wouldn’t he be exposed?

In an instant, his mind spun rapidly, and after a while, he had already thought of a way.

“Sorry guys, my crew has found this place, it seems that I can’t perform for you anymore.”

“Ah, how is it so fast.”

Luffy was shocked and immediately hugged each other and cried bitterly.

“We’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too.”

After an affectionate farewell, Xiao Feng jumped up and landed firmly on his boat.

“Little ones, let’s go.”

He did not dare to stay longer, for fear of discovering something.

“Yes, Mr.2…”

However, before he could say anything, he was slapped unconscious by Xiao Feng.

Exhaling, Xiao Feng waved his hand towards Luffy, and then the boat left with an extremely fast speed.

“Mr.2, you are?”

This is good, how to do it.

However, Xiao Feng did not mean to explain, he just silently estimated the combat power of the Straw Hat gang in his heart.

The regiment commander Luffy, the strength is unknown, but the brain is not normal, it should be easier to deal with.

The swordsman Solon, the combat power is unknown, but looking at the sharp aura around him, it is estimated that the strength is not weak, and it may only be below MR.1.

Pet Joba, well, well, this is not necessary to remember, turn over.

Usopp, a stupid one, seems to be quite weak.

Navigator Nami, well, is suspected to be the strongest combat power of the Straw Hats, able to easily suppress the rest of the crew.

Lin Lai, standing next to him, felt like an ordinary person, there was no other feeling at all, and his combat power was suspected to be not high.

But this is just his own speculation, after all, the guy who can be rewarded with so many bounties by the world government, no matter how he looks at it, his strength will not be too weak.

Of course, it will not be too weak and depends on who is compared, his own boss is Klockdar, that is one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, the top powerhouse of the sea, deal with these people, sprinkle water.

In this way, with a happy and happy mood, Xiao Feng left here and headed towards his own base camp.

It’s a pity, those guys seem to be quite good, Xiao Feng looked at the sea and thought so.

On the other side, after bidding farewell to Xiao Feng, the Meili also gradually approached its destination, the Kingdom of Alabastan.

As for why it was determined to be approaching, it was naturally because several people saw a sea cat that suddenly appeared.

If it weren’t for Wei Wei’s efforts to stop it, it is estimated that Luffy and several people would not be able to resist slaughtering and eating.

“I’m so hungry.”

Luffy leaned against the side of the boat and muttered weakly.

Although they have a food making machine on board, but that thing can only make one food a day, redundant? Sorry, no.

Unfortunately, when the food maker came out at twelve o’clock in the morning, it happened to be eaten by Luffy.

“I’m so hungry too.”

Usopp also complained weakly next to him, but suddenly, his gaze inadvertently glanced at the sea behind him, and he was suddenly shocked.

“Hey, hey, everyone, look at it, what is that, why did there suddenly appear a lot of ships.”

It turned out that at some point, huge ships appeared behind them, and at a cursory glance, there were about a dozen of them.

“That mark is the people from the Baroque studio, and unlike those bounty hunters at Whiskey Peak, these guys are the elite of the Baroque studio.”

Vivi looked at the markings on these boats and immediately recognized them.

She was all too familiar with the mark.

“Oh, it seems to be an enemy.”

Solon grinned, his right hand already resting on the chopping knife at his waist.

And hearing that there was an enemy, Yamaji was also half-squinted, and his body was about to move.

Usopp next to him also set up the romantic pumpkin battery behind him, ready to come at any time.

Luffy, oh, Luffy was already hungry and didn’t want to move.

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