In the desolate desert, the group continued to move forward, looking at the surrounding barren desert and broken buildings, Usopp asked with some doubt.

“Vivi, didn’t you say that this is the Green City? How does it look so dilapidated. ”

When you look around, you can’t see any green at all, not even a single piece of the building is intact.

Everywhere there are ruins, it is impossible to imagine that this place will be called the Green City.

“It was fine here not long ago.”

Vivi’s expression was lonely, but she still explained.

“It’s been dry for several years, and it’s not raining a drop, so the residents have left.”

Drought for several years is rare everywhere, and generally speaking, even several months of consecutive drought are severe, let alone years.

“Isn’t there a river on the side where we just stopped the boat?” Can’t it be channeled from that side?

Solon raised an eyebrow, puzzled.

Wei Wei did not speak, but led the group to a dry channel.

“A canal was dug here, but it was also sabotaged.”

Vivi looked down at the bottomed riverbed and became a little silent.

Everyone knew that he was a little uncomfortable in his heart, but they didn’t know what to say to comfort him.

After all, they are all a group of old straight men, where is the experience, only Nami, who is also a girl, stepped forward and patted Weiwei’s shoulder.

“It’s okay, we’ll definitely help you defeat Klockdar.”


Vivi nodded, then got up and walked in front of a group of people again.

While walking, suddenly, a sound sounded from all directions and reached their ears.

“This is!”

Luffy looked around warily, ready to attack at any time.

“Don’t worry, it’s okay, this is just a special situation caused by the remnants of the buildings changing the direction of the wind when the wind blows through the city.”

Of course, this is from a scientific point of view, but as for Vivi, she stood in the original stunned.

“This is, it can’t be wrong, this is the city crying.”

At the same time, a gust of wind also rushed out from the ruins and blew towards everyone.

In the face of this fierce wind, no one was afraid, they all stood in place and did not move at all.

However, just as the wind blew through his body, Luffy seemed to hear something.

Looking at the distant wind, he didn’t know why he was a little low.

“That is, what?”

Lin Lai looked at this scene, and there was a little guess in his heart, perhaps, it was Luffy’s talent for listening to the sounds of all things that played a role.

However, there is a person lower than Luffy on the scene, that is, Choba.

As a person who inherited some of the origin of life in the simulation, he can clearly perceive the crying of the city.

Unconsciously, his tears had flowed.

“Choba, what’s wrong with you.”

Watching his mascot become like this, Luffy directly picked him up.

“Woo hoo, Luffy, it’s so uncomfortable, we, let’s go and fly that Klockdar.”

Choiba spoke a little incoherently, but Luffy still clearly understood what he wanted to say.

“Of course, Joba.”

Luffy punched the stone pillar next to him, directly knocking the stone pillar to collapse.

He looked at Vivi with a serious expression.

“Let’s go, Vivi, I’m already a little too hard to hold back the anger in my heart.”

Luffy said, and already walked towards the front without thinking about himself.

Lin Lai stood behind Wei Wei and patted him on the shoulder.

“Let’s go, go to Yuba, isn’t it the base of the rebels? To solve the turmoil in this country, we should first solve the rebels. ”


Vivi nodded.

“But I don’t want to coerce them by force, I think I want to convince them, after all, they are also the people of this country.”

As the princess of this country, Vivi really didn’t want to bring a second disaster to these people who had already suffered once.

“Of course, but only if you are safe.”

Lin Lai laughed, and then pulled Vivi up.

“Let’s go.”

At this time, no one is funny, because no one is in the mood to be funny on this occasion.

The day quickly passed in a hurry, and night came.

A group of people directly found a suitable place to sit, ready to rest and continue on the road tomorrow.


Lin Lai snapped his fingers, and a poke of flames appeared directly in his hand, lighting the branches in front of him, and a group of people gathered around the bonfire, eating the dry food that had been prepared long ago.

Eating dry jerky, Luffy always felt a little uncomfortable.

Just about to say something, suddenly, he found that a scorpion actually appeared at his feet.

Of course, he didn’t know that it was a scorpion, but he grabbed the scorpion and his eyes lit up.

“Oh, there are shrimp to eat.”

Usopp didn’t believe it.

“How is it possible, there are no shrimp in the desert.”

It’s not on the beach, how could there be such a thing.

“Really, you see.”

Luffy picked up the scorpion in his hand and showed it to Usopp, who was stunned, and then looked at the scorpion with a surprised expression.

“Is there really shrimp in the desert, what is this, desert shrimp?”

Then attracted Qiao Ba over, and the three looked at the scorpion for a while, and Lin Lai was speechless.

“It’s just a scorpion, poisonous, not edible.”

Of course, in fact, it can be eaten after processing, but it is too troublesome, mainly there is only one, and there is no seasoning, and he is too lazy to get it.

Otherwise, how could he be indifferent as a foodie of the Great Celestial Empire in his previous life.

“Oh, it’s poisonous.”

Luffy suddenly felt bored and handed it to Usopp.

“That’s for you, Usopp, do you want it.”

“Eight Gaya Road, I don’t want it.”

Usopp instantly stepped back, wondering if Luffy was going to take the opportunity to kill himself and get rid of a strong candidate for the captain.

Luffy got bored and threw the scorpion directly behind him.

Scorpion: “Then I go?”

Lin Lai felt that if he stayed here for a long time, his IQ might be affected, so he drilled directly towards his tent.

“See you tomorrow, Luffy.”

What, you said that I am strong and don’t need to sleep, that’s not pure nonsense.

Then, Lin Lai, who was sitting inside the tent, was speechless, and outside Luffy was roasting scorpions around the bonfire.

This eating scorpions is a beautiful thing, sleep and eat, give me all to eat, grandma drops, don’t eat it, then don’t eat it.

Lin Lai had no choice but to take out his only grenade, pull the lead, and prepare to die with them.

If you break my wings, I will destroy your heaven, and this wave, the return of love.

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