At this moment, what is our unreliable Luffy Sand doing?

Oh, and our Luffy players are attacking the stones in the distance.

He stretched out his arm, he grabbed the stone, and he flew towards the stone with the help of the elasticity of his arm.

Beautiful, the Luffy fighter successfully knocked out two obstacles in the middle of the road, named Solon and named Choba.

When Luffy flew under the stone with Solon, Solon couldn’t help but pull out his great sword.

“I’m going to slaughter you, bastard.”

Solon looked at Luffy excitedly.

“Hahahaha, sorry sorry, hey, where did Qioba go.”

Luffy scratched his head, only to find that Joba was gone.

Then he saw Choiba lying in the desert and couldn’t help but scratch his head.

“Hey, why did Choiba fall asleep, really, can’t he learn from me, the captain?” Can you be as mature and reliable as me. Luffy

felt deeply ashamed of Choba’s act of falling to sleep on the ground.

However, after feeling the chill on the side of his neck, Luffy instantly withered.

“Private Marseille, it’s all my fault.”

“Che, really, where did I just say.”

Solon wordlessly withdrew his slashing knife, and then found a place to sit down and think about what he and Choiba were talking about.

I haven’t finished talking about it just now, but after thinking about it, I can continue to pretend.

It’s just that, with a click, his words have not yet been finished, and a deep pit appeared in the position where he just sat down.

“Hey, hey, I don’t remember Solon telling jokes.”

“Yaga, who is kidding you.”

Solon stood up and looked at the sand walls around him a little speechlessly.

As far as the eye can see, there are ruins, and broken stone pillars can be seen everywhere, proving that this was once a palace.

As he walked, a stone tablet appeared in front of him at some point.

The stone tablet is carved in an incomprehensible font, only the upper half is exposed, and the lower half is buried in the ground.

“How can there be such a thing here.”

Solon was puzzled, knowing that this was under the desert, who would be bored to build this kind of thing here.

“Oh, so this is underneath.”

Luffy’s voice suddenly appeared, which immediately startled Solon.

Looking at Luffy, Solon was a little speechless.

“Why did you come down.”

“Oh, with the arm down.”

Luffy scratched his head, feeling that Solon was a bit of an idiot, how could he ask such a question.

Solon immediately became angry and began to spray water at Luffy.

“Bagaya Road, I mean how did you come down, why didn’t you wait on it.”

He remembered that Chobba seemed to have been knocked down all at once, and he didn’t see where he and Luffy were.

“Oh, this is complicated to say, I won’t talk about it.”

Luffy scratched his head, feeling as if he couldn’t find any excuses, and simply laid it out.

“Alas, if even you come down, then Choiba will not find us later.”

You know, after getting lost, they are now all relying on Joba’s nose to smell the smell, if there is no Joba, it is not all cool.

Who knew that Luffy was grinning and pointing to a place.

“You say this, then don’t worry, because Joba is about to fall, you see.”

His voice had just fallen, and the next moment, Choiba also fell with a pile of sand.

“Pain, where is this?”

Choiba stood up and looked curiously at the sand walls around him, well, especially one of the large sand walls with a hat.

“What is it?”

Qioba rubbed his head and came to the stone tablet and asked with some doubt.

“Who knows, maybe it’s from the past.”

Solon shrugged, then looked at the hole above, thought about it, and was ready to jump back.

Anyway, this place is just a ruin, and there is nothing to see.

Who knew that Luffy suddenly grabbed the nearby stone pillar at this time, stretched his arm long, and then instantly ejected, flying quickly towards the hole that fell above.

And he also caught Solon and Choba, who were about to jump back.

In the middle of the air, Qioba looked at the earth farther and farther away with a dull face, and his face was silent.

“I kind of think I’m on the wrong boat.”

Solon was expressionless.

“You and we really get along today, I think so.”

After a burst of flying, they didn’t know where they landed and whether they were in the right direction.

However, under Qiao Ba’s nose, he really let him smell Lin Lai and his group.

“Oh, over there.”

Joba pointed in one direction, and then Luffy quickly ran towards the front.

“Yamaji Yamaji, I’m going to find Yamaji to eat meat.”

“Hey, hey, don’t run around, be careful that the position is wrong again.”

Choiba and Solon were helpless for a while, and quickly chased after them.

On the other side, Lin Lai and the others had just rested and set off again.

According to Vivi, one more day, they will be able to reach their destination.

Well, at that time, I and others will not have to continue to hurry, speaking of which, this has always been sand, and it is boring to watch.

“If only Lao Sha directly charged and didn’t need us to find it, and he would come and send him to death.”

Lin Lai looked at these sand was a little bored, and decided that if the old sand was too weak tomorrow, then send Luffy to the opposite side so that he could beat him out of anger.

The red sunset reflects the earth, turning the desert red.

At this time, three people suddenly appeared on the sand dunes in the distance.

Looking closely, it turned out to be Luffy and the three.

“Oh, Choba, Solon, welcome back.”

Lin Lai greeted enthusiastically, ignoring a certain hair.

Seeing this, Luffy was furious on the spot, it’s you dog thing again, see I don’t use my rubber to teach you a good lesson today.

Then, the two people fought together on the spot, fighting inextricably, like glue, you non my non, philosophy is incomparable.

Seeing Vivi exclaimed.

“Stop, stop, you guys don’t fight anymore, stop.”

Hearing this, Yamaji touched his hair with some doubt, and raised his head uncertainly to look at the sky.

“What’s going on, it’s obviously not raining, but I feel that it’s raining a lot.”

It can only be said that the power of the law is terrifying, and the law of rain has filled the heavens and realms.

“Speaking of Qioba, why did you catch up so late.”

Nami looked at Choiba and asked with some doubt.

Solon spoke speechlessly beside him.

“It’s not because of Luffy that guy, I have to say what kind of Klockdar I am, and then I scrapped the boss’s strength to subdue him.”

Usopp asked in a low voice.

“How’s that, isn’t it cool.”

“Well, don’t say, it’s really cool when you hit it hard.”

Solon thought of the feeling of stepping on Luffy vigorously, it was sour, and he dared not imagine.

Usopp was next to him full of envy, so good, he also wanted to try it.

Anyway, Luffy is a rubber, no matter how hard he tries, it’s okay, but it’s a pity that Luffy is too stingy to let them all cool off the crew.

PS: Chapter II

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