Where Sanji fought with the last agent, looking at Solon, who had already solved the battle, Yamaji immediately took a very unhappy bite.

“This guy’s chopping knife is really perverted.”

Sanji is speechless, this is simply cheating, a sword sacrifice, the enemy will die, this is still a fart ah.

Now that this green algae head has solved the battle, he is still dragging his feet here, he will definitely be laughed at, that guy, he will definitely not let go of such an opportunity.

The more Yamaji thought about it, the more he felt the horror of that scene, and immediately looked at his opponent murderously.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Agent, your teammates have already left first, can I ask you to follow along?”

The agent was furious, he also saw Solon slashing his teammates with a sword, and even heard the soft groan from above.

Solon’s sword was strong, and he admitted that even he would not be able to escape if he faced it himself.

But that look is an attack that can only be used at a great cost, how to drop, is it possible that you will too? You’re a little dog, what is the dog’s barking?

The agents immediately attacked Yamaji more and more rapidly, wanting to kill this guy before Solon could recover.

Then deal with the swordsman, and wait for his boss to come to support him after solving the sword demon forest.

Although a companion was sacrificed, at least the task was completed in the end, which is okay.

Thinking like this, he also reached out and took out a bottle from his arms, opened the cap and prepared to drink the potion inside.

And then….

With a click, the agent looked at the bottle that was kicked to the ground in shock, and Yamaji who suddenly appeared in front of him, with disbelief in his eyes.

“Che, you really think that I am the brainless protagonist in the novel, who will watch the enemy explode and then be bloodied and then killed back.”

Sanji glanced at this agent with disdain, you dare to drink medicine in front of me, shit when you are a turn-based game.

“Impossible, this distance, how could you have arrived so quickly.”

He had estimated the distance between the two sides, and judging from their previous battles, Sanji could not have arrived in a second, and it was only a second for him to drink the potion.

The agent was momentarily incredulous and unextricable, and the pain of being deceived was as uncomfortable as coming home all those years ago and watching his wife get along with other men.

Everyone has been fighting for so long, hand-to-hand combat for so long, you actually hide a hand behind my back, are you worthy of my trust in you?

Yamaji looked at this agent in disbelief and also smiled.

“I’m embarrassed, but I also have moves like that guy.”

It’s just that it’s not so perverted, Sanji silently complained in his heart.

Then, seeing him put on a posture, a strong coercion suddenly appeared behind him, that coercion, making the agent feel as if he met a male lion when he was weak, it was coercion from those at the top of the food chain.

With the appearance of coercion, a vague shadow slowly emerged behind Sanji, that is, a gourmet demon residing in the gourmet cell.

Yamaji’s Sauron-like skill is to quickly squeeze gourmet cells and then gain huge combat power in a short period of time, so as to quickly solve the opponent.

However, the disadvantages are similar to Solon, that is, after use, because of too much consumption, you need to supplement food in time, or high-grade food, otherwise, it will be weak and paralyzed.

He originally wanted to kill this guy slowly, but there was no way, whoever called Solon had already solved it, then he definitely couldn’t lag too far behind.

“What is this?”

The agent’s whole person is numb, first the swordsman, summon a phantom and forget it, now you tell me that you can also summon a phantom?

Although the ghost is different, this effect is similar, and it is used to hit their own side.

The agent felt bitter in his heart, how could he inexplicably kick into a nest of hanging, hoping that the boss was okay.

He was still thinking about it, but Sanji was not ready to give him a chance.

With the blessing of the demon in the gourmet cell, his speed and strength doubled.

Just for a while, the agent who was originally equal to him was already kicked by him and full of wounds.

“Ahem…” With

an unwilling look, the agent was half-kneeling, and the low blood had stained the vicinity red.

“You guys who dare to provoke the world government, you evil pirates, give me death.”

The agent roared, regardless of the injuries of his body, his legs stepped heavily on the sand, stepping on the ground out of a huge pit, and his body quickly rushed towards Yamaji with the power of thrusting back.

“Six styles. Monthly steps. Big Ferris Strike! The

agent’s legs kicked out an incomparably huge chopping wave and flew straight towards Yamaji.

“What evil, what justice, but their respective camps are different.”

Sanji disdained each other’s words, different camps, different choices, talk about justice and evil.

Although their Straw Hat Pirates are called Pirates, in fact, is there any thing that pirates should do? And it didn’t.

With such thoughts, a raging flame burned on Yamaji’s feet, and with unparalleled momentum, he also kicked out.

“Devil’s Wind Foot. Demon Meat Grinder!!

And the demon phantom behind him also kicked out, and in an instant, it seemed to turn into a meat grinder, straight towards the agent.


Continuous explosions rang out, raising large clouds of smoke, making it difficult to see the movement inside.

In the next second, the agent fell out of the smoke, covered in blood, and there was already more air intake and less air out.

It seemed that he was going to die, and just when he was desperate, he suddenly saw a figure flying towards him.

That figure was so familiar to him, so intimate.

“Boss, you finally came to save me.”

The agent had tears in his eyes, and then he watched the agent boss fall straight down next to him.

In an instant, he fell into despair again, looked at the boss who was similar to himself, and smiled miserably.

Losing hope, he didn’t bother to look at the ugly faces of this group of pirates again, and directly killed himself.

Beside him, seeing his subordinates die in front of him like this, the agent boss was very angry.

These two wastes, even two nameless guys can’t be defeated, it’s simply a shame for the CP organization.

“Oh, Sword Demon Forest, don’t be proud, even if I die today, but the world government will not let you go, I, Stark. Hulk. Captain America will be waiting for you below.

Cursing towards Lin, the last agent of the world government also closed his eyes, and his breath was completely lost.

At this point, the enemies of the world government have been completely eliminated.

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