“It’s so quiet.”

Vivi opened her eyes and looked at Karu on the other side and whispered to herself.

“I haven’t slept so quietly in a long time, have I, Karoo.”

Here, there is no chef who is busy preparing ingredients, no swordsman who has been practicing swordsmanship, no Nami who likes to move around in her sleep, no sniper who loves to brag, no cute reindeer, no captain who likes to make a bunch of accidents, and no deputy captain who likes to watch lively and then inexplicably become lively.

There was nothing left, and it was the quietest sleep she had in all this time.

When she had trouble sleeping at night, in the desert, Nami was also depressed.

“Hey, Nami, what’s wrong with you.”

Luffy looked at Nami suspiciously, then took a piece of roast meat from his backpack.

“Oh, divide you one.”

“Yaga, this is sad because of Vivi’s affairs.”

Usopp complained next to him, but Nami shook her head.

“I’m sad about what that for, a billion Baileys, I gave up a billion Baileys.”

Nami burst into tears.

“I faint, so you are because of this.”

“Otherwise, Vivi can’t help it, after all, she is a princess, and she is not like us.”

Nami said very reasonably, she was still very sensible, unlike Luffy Usoppe.


Everyone was speechless all of a sudden, looking at her like that before, they thought what they were doing, but who knew that they were distressed about money.

“Hey, hey, what kind of eyes are you, you don’t need money for daily expenses, you don’t need money for the maintenance of the ship, besides, I’m still ready to strengthen a wave of Meili, it’s all money.”

Nami always felt that the Merry gradually could not support their voyage after entering the Great Voyage.

Perhaps it was more than enough in the East China Sea, but on the Great Route, the ship was already beginning to be unable to keep up with them.

They are getting stronger, and no matter what, the Melly should also strengthen a wave.

Otherwise, I may not say when I will say goodbye to the Melly.

“Yes, speaking of which, Lin Lai, is there a way for you to strengthen the Meili as well as us.”

Usopp looked at Lin Lai with a big mind.


Lin Lai thought about it, it seems that he has not thought about this thing, can the Meili also enter the simulation to strengthen a wave.

Well, if nothing else, the ship lady seems to be good, hehe, saliva came out of the corner of Lin Lai’s mouth.

The ship lady or something, it’s very exciting to think about, what Dong Yong Xu Xian these guys are far behind.

“Hey, hey, wake up, the saliva is on the ground.”

Solon was speechless, didn’t it just let you strengthen a wave of Merly, how did you still become like this.


Lin Lai wiped his saliva, and then explained seriously.

“You know what, I’m here for the scene where the Meili will carry us to kill in all directions in the future, a group of people rush to the street.”

He ignored the ugly faces of these people, and then began to ask the system about whether the Melly could simulate things.

“System, system, in or out, in the buckle one, not in the buckle two.”

System: “………”

The system did not want to pay attention to the sand sculpture host, and Gao Leng did not speak.

Lin Lai was stunned, good you are a dog thing, are you asking for someone else outside, now you are so indifferent to me, so impatient.

Then the system that was overwhelmed by Lin Lai’s strength had to transmit a message to Lin Lai, of course, the above is purely Lin Lai’s fantasy, in fact, he is asking, the system directly transmits information.

Looking at the information transmitted by the system, Lin Lai also understood what this meant.

This means that as long as there is intelligence and is in the power of the host, it can be simulated.

Well, well, in theory, the Melly doesn’t seem to be able to do simulations.

But don’t forget that there is still such a legend as the ship spirit in this world, and the Merry was also born in the original book with such a consciousness.

Therefore, for the Meili to simulate becoming a ship girl, Lin Lai felt that it was very possible.

“Hey, hey, it’s been so long, have you thought of a way?”

Luffy asked curiously while eating meat.

“Just kidding, who am I, of course it’s okay, but it’s not time yet.”

Lin Lai swore and patted his chest, but he forgot about the time when the elf of the Meili was born, it took too long.

Damn, the useless thing of the system can’t produce a small movie and other functions, you can make up for it when you are bored, and review the teacher’s personal teaching.

“Cut, it’s not interesting.”

Everyone snorted in disdain, as we all know, there is a kind of person in the world, except for the mouth, the whole body is hard, and the rest is soft.

“What words, what are these words, I want to see my lawyer.”

Lin Lai was furious, looking at this group of people, did he know what it is called thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi.

After a while, everyone had already arrived at the place where they had parked the Meili earlier.

However, before he got closer, Lin Lai had already discovered something wrong.

First of all, let’s not say why the Meili is missing, but the second, it’s too quiet here.


Lin Lai stopped everyone, then closed his eyes and began to sense the location of the Meili.

After a while, he sensed the position of the ship, but in addition to the ship, he also sensed something interesting.

“Come with me, the ship is in another location.”

Saying that, Lin Lai rushed in another direction with the others.

“Hey, hey, what’s the situation.”

“That place has been surrounded by naval warships just now, and we just threw ourselves into the net, and our ship is not there, on the other side.”

Lin Lai explained simply, otherwise he was afraid that it would be too complicated for Luffy to understand.

Of course, although sometimes simple Luffy can’t understand it.

After a while, several people had already arrived at a shore where the Meili was parked.

Coming to the side of the Meili, a group of people carried all the luggage they had brought from the palace, but to their surprise, there was an extra person on the ship.

“Hey, hey, why are you guys here.”

Luffy looked at Feng suspiciously. Clay, didn’t this guy let him go, why is he still here.

“Hey, hey, don’t do it, don’t do it, the Baroque studios are all disbanded now, and we are not enemies anymore.”

Feng. Clay quickly waved his hand, afraid that Luffy would throw his fist in the next second.

He still knows the strength of the person in front of him, and he can only describe it as terrifying.

“So what are you doing here?”

Usopp looked at this guy, also full of doubts.

“If it weren’t for me, your current ships would have been seized by the Navy.”

Feng. Clay’s exaggerated gesture caused Luffy Usopp and Choiba to be moved, and immediately became brothers.

Lin Lai was speechless.

“You’re trying to get out of here with our power.”

After all, this place is now surrounded by the navy, just by Feng. Clay’s strength is simply impossible to rush out.

Then, Usopp Luffy and Choiba who heard this suddenly turned to Feng. Clay glared angrily.

“Bagaya Road, you guy, it turned out to be a liar to us.”

“No help, these three guys.”

Lin Lai looked at Luffy’s performance speechlessly, and then looked at Feng. Clay.

“Well, since you helped bring the ship over, then we will help you once, but after escaping here, it is none of my business whether you can escape the pursuit of the navy.”

Although Lin Lai for Feng. Clay doesn’t have any ill feelings, and this person is also quite moral, but the reality is not when watching anime after all, and it is impossible to always take this guy with you.

“Thank you Lin for coming to the little brother.”

Feng. Clay was overjoyed, and his ship appeared next to him, with his men on top.

“So when do we go.”

Feng. Clay can’t wait, the matter of Klockdar has now been revealed, they are now criminals and will be captured by the Navy.

So he felt that the sooner he left, the better, and after staying for a long time, the people sent by the navy were getting stronger and stronger.

“Tomorrow morning.”

Lin Lai smiled, because Vivi had a speech tomorrow, which was a speech that connected the whole of Alabastan, and her voice could be heard everywhere in Alabastan.

The Straw Hat and the group all discussed, and after listening to Weiwei’s speech, it was not too late to leave.

Feng. Clay hesitated to hear this time, and wanted to say something, but in the end he still did not speak.

Forget it, it’s just one night, it should be fine.

On the other side, in the Red Earth Continent, among the Holy Land of Mary Joa, the five old stars of the world government are discussing the matter of the Straw Hat.

“The CP organization has become more and more wasted recently, and the most senior agents can’t even deal with a pirate group that has just come out.”

“It seems that it is time to do some rectification of these guys, they should be living too comfortably.”

“Whether the bounties of the Straw Hats need to be improved, these bounties will make the Navy misjudge its strength and cause unnecessary losses.”

“No, raising too much bounty at once will make all eyes of the sea focus on them, which is not conducive to our actions, and the current bounty is just right, not much, but not less.”

“Do we still need to make another arrest? After all, that ability. The

scene suddenly fell silent, the senior agents of the CP organization are not bad, but the number of top agents is not so much.

After all, the combat power of the general level, if it is really a lot, then there is nothing to do with those pirates now, and they have long been eliminated by them one by one.

“Temporarily stop the action of the straw hats, but the monitoring of them must not be less, even if they can’t keep an eye on it all the time, but the location of the other party must be clear.”

The five people had a heated discussion inside, and after a while, the results were already reached.

Luffy’s capture is temporarily suspended, the bounty remains unchanged, and surveillance is strengthened.

In addition to this, they also came to the conclusion that the pirates on the sea are too rampant in this era, and they must make some moves to make them stop.

It’s just that what this action is, it needs to be discussed later.

Of course, if nothing else, maybe this action is the arrest of Ace, who triggered the top war.

In a town, Ace was holding a few bounty slips, with a happy look on his face.

“It’s really you, Luffy, the bounty is actually so high.”

He looked at the amount of the bounty offered by Luffy and the others, and was a little happy, after all, the higher the bounty, the stronger Luffy’s strength, and the more certain he was on this side of the sea.

“Seeing them all make such a big move and solve the goal this time, then I, the elder brother, can’t be left behind.”

Ace held up his hat and decided to hurry up and capture Tichy, not to be too far behind Luffy.

And when Ace thought so, his target, Blackbeard Tichy, was also watching with Luffy’s bounty slip.

“Oh, the total bounty has exceeded one billion new pirate groups?”

Looking at the bounty slip in his hand, Tichy’s heart fell into thought.

He had previously seen Klockdar do serious damage to Alabastan, so he was abolished and successfully captured, and a plan was born at this time.

However, he was still worried about how to replace Klockdar as the new Qiwu Sea, but he didn’t expect to send pillows when drowsiness came.

“Straw Hat Pirates? Looks like it’s going to have to go. He

decided to arrest the Straw Hats and his gang as proof of becoming His Majesty Qiwu Hai.

But fortunately, he did not succeed unexpectedly, otherwise, it is estimated that the top war will become a different look.

Ace brought Whitebeard to rescue his brother, Dragon brought the Revolutionary Army to save his son, Redhead brought his crew to save the inheritor of One Piece’s will, and Karp died directly on the spot and became a naval hero who touched the fish.

At that time, no one knows whether Tichy’s plan will succeed, but his death date must have come to fruition.

Speaking of Karp, what is Karp doing now, he is being educated by the Warring States at the moment.

“Karp, it’s your grandson again, can you stop and let me worry a little, I really can’t do this marshal for a day.”

Looking at the message sent to him by the five old stars, the hearts of the Warring States were visible to the naked eye.

What is called try not to move the Straw Hat Pirates, what is called surveillance, good guys, go backstage.

Unexpectedly, Karp, an honest man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, will one day find a relationship, and it is still such a hard relationship as the five old stars.

I heard that the female Draco over there will have some particularly big needs when they are old, can it be said that Karp sold his body in exchange for this result?

It’s hateful, this old thing is not old, how can this kind of good thing not let himself be touched.

Obviously, Sengoku seemed to have misunderstood something, and his mind had already begun to drift and enter the unknown dimension.

However, Karp didn’t know what Sengoku was thinking, and he didn’t know what Sengoku was talking about, so he took the reward list in Sengoku’s hand and looked at it.

“Ahem…” At

this look, even his donuts suddenly became not fragrant, and he was almost choked.

Good fellow, when did his grandson break so much, and the bounty was so high for a few days.

Could it be that it became stronger after eating something big? It’s hateful, Luffy, the unfilial grandson, must let him feel his grandfather’s loving iron fist again the next time he sees him, and he doesn’t remember himself if he has something delicious.

In this way, a naval marshal, a naval hero, after reading the same bounty list, fell into different thinking, perhaps, this is the difference between a smart person and a critic.

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