An island swaying slightly in a windless zone.

Waves of waves rushed around!


Chapter 3

Furious ocean currents!

This moment swept along the island!

With that powerful force in the body, it completely exploded.

A burst of sky-high red light bloomed in place!

Then, Rowan’s figure disappeared!

A hideous giant beast more than fifteen meters tall stood on the island.

Silvery-white hair covers the whole body and sparkles in the sunlight.

Fangs and claws.

Some of the exposed skin is gray-black like a rhinoceros.

Thick and powerful claws flashed with cold!

The muscles are strong, and it contains extremely terrifying power!

The earth trembled at the appearance of this creature!

With shoulders as wide as five meters, the bulging deltoid muscles on both sides are like bulging hills, and the 100-inch long claws seem to be able to penetrate everything!

It looks like a giant beast born for killing and war!

Just a low roar.

Let the air around them constantly vibrate!

Until Rowan was barely able to rein in his strength.

The tremor of the island only stopped!


Rowan subconsciously clenched his fists, and the air around him shook out.

His mood was agitated.

This force… It’s so terrifying!

It’s unbelievable!

“I didn’t expect… This phantom beast seed fruit actually possessed such power! ”

Rowan’s gaze.

Shimmering with excitement.

He’s up to now!

Finally knew the name of this phantom beast species devil fruit!

Department of Zoology. Phantom beast species. Beamon Form!

Able to transform the person who swallowed it into the legendary terrifying beast with infinite power – Beamon!

Although Beamon does not have the bells and whistles to control the elements, the amazing defensive power brought by Beamon’s fruit completely surpasses that of ordinary phantom beast species!

The increase in strength is also particularly terrifying!

It is said that adult Beamon Behemoths can tear dragons alive.

It can well be imagined.

How powerful is the power of the Beamon Form Illusory Beast Species!

In terms of the increase in strength and defense, it is definitely better than the Green Dragon Fruit!


Rowan closed his eyes and perceptively perceived.

The power that originated from the earth was constantly pouring into his huge body.

Just stand on the ground.

He will be able to continuously restore his strength!

It can be said to be a child of the earth!

As long as he is on the ground, he is not afraid of any protracted battle attrition at all!

Rowan felt the terrifying power coming from his body’s limbs.

He couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

“In terms of strength and defense alone, this phantom beast species devil fruit is simply full.”

“Although there is a lack of elemental means.”

“But it’s already the top phantom beast seed fruit!”

Rowan was satisfied.

He just needs to develop the fruit normally.

It is also very normal for the body to grow to the level of Kaido, and it is even possible to surpass it!

After all, according to the setting, Beamon can tear the dragon alive when he is an adult!

Although it is a Western dragon, it is enough to reflect its horror.

After disarming the phantom beast form.

Rowan’s figure also returned to its previous appearance, but his aura became much stronger.

Under normal conditions, his physique is four or five times stronger than before!

He looked inside the box.

Thought to yourself.

Defense and strength are no longer a concern.

The Bryde’s leopard fruit is completely a younger brother in front of the Beamon fruit, so it is definitely not needed.

As for the quick fruit, although it can also play a certain degree of improvement for themselves, the increase is not very large.

Speed is of course important, but it is not only the speed fruit that can increase speed.

Rowan thought about it carefully.

The most suitable for him at the moment is definitely the thunder fruit of Anilu!

As one of the strongest natural systems, the Thunder Fruit not only has the ability to increase the amplitude and see the color.

At the same time, it can also give the fruit ability person unparalleled speed.

You can also control powerful thunder as your own means of long-range attacks.

Beamon Fruit Amplification Defense and Power, Thunder Fruit Amplification Attack and Speed and Elemental Attack, just perfect!

Rowan even decided to make the Thunder Fruit his second fruit target!

It’s a pity that now counting the time, it is estimated that Anilu has successfully eaten the thunder fruit.

Before mastering the armed color domineering, he was not yet Anilu’s opponent.

But Rowan is not in a hurry.

It was still seven or eight years before Luffy went to sea.

Anyway, he now has a domineering codex and a sword codex, and he only needs to spend a few years on this desert island to further his strength before he can choose to go to sea.

It’s not too late to go to the trouble of that guy from Anilu then.

As long as he successfully defeats Anilu of the empty island and allows the power of the Beamon Fruit and the Thunder Fruit to be superimposed, he can truly become a hexagonal warrior with no dead ends in all directions!

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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