Although Anilu in hand.

Mastering the extremely fast thunder fruit, the output ability is not bad.

But one thing is fatal.

That is, I don’t know the existence of armed color domineering.

Just take advantage of this, and it’s not just a joke to face Anilu’s blow and hit him hard.

Rowan picks up an octopus tentacle that has been torn off.

Cut the tender meat with a knife and swallow it directly while recovering your strength.

I thought to myself.

After eating this giant octopus.

At least within a month.

He shouldn’t be hungry anymore.

This time point was just enough for him to leave the windless zone and go to get the thunder fruit that was eyeing it.

For now.

It’s now two years before Luffy goes to sea.

That is to say, the war at the top will begin almost two years later.

If he didn’t get the Thunder Fruit, even if it was another two years, it would be difficult for his strength to defeat a general.

At that time, even if you participate in the top war, you will not be able to make any waves in that grand war.

Let alone.

His extremely nasty crew system.

You also have to recruit enough crew to be able to exert your maximum value!

If you have been nesting on this desert island.

There is no way to form a qualified pirate group!

Just get the Thunder Fruit.

Rowan is sure that he can compete with the general in a short time!

So much time has passed.

I’m afraid that those guys in the world government think that he died in the windless belt, right?

Thinking of this, Rowan couldn’t sit still for a while.

For him, it was an important part of the plan for the Thunder Fruit.

The sooner you get it, the faster you can improve your strength.

Rowan mused.

“It really can’t be dragged on any longer, let’s leave immediately after eating this trip.”

“Bring that silly eagle with you by the way.”

Right at this moment.

Suddenly, there was a high sound of carving in the sky.

Hearing this, the corners of Rowan’s eyes twitched slightly.

“I didn’t see you when I fought just now, but now I rush to eat diligently.”

“What a gluttonous guy.”

“Okay, hurry down and eat, and go out with me in a few days.”

After permission.

Only then did I see a huge golden eagle with a wingspan of nearly twenty meters, as if it was roaring down from the combat power, and quickly landed beside Rowan.

The tiger stared at the corpse of the sea king.

Make a probing whisper.

I couldn’t help but start muttering in my heart.

[That monster actually gave me such good food today, shouldn’t it be that he planned to send me on the road?] 】

[It’s hard to carve! ] 】


The eyes of the huge golden eagle overflowed with tears.

Rowan glanced at the golden eagle a little strangely.


“Why don’t you eat it when the dishes are all together?”

“You shouldn’t expect me to burn it for you, should you?”

There are many beasts of prey on the windless desert island.

Among them, there are many large beasts defeated by Renly, and this raptor golden eagle was originally the overlord of this desert island.

But then he beat him a few times.

It’s a lot better now.

The intelligence of this golden eagle is okay, equivalent to the level of a teenage human, and it can remember long after being beaten.

Rowan mainly fancy this golden eagle’s ability to fly, and if you go to the empty island, you can save a lot of effort.

Except for this golden eagle.

The other powerful beasts on the desert island were basically killed by him to eat meat.

Hear it here.

The golden eagle is also a cross in the heart.

Even if you die, you have to be a full ghost!

It lowered its head and resolutely ate the carp sea king, determined to fill its stomach first.

Watching the golden eagle finally eat obediently.

Rowan was also relieved.

He also counted on the golden eagle to send him to the empty island.

What if you are hungry and have no strength, you must feed this guy first.

The body of a giant octopus sea king.

Soon it was completely swallowed up by Rowan’s bottomless stomach and converted into energy.

Only a messy field remains.

As for the sidelines.

The golden eagle also ate most of the little sea king, and couldn’t help but burp and look at Rowan.

[This monster… Maybe it’s too good to eat! 】

[Who is the beast!] 】

The golden eagle complained in his heart.

But he did not dare to show the slightest expression of disobedience.

In these short years, Rowan’s speed of strength improvement has been seen in his eyes.

Golden Eagle is 100% sure!

If only it wanted to escape!

I’m afraid that I will be killed into the stomach of the other party in the next second!

Rowan touched his full stomach.

Satisfied, he turned his head to look at the golden eagle and said indifferently.

“Silly carving.”

“Since you’ve all eaten enough, you can almost hit the road, right?”

Hear this.

The heart of the golden eagle can be described as wow cold and wow cool.

I really want to be killed by this monster today!

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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