
Abruptly broke through the constraints of the last two thousand meters and reached a height of 10,000 meters!

The golden eagle at this time.

Already doing his best to flap his wings and suck in air to adapt to such a high altitude.

Even as a bird of prey!

It was also the first time in my life that I had been so high in the air!

I don’t know what this monster has to do when it comes to such a high place!

There can’t be creatures at all!

Just when the golden eagle muttered in his heart.

But he saw Rowan raise his head and glance into the distance, along with an island reflected in his pupils.

The corners of his mouth couldn’t help but rise.

“Sure enough.”

“As I guessed, the so-called realm of gods on the empty island is not far above Gaya Island.”

“Get ready to go.”

Rowan’s breath was slightly rapid.

There is both the excitement of getting the thunder fruit and the reason for adapting to oxygen so high in the air.

The golden eagle turned his head a little puzzled when he heard this.

Suddenly the pupil earthquake!

An island that looks like a land is blatantly lifted by clouds and floats quietly in the air!

How is this possible?!

For a while, the golden eagle’s heart couldn’t help but be full of shock.

Obviously, I can’t figure out why an island can float at an altitude of 10,000 meters!

As a bird of prey, it is unheard of.

But the order behind is heard.


The golden eagle did not hesitate too much.

With the wave of huge wings, the figure broke into the top of the island like a sharp arrow.

This sudden interloper.

Instantly let the palace throne on the Anilu who was taking a nap.

Slowly opened his eyes.

“There is a guy who has broken into the kingdom of God.”

“It doesn’t look like the empty island people, but more like the appearance of those Qinghai people, but it is rare.”

“That big bird, is that his means of transportation?”

Anilu said indifferently.

A little interest in the sudden attack of Rowan.

and the golden eagle that can wave its wings tens of meters in size.

It attracted his attention.

Birds that can soar thousands of miles in the sky, even on empty islands, are very few!

What’s more, the body size is so large, and the appearance is also abnormal.

Guys like this.

It would be more appropriate to be his pet!

He didn’t care in the slightest about his kingdom being invaded, because he was invincible in Anilu’s eyes.

Has the power to control thunder!

There is no doubt that you should be treated as a god!

As for the other priests.

There was a burst of excitement when I heard that there were intruders.

They hope that Anilu will give them this opportunity to take down the invaders on the island!

This is a rare time to increase performance!

There are always some people who are looking for death who try to offend God, and this is the necessity of the existence of these priests!

Seeing this, Anilu waved his hand to make them stop.

He yawned lightly.

“What if you hurt the golden eagle, this is God’s favorite.”

“It’s better for this god to do it himself.”

The voice fell.

Then he stood up from his throne, holding the iconic golden stick in his hand.

Shirtless with a thunder drum on his back.

In Anilu’s opinion.

If these reckless priests go, it would not be good if the golden eagle was injured.

After all, in his perception.

The breath of life from the Qinghai people on the back of the golden eagle.

It is also far beyond the level of ordinary people!

But compared to his thunder.


The corners of Anilu’s mouth rose slightly confidently.

In a flash!

A blue electric current flashed along the golden stick in Anilu’s hand, and the figure disappeared in place as if it was teleporting.

Only a few other priests were left to look at each other.

Can’t help but talk about it.

“God actually intends to do it himself!”

“This rare fun is gone, and the intruder is estimated to be burned to ashes in minutes.”

“Of course, the power of God is invincible!”

“How can those Qinghai people understand this truth!”


Empty islands.

The golden eagle was now carrying Rowan towards the place where there was an island.

Suddenly, the surrounding air became solidified.

An aura of death filled the air.

The golden eagle hesitated.

But seeing that Rowan on his back was still light, he could only bite the bullet and accelerate forward.

At the moment after the golden eagle flew out.


A huge thunderbolt fell from the sky and instantly hit the golden eagle.

Before the golden eagle could react, Rowan made a move.


Rowan punched Raiden.

Rowan, who has a domineering appearance, has long known that Anilu has arrived.

This move, he had seen on TV in his previous life, is Anilu’s classic move, heavenly punishment!


Thunder and lightning kept swimming on Rowan’s arm, but Rowan didn’t feel the slightest numbness in his arm.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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