
“Don’t worry, my goal is the Thunder Fruit of Anilu.”

“Now that it’s ready.”

“Empty islands, too, should be free.”

“What gods… It won’t exist anymore. ”

Rowan’s hearty laughter reached the ears of Weber.

The words directly made Weber and several people stunned in place.

Several soldiers around Webb couldn’t stop their wet red eyes.

“On behalf of the people of All Empty Island, thank you!”


Under Weber’s lead, several people saluted Rowan with the highest gratitude etiquette.


“The empty island, your hometown, will return to freedom.”

“Do you have any plans next?”

Rowan then asked.


“Not yet…”

“Being able to take back Apayado is already my greatest wish.”

As Weber said.

Getting the empty island out of Anilu’s hands is already his biggest dream.

Now confirm that Rowan did not mean to occupy the empty island.

Webb was really at a loss.

“Interested in following me out to sea and seeing the world below?”

“I will set up a pirate group.”

“I hope that you are one of the crew members.”

Rowan looked at Weber and sent out an invitation.

Weber’s fighting talent is unquestionable.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to always resist Anilu’s rule and survive every time.

As for the current relatively weak strength, it does not matter.

Rowan has a way to make Webb stronger.

What he saw was what Weber had just shown, the indomitable will of the warrior!

This is a must-have condition for a strong person!

If you don’t even have the courage to face a strong enemy, let alone become a strong one!

“The world below?”

“I… May I? ”

“Of course.”

At Rowan’s sincere invitation.

Webb slowly clenched his fists.

Rowan helped them solve Anilu, which was a great favor that he could not repay.

After careful consideration, I finally made a decision.

“I would like to join!”


A captain.

Let the corners of Rowan’s mouth raise slightly.

In this way, Rowan’s pirate group, the first crew member was recruited!

Rowan then asked the remaining Sandia warriors to spread the news of the liberation of the empty island.

He briefly explained his abilities to his new crew member Webb.

Now that Webb has promised to join the pirate group, it is time to improve Weber’s strength.

Currently, Rowan has two other devil fruits in his hands.

Fauna: Ancient breeding, cat fruit, Bryde’s leopard morphology and superhuman lineage speed fruit.

According to Rowan’s vision, the combination of the two fruits will definitely give the owner a qualitative leap in speed.

And these two devil fruits, Rowan is ready to give to the newly added Weber.

As an empty island person, Weber can fight against a thunderous fruit ability like Anilu for a long time, and has not been killed, obviously has a good physical foundation and combat talent.

In addition, the will is also very firm, and has the potential to become a strong person.

The most important thing is that loyalty is also good.

That’s why Rowan is willing to cultivate vigorously.

“No, no, no… Captain Rowan. ”

“It’s precious.”

After listening to Rowan’s story, Webb shook his head again and again and refused.

Knowing the effects of the two Devil Fruits, he was naturally able to know how precious it was.

Webb asked himself that he had just joined, and he didn’t deserve it without any credit.

Just now, he also made an oolong and attacked Rowan.

Rowan is lucky that he doesn’t blame him, where he dares to be greedy.

“What a straightforward guy.”

Hearing this, Rowan couldn’t help but mutter.

“Let you eat what you eat.”

“For every crew member in the future, I will try to match the right double fruit.”

“Only when your strength becomes stronger can you better assist me.”

As he spoke, Rowan first threw the Bryde’s leopard fruit to Weber.

Take the fruit.

Weber looked down at the Devil Fruit with a special leopard print.

He looked at Rowan, who nodded at him, and was moved in his heart.

No more hesitation.

Take a bite of the fruit.

“It’s so tasty…”

This mouthful almost didn’t let Webb spit it out on the spot.

Fortunately, Weber was also a ruthless person, pinching his nose and completely swallowing the devil fruit.


The next moment.

Weber’s eyes widened, and his hands clenched hard.

It seemed to feel that the devil fruit swallowed into his body turned into an extremely pure power.

The constant impact spreads inside the body.


Followed by.

Webb let out a low roar.

The limbs suddenly fell to the ground.

The whole body, flesh and blood constantly squirmed.

Brown leopard fur with rapid growth emerges.

In the blink of an eye.

It turned into a leopard beast that doubled its size and was hideous and majestic.

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