It’s only a matter of moments.

Mr.1’s chopping fruit was recycled and reborn?!

This is completely beyond Robin’s understanding.

Recycle the Devil Fruit….

Once this news spreads, it is enough to shake the entire pirate world!

That’s something weird that has never happened before!!

“I don’t have to go to the ship now.”

“Can you talk to me properly?”

“Nicole Robin.”

Followed by.

Rowan looked at Robin, who had already been frozen in place in surprise, and spoke again.

“You… Who is it exactly? ”

“Just now… Did you recycle Mr.1’s chopping fruit? ”

“Also, why did you find me?”

Robin woke up.

A series of questions blurted out.

“Explain to you one by one.”

“My name is Rowan, and his name is Weber.”

“What I used just now is indeed the ability to recycle the Devil Fruit.”

“As for the reason for finding you.”

“I’m forming a pirate group and want to invite you to join us.”

Although there has been some speculation for a long time, he really learned the truth from Rowan’s mouth.

Robin’s heart still couldn’t help but turn over.

There is actually someone who can reclaim the Devil Fruit ability!


What did Rowan mean was to invite her to join the pirates?

It’s just that Robin doesn’t understand why it could be her.

With the power of the Devil Fruit shown by Rowan, why did he choose her to join the pirate group.

“You seem to have some doubts about why I chose you.”

“Because, we have a common enemy.”

As if seeing Robin’s doubts, Rowan explained slowly.

Common enemy?

Hearing this, Robin wondered.

“World Government.”

Rowan immediately explained to Robin frankly.

If you want to recruit Robin, strength alone is not enough, you must also get her approval.

Otherwise, forcibly recruiting Robin into the pirate group will only be counterproductive.

It was the first time Rowan had been honest with others about his past experiences.

The world government secretly supported the usurpation of the throne by the traitor, forced the old king to death, and let him live on a desert island.

As for the cultivation on the desert island, and the origin of the forbidden black coffin, there is no too much detail.

After all, this is Rowan’s most important hole card.

“It turns out that your country… I have also been persecuted by the world government…”

After listening to Rowan’s words, Robin finally relaxed his vigilance against Rowan.

The experiences of the two are, to some extent, very similar.

The difference is.

The kingdom of Valyria did not fall, but fell into the hands of traitors and world governments.

And O’Hara, who Robin was born, was forever wiped out by the Demon Slaughter Order and disappeared.

The two men share their hatred of the world government.


How easy is it to confront world governments?

Otherwise, Robin would not have had to wander the underground world for so many years, and finally joined the Baroque Work Society to seek refuge.

“In this way, you don’t have to worry about promising me now.”

“When I defeat the Sand Crocodile, how about you choose whether to join my pirate group?”

Seeing that Robin was still a little hesitant, after all, his life was at stake, Rowan continued with great understanding.

Defeating the sand crocodile undoubtedly proves Rowan’s strength.

At least, it gives Robin enough protection than the sand crocodile!

“Defeat Klockdar?”

Robin was clearly a little moved.

If Rowan can really defeat all the Klockdar of His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas, his strength is naturally beyond doubt.


Once Klockdar is defeated, the Baroque studio loses its head and it doesn’t take long to fall apart.

Robin, who has lost his hidden identity from the Baroque studio, will return to the days of hiding.

Instead of that, it is a better place to really defeat Klockdar’s Rowan Pirates.

Robin fell into deep thought.

Neither refusal, nor immediate yes.

“Is the sand crocodile here?”

Knowing that the actual action is more telling, Rowan immediately asked Robin.

“He just went out, not in the rain.”

Robin shook his head in explanation.


“If you’re really sure you’re going to fight him.”

“I have flares here that can urgently summon him, as well as other members of the Baroque cadres outside.”

Robin added.

It was a signal flare held only by the most senior cadres in the Baroque studio.

Once launched, all the senior officials of the Baroque studio will be gathered, including the sand crocodile Klockdar.

“Fortunately, I am still worried that it will be very troublesome to find them one by one.”

“Appear together, just solve them all at once.”

Who knows, Rowan is not worried at all, and signals Robin to release the signal flare.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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