“This is the chopped fruit of Mr.1 that I just recovered.”

“I think it’s a good fit with your flowers and fruits.”

Rowan then handed the recovered chopped fruit to Robin.

Chopping fruit is a blade that can turn any part of the body into a sharp blade.

Flowers and fruits, on the other hand, are limb-like flowers that can grow from anywhere.

The moment Rowan recovered the chopped fruit, he thought about giving it to Robin.

It’s conceivable.

Flowers and fruits are everywhere.

Accompany the chopping cut of the chopping fruit.

The palms and arms grown by using flowers and fruits can be directly turned into blades.

The enemy is completely defenseless, and you don’t have to get close to you to do the fatal blow of cutting your throat!

And this combination of double fruits cannot be cracked!

When Robin’s armed color domineering aura is also cultivated later, the cutting power of the blade will only continue to soar!

Flower fruit and chopped fruit are very suitable double fruits.

“Indeed… Chopping fruit and my flower fruit can be used very well. ”

Listening to Rowan’s explanation of play, Robin nodded very approvingly.

Flowers and fruits are accompanied by chopped fruits.

It is really the first rank of the enemy general in the jungle of ten thousand armies.


Thinking of this, Robin no longer hesitated and decisively ate the chopping fruit.

Unlike Rowan, Webb eating the Devil’s Fruit.

Robin is the one who carries out her ‘royal sister’.

Although it was unpalatable, he just frowned and held back his uncomfortable expression.

As the second devil fruit was chopped and eaten, Robin only felt that another majestic energy that was not repelled rushed into his body in all directions.

Followed by.

When the power of the chopping fruit was completely digested, Robin raised his hand.


The outside of the entire arm became an extremely sharp blade.

“It really worked!”

Experiencing the double-fruit ability with his own eyes, Robin couldn’t help but exclaim again.

This undoubtedly confirms Rowan’s statement that his crew can really become double-fruit abilityrs!

And once this pirate group of double-fruit abilities develops.

Even the Navy and the World Government will definitely change color for this!

This is truly enough to shake the world government!!

Robin subconsciously looked at Rowan.

Realize that this man in front of him will set off a terrifying wave in the entire pirate world in the future!

“Robin, as long as you are truly my crew.”

“Anyone who wants to threaten your life must first step on my corpse!”


“When the pirate group develops, I will avenge O’Hara for you!”

“After all, we have a common enemy.”

“Trust me, this will be your safest home.”

Rowan solemnly said to Robin.


Directly made Robin couldn’t help but feel a little moist in his eyes.


Robin’s encounter, whoever she encounters, learns that it was the world government that hunted her down.

Without exception, Robin will be abandoned.

No one has ever dared to take her in knowing that the enemy is the world government.


With a lot of emotion in his heart, Robin pursed his lips vigorously and nodded in agreement.

At this time, Robin has largely really wanted to join Rowan’s pirate group.

After a long time.

A burst of dense footsteps came.

Hearing the movement, the three of Rowan came to the entrance and exit of Rainland Town.

As far as the eye can see, hundreds of Baroque studio members are rapidly approaching the rain.

The number of people, as soon as they walked by, it was like setting off a whirlwind, setting off billowing wind and sand.


The battle of thousands of people was neatly arranged in front of the three of Rowan.

The leaders are the senior cadres of the Baroque studio.

All of them looked at Rowan and the three with fierce and vicious eyes.


Right at this moment.

A howling wind and sand swept in.

The wind and sand gathered in front of everyone in the Baroque studio and quickly turned into a figure.

It was precisely the head of the Baroque studio.

Qiwu Sea, known as the ‘Sand Crocodile’, Klockdar.

Klockdar appeared, and his icy gaze first swept over Rowan and Weber.

Finally stopped at Robin’s body.

The corners of his mouth raised a playful arc.



“Are you trying to betray me?”

Sounds like an ordinary inquiry.

However, the tone was full of threats.

“You should know, except for me, in this world.”

“No one will dare to take you in.”

Hearing Klockdar’s words, Robin’s body trembled slightly.

Although he was ready in advance to turn his face with Klockdar.

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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