Look at the field again.

In the face of Robin and Webb’s joint shot, there is no gap for Rowan, and the timing of the cooperation is also very clever.

Rowan nodded with satisfaction.

With Webb as the main attack to attract the target, Robin took the opportunity to launch a deadly attack to cooperate.

This plan is very good.

It’s just that.

Rowan still looks like a light cloud.

Don’t even forget to explain it to everyone.

“First of all, armed color domineering.”

“The basis of armed color domineering can play the effect of ‘winding’.”

“It can be wrapped around the weapon or on the body.”

“That’s a great deal of the ability to restrain the Devil Fruit.”

“The defense will also be greatly enhanced.”

“Just like now…”


Finished explaining to everyone very quickly.

A brilliant light flashed in Rowan’s eyes.

Under the control of the mind.

Rowan’s right hand fist, behind Robin’s ability move to cut the position of the attack.

Instantly, it was wrapped with an armed color domineering with a black metallic luster.

It is the ‘winding’ of the armed color.


the bell….

First, Robin’s ability move attack came.

Six arms that grew out, sharp blades that changed from the surface, slashed firmly on Rowan’s back.

It was accompanied by a fierce metal crash.

The sharp blade slashed at Rowan’s back, failing to cut through Cairovan’s flesh and blood.

Instead, it splattered with amazing sparks.

Rowan successfully blocked Robin’s attack for the domineering force wrapped around the arms behind him.




Ignoring the movement behind him.

Rowan quickly clenched his fist and slammed a punch on the beast palm of Weber’s beast in the form of a Bryde’s leopard.

A powerful punch.

Abruptly flicked the beast’s palm away, shocking the rushing Bryde’s leopard.

Look at Rowan again.

Easily defused the attack of the two, and continued to explain to everyone.

“Armed color winding weapons, in addition to obvious defense enhancement, can also enhance the power of attacks.”

“If you want to attack those who are naturally capable of the Devil Fruit, this is also the most direct way.”

Rowan continued.

“The captain is so handsome!”

“Playing Robin and Webb at the same time, there is actually free to teach us!”

“Mikita, you’re enough!”

“But the captain is really strong…”

Mikita, who was watching the battle, and the two discussed one after another.

More than that, he lamented that Rowan’s strength was strong.

At the same time, they have also seen the actual combat use of armed color domineering.

Not like when Rowan vs Klockdar.

They didn’t even see how Rowan had cut Klockdar at that time.

“And then, see and smell domineering.”

“Seeing and hearing is domineering, which can be understood as an ability to ‘listen’.”

“It allows the user to hear the ‘sound’ of others, so as to catch the opponent’s movements, attacks, etc.”

“Even if there is a disadvantage in speed, there is a domineering help.”

“You can react too.”

Say it.

Rowan’s feet began to move in irregular steps from side to side.

Bang bang….

It was this seemingly inconspicuous broken step that actually dodged the candle bombs thrown one by one from the blind spot behind Rowan.

The candle bomb failed to hit Rowan’s body, but fell to the ground in front of Rowan, and explosions continued to occur.

“Gal Tino’s candle fruit and explosion fruit combined!”

“Is this domineering?”

“It is clear that Mingal Tino is already attacking in the blind spot behind the captain’s back!”

“Armed color… See and smell…”

“I must learn it too!!”

Rowan’s experiment, coupled with careful explanation, gave everyone a preliminary understanding of domineering.

They have expressed that they want to seriously learn both kinds of domineering!

As for Naha’s domineering….

It belongs to a special existence and cannot be learned through acquired cultivation.


Rowan continued to demonstrate the domineering movement to the crowd.

All the way to the end.

Robin, Weber, and Gar Tino were tired and panting, and they couldn’t force Rowan to use the Devil Fruit ability.

However, the cooperation of the three people also has a certain tacit understanding.

Over time, it is not impossible to join forces against stronger opponents.

After the actual combat demonstration, Rowan let the five train freely.

Each of them was practicing in different directions according to Rowan’s plan.

The next half month.

The five core crew members of the Extreme Evil Pirate Group are all gradually improving their strength under Rowan’s careful guidance.

And the bottom members of the Baroque studio also regathered in Alabastan under the command and arrangement of the cadres.

Spread from Alabastan as a starting point.

The intelligence network belonging to the extremely evil pirate group began to spread.

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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