A devastating attack that affects weather changes and falls with thunderclouds and lightning!

Watch the thunder dragon that accelerated to swim and change direction and rush from the front.

Shi Ji’s pupils couldn’t help but contract, and he clenched his fists nervously.

Think back in the beginning.

The reason why he will completely lose to the Roger Pirates is because of this damn nature!!

Irresistible power!!

This caused him to have a serious psychological shadow on natural disasters.

The Battle of Aiter Wall that year.

The Flying Sky Pirates led by Golden Lion Shiji encountered the Roger Pirates led by Roger.

After being rejected to join forces with Roger to rule the world, Shiji launched this famous naval battle.

The pirate groups of the two sides engaged in fierce battles.


Roger’s Pirates, who were originally forced to desperately end, turned the situation around because of a storm of thunder and lightning.

More than half of the large fleet of the flying pirate regiment was directly driven to the bottom of the sea.

Even the golden lion Shiji was deeply inserted into the rudder cut by lightning on his head, and he had this funny appearance now.


The thunderclouds caused by Rowan releasing thunder and lightning accumulated, and the pitch-black thunderclouds on the sky were dense, just like the sky of the Battle of Aitor Wall!

What made Shiki even more uncomfortable.

This is also Roger’s hometown, the sky over the East China Sea!


“I won’t lose in the East China Sea!!”


“You show me, I will destroy your hometown with my own hands!!”


Talking to himself to the end, Shiki yelled.

His hands suddenly opened, and the fluttering fruit ability was urged by a loud explosion.

“Shiwei Ji Roll!”

Roar, roar, roar!

In an instant.

Under the full urging of Shiji.

The entire land of the floating island shook violently and unimaginably.

The earth below Shiji shattered into astonishing huge cracks.

Countless rubble rose from the ground.

In the blink of an eye.

Countless rubble rising, under the control of Shiki’s fluttering fruit.

The combination transforms into three huge lion’s head shapes.

As if they had life, the three lion heads opened the mouth of the hideous and terrifying beast.

The thunder dragon rushing towards him was not to be outdone, and roared.


Shi Ji squeezed the palm of both hands against the thunder dragon in the air.

The three huge rock lion heads immediately took the initiative to meet the collision of the thunder dragon without fear.


The next moment.

Earth-shattering thunderbursts resounded in the sky.

Under the gaze of Robin and others.

The 60 million volts of the Thunder Dragon released by Rowan and the three huge lion heads formed by the Lion Scroll released by Shiki.

Bang bang!

At that moment, the dazzling thunder light completely bloomed.

The thunder light illuminated the sky that had originally become dull and illuminated a large area at once.

After the amazing thunderclap.

What followed was a devastating impact.

Both attacks contained the powerful power of Rowan and Shiki themselves, and they erupted violently.

Just the impact that spreads out hits the ground.

The earth that had been shattered into cracks was shattered, and the impact was even more shattered.


It’s not just the earth below the two attacks.

The impact spread to the Skida Base Camp building, blowing off countless rubble and bricks, and the momentum was terrifying.

Even the Ark Proverbs in the distance were equally affected, and the heavy hull made of gold shook obviously.

“What a terrifying collision!”

“This is the fight between the top powerhouses!”

Seeing this exaggerated scene, Webb steadied his body while shaking.

I couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of spit, and my face was full of shock.

Even if he knew in advance that Shi Ji was a legendary pirate, his strength must be very strong.

But when I really saw it, I was inevitably surprised.


“The captain and Shiki… It’s not all used yet. ”

“The damage caused is already more powerful than my double fruit ability combined move!”

Gar Tino nodded.

They could all feel that Rowan and Shiki were just still in the process of fighting.

The collision of moves already has this power.

I dare not imagine what it will be like for the two to completely let go of their hands and feet.

“Captain he… No problem, right? ”

“After all, the opponent is a golden lion!”

Mikita said with some concern.

Even among the core crew of the Extremely Evil Pirate Group, they really know how powerful the Rowan Double Devil Fruit ability is.

Weber was the only one.

The rest only knew the approximate extent of Rowan’s ability, and they really hadn’t seen Rowan go all out.

“No problem!”

“I trust the captain!”

“And… I can feel that the thunder and lightning used by the captain are obviously more destructive! ”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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