Along the way, Rowan also saw the special geographical environment of the capital of seven waters.

The whole city is completely built on water, it seems that the prototype is the ‘Venice of the Sea’, the world-famous shipbuilding technology of the capital of seven waters, making the whole city very prosperous.

Walk through intricate waterways.

The group arrived at Carrera’s corporate headquarters.

Inside the huge drawing room, there were already several people sitting or standing.

Rowan just glanced at it.

The identities of several people were recognized.

Standing in a few corners against the wall.

are members of CP9.

Rob Luckey.





Wait a minute.

Almost undercover in the capital of seven waters, in order to find the design drawings of Hades, CP9 appeared here.

The battle is no small one.

And the only one who is sitting.

Precisely the commander of CP9.


While Rowan looked at the CP9 crowd.

CP9 everyone also secretly looked at this seething pirate newcomer who was recently rumored in the pirate world.

Lu Qi in the corner, I don’t know why he frowned secretly, his expression was slightly solemn.

It seemed that from Rowan’s body, he felt a dangerous aura.


“You are Rowan?”

“In this way, there seems to be nothing special.”

On the other hand, looking at Spandam in the seat, where there is Luqi’s vague perception.

After taking a look at Rowan, he said with a big laugh.


Rowan smiled a little angrily, really looking for death!

But he didn’t have an immediate seizure either, he wanted to see what this stupid Spandam was looking for him for.

And Weber and Gar Tino behind Rowan, their eyes froze slightly.

Secretly condensed the power of the Devil Fruit.

In front of them, mocking Captain Rowan, they naturally couldn’t stand it.



Just as Webb and Gar Tino were moving.

The CP9 in each position of the substation straightened the waist board one by one.

The eyes stared at the two unkindly.


The whole hall was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

Only Spandam was stupid and unaware.

“I came to you this time because I have a piece of news I want to tell you.”

Spandham continued.

The expression and attitude between the words seemed to be condescending.

As if he was speaking on behalf of the world government.

“Given that you defeated Golden Lion Shiji, the strength is not bad.”

“The high-level decision of the World Government invites you to take the place of Nanabukai Klockdar.”

“Become the new Seven Wuhai and serve us.”

Spandam directly indicated his intention to meet Rowan.

“Take on the new Nanabukai?!”

Hearing Spandam’s words, Rowan was a little confused.

Unexpectedly, the world government actually wanted him to become the new king Qiwu Hai?

Are these five old stars all in their heads?

Behind the scenes, he usurped his kingdom, and then recruited him as a Qi Wuhai and gave them as dogs?

How disgusting is this to do such a thing?

Rowan was directly speechless for a while, this gang is really not treating him as a person!

It seems that the movement he made before was not too big, and he did not teach them a profound lesson!

“That’s right!”

“I can understand your surprise.”

“After all, it can be chosen by the world government.”

“That’s your pleasure.”

Seeing Rowan’s somewhat surprised look, Spandam thought that Rowan was excited and surprised.

Still said with that arrogant and proud look.


Rowan laughed directly.


It turns out that CP9 is not very brave before, but has always been very brave!

Especially Spandam, Sir, I would like to call you the King of Death.

The arc in Rowan’s body rose slightly.

He wants to kill people!

Who knows, Spandam is even addicted to death!

“One more thing.”

“Since you are about to become the Seven Martial Sea.”

“Some world government troubles, should take the initiative to send or take the initiative to send.”

“You must understand me, right?”

Spandam finally said to Rowan.

Hear this.

Rowan’s eyes suddenly narrowed slightly into a more dangerous arc.

Of course he knew.

When Spandam speaks of trouble, he alludes to Robin.

Knowing that Robin is a member of the Extremely Evil Pirates, Spandham also wants to ask the world government for credit by letting Rowan take the initiative to hand over Robin!

It has to be said.

This man is really inflated!

It’s a habit to bully!

“Spandam, are you all in your head? Did I tell you I was going to join Nanabukai? ”

“You wastes are worthy of commanding me?”


Rowan’s words directly made Spandam stunned.

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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