This scene obviously humiliated Lu Qi even more.


When did Lu Qi suffer this humiliation, and the anger in his heart was instantly ignited.

The clenched teeth all made a creaking sound.

The fists clenched subconsciously.

“Luqi is going to be serious!”


Kalifa felt the increasingly murderous aura on Luqi and spoke.

“This guy’s flesh body is indeed a bit hard and outrageous!”

Kaku said with a solemn face.

Hearing CP9, several people have such a high evaluation of Rowan.

Spandam couldn’t help it for a moment.

This time, the order given to him by the world government was to recruit Rowan to replace Klockdar and become the new Seven Warrior Sea.

Of course.

The top echelons of the world government have not forgotten Rowan’s origins, the affairs of the Kingdom of Valyria.

Therefore, Spandham was specially instructed.

Once Rowan is unwilling to bow his head and submit, honestly use the Seven Wuhai for them.

Then wipe it out on the spot!

To avoid the aftermath!

But the more he saw Rowan’s amazing strength, the more Spandam wanted to persuade Rowan to take over the Qibu Sea.

In this way, he can also arrange for Rowan to cooperate in doing anything to a certain extent, under the guise of the name of the world government.

To be able to send such a powerful pirate with one more, where would Spandam be unwilling.

“Luo… Rowan! ”

“Do you really want to challenge the world government?”

“You should have heard that anyone who goes against the world government will not end well!”

“Stop now and accept the position of Qiwu Hai!”

“What happened today I can treat as if it hadn’t happened!”


Spandam got up his courage and shouted to Rowan again.

“And… I’m okay…”

Spandam intends to continue.

Rowan’s murderous look instantly shut up Spandam.

A look kill silenced Spandam.

Rowan looked at Luki again.

“CP9 claims to be the strongest in 800 years.”

“Is it only this extent?”

“If that’s the only way, it’s too disappointing for me.”

Rowan laughed and taunted.

This battle.

Not just to win, but to win very beautifully!

Let the CP9 people know that Rowan recruited them after that, not because he was afraid of their strength!



Rowan’s words once again deeply stimulated Luqi’s nerves.

The murderous aura exuded by De Luqi’s whole person was like substance, as if even the temperature in the room had dropped a lot.

Tom, tom, tom.

Followed by.

Luki’s hands became clenched more and more.

The sound of the accelerated heartbeat in the body seems to be audible.

All the condensed power gathered on Lu Qi’s hands.



The next moment.

Luki once again uses the extreme speed of the six-style shaving.

A momentary sprint came to the left hand side sideways.

Turn your hands into fists, and your fists are opposed.

The fist was aimed at Rowan’s waist.

“Six Styles Aoyi Six Kings Spear!!”

In an instant.

All the power condensed by the two fists instantly burst out in the form of impact, focusing on Rowan’s waist.

This move of the Six Styles Aoyi Six Kings Gun is the strongest physical skill of the Six Styles that only Lu Qi will use.

Only those who are proficient in all the six styles and cultivate the six styles to the extreme can comprehend the strongest meaning!


The other side.

Sensing the power of Luqi’s next blow with his domineering appearance, Rowan finally made a move.

I saw Rowan quickly turn around.

His hands were lightning out, and they were actually directly aimed at Lu Qi’s fists!

The mind moved.

The armed color was domineering, and it instantly wrapped around Rowan’s palms.

At the same time.

Luqi’s attack was also completely unleashed.



A huge explosion was accompanied by a crisp metal crash.

The impact released from Luoqi’s fists slammed into Rowan’s palms.

It was just a splash of sparks of collision and friction.

Still failed to shake Rowan’s body!

Instead, it spread out an impact that shattered the ground where the two of them were.


Not a moment later.

The floor of the room could no longer withstand the impact of the impact.


The ground was completely shattered, and a large pit shattered and appeared in place.

And as the ground shattered, Rowan and Lu Qi in the center of the pit also fell to the next floor of the room.

“This guy, how the hell is he cultivating the flesh!”

“Even the Six Kings Spear was hard to resist!!”

Seeing this scene, CP9 everyone was completely dumbfounded.

Not just pointing guns.

Rowan actually blocked Lu Qi’s Aoyi Six Kings Gun abruptly!

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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