
The black light gradually dimmed and dissipated.

Finally, it disappeared completely.


Rowan put his hand into the Forbidden Demon Black Coffin and took out a brand new devil fruit with a special pattern.

“Devil Fruit ?!!”

“Is this Lucie…??”

The moment she saw the brand new devil fruit in Rowan’s hand, a deep shock appeared on Kalifa’s face again.

Combined with the picture just now when Rowan carried the dying Luqi into the black coffin.

Kalifa seemed to realize something unbelievable.

“That’s right!”

“This is one of my abilities, reclaiming the Devil Fruit!”


Rowan generously admitted.

“Recycling… Devil Fruit!! ”

“Is this really something that can be done?”

The short two sentences instantly made Kalifa’s mind frightened.

As a member of CP9, he is also a Devil Fruit Ability.

Kalifa naturally knew the Devil Fruit very well.

I’ve never heard that the Devil Fruit can still be recycled!

Once the capable person dies, the devil fruit will reappear in this world after a period of time, which is something that many people know.

Just recycling….


However, the facts are in front of us.

A brand new Devil Fruit has appeared!

Rowan also admitted.

He has the ability to recycle Devil Fruit!

But what Rowan said next shocked Kalifa even more.

“Secondly, my other ability.”

“Removes the negative effects of the Devil Fruit.”

“Simply put, I can give the crew the physique to have the ability of double devil fruits!”

“The crew members who have removed the negative effects can eat the second devil fruit without being ‘cursed’ to burst their bodies!”

Rowan continued.

Hear Rowan’s words again.

Like Robin and the others, Kalifa also couldn’t believe what Rowan said.

To think that this is absolute nonsense.

After all, the rule that the devil fruit can only eat one has existed since ancient times.

It’s not that no one has tried to eat the second devil fruit.

But without exception, they will be cursed to burst their bodies and die.

“Gar Dino.”

As if expecting that Kalifa would not believe it, Rowan immediately signaled Gar Dino with his eyes.

“Understood, Captain.”

Gar Tino promised.

Immediately walked aside.

“This is my original Devil Fruit ability.”

“Superman’s wax wax fruit.”



Gar Tino has one hand.

Wax wax fruit is used out.

The large amount of liquid candles released suddenly flowed to the ground.


“This is after Captain Rowan removed the negative effects of the Devil Fruit for me.”

“The second devil fruit I ate.”

“The same explosive fruit of the Superman line!”

The voice fell.

Gar Tino squeezed his hand casually.

Release the formed candle ball, solidified in its hand.

In an instant.

The invisible Devil Fruit power acted on the candle ball.

Do this.

Gal Dino violently threw the candle ball in his hand towards the large pit that appeared on the floor of the room and connected to the next floor.

Until the completion of a series of operations by Gal Tino.

Kalifa, who had been staring at Gal Tino, couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of spit a little nervously.


Next second.

An explosion suddenly sounded.

It was the small candle ball that Gal Tino had just thrown, and it suddenly exploded.

Fortunately, Gal Tino also controlled it very well, and the power of the explosion was not particularly exaggerated.

It was just a cloud of explosive black smoke that exploded in the air.

Shocked, unbelievable, so surprised that it is impossible to put into words!

This is Kalifa’s mixed mood at this moment.

Gal Tino’s move is undoubtedly a good proof.

He is indeed a double devil fruit powerhouse!!

Wax Wax Fruit, the ability to explode the fruit!!

Come to think of it.

Kalifa’s body couldn’t help but tremble a little, and she looked at Rowan.

It’s incredible!

Once this news spreads, I am afraid that it will instantly attract the action of major forces from all sides!

The recycling of the Devil Fruit and the endowment of the Dual Devil Fruit Entity are definitely enough to make any force salivate!

Carifa finally understood why Rowan had specifically told her that she needed to keep it secret.

This must be known to outsiders, and it will definitely invite unimaginable disasters!

“For… Why…? ”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“I’m just…”

Just joined you!

Kalifa couldn’t even finish speaking.

The shock in my heart could not be calmed down.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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