Chapter 83 Autumn Water Changes Lord, Rowan vs Moonlight Moria!!

“Therefore, it is also called the Dragon Slashing Samurai!”

“It’s a very famous sword hao.”

Robin struggled to recall for a moment and spoke.

“Unexpectedly, the legendary dragon slashing warrior.”

“The body actually fell into Moria’s hands.”

Robin couldn’t help but sigh.

Although there are reservations about the authenticity of the legend, it is not difficult to see. Ryoma back then, in its heyday, was really very powerful.

“In this way, the captain wants to use pure swordsmanship.”

“Defeated Ryoma.”

After listening to Robin’s explanation, Webb nodded abruptly.

Finally, I understood why Rowan didn’t use the Devil Fruit ability. This kind of opponent with the top of swordsmanship is really difficult to encounter.

Look at the field again.

“It’s a pity.”

“If it were still when you were alive, maybe today’s battle would make me more excited.”

“It’s a pity that this body of yours has long been unable to support you to exert all your sword skills.”

In the face of Ryoma’s admiration, Rowan said with some regret. The current Ryoma is a fusion of Brook’s shadow.

Plus the body has long been corrupted and withered.

I don’t know how much weaker the strength is than before his death!

No matter how superb the swordsmanship is, he can’t exert his full strength. Just a face-to-face exchange, Rowan felt it.


“This body of mine can’t support the past sword art.”

“To show respect for you.”

“I will pour all my strength into the next knife!”

“One move to determine the winner!”

Ryoma naturally knows his own situation. Immediately said to Rowan.

“As you wish!”

Rowan promised again.

The two of them once again put on a knife slashing starting style. Airplanes!


The momentum exuded by the two became extremely sharp.

Even the saber held tightly in his hand couldn’t stop trembling. Slight knife clanging, in a quiet atmosphere.

It looks exceptionally clear. Phew, phew! Stay for a while.

The two seemed to have poured their strength into the blade. Tacit understanding, at the same time, he rushed towards the other party with a knife.

The moment when the figures stagger.

Lightning fast slash and slash at the other party.

The speed of the knife was so fast that even Robin who was watching the battle could not see it completely.

“What a quick knife!”

“What happened?!”

Webb exclaimed.

Seeing the two people with staggered figures, they scattered again.

The figure rushing by, after stopping, still maintained the tense atmosphere of wielding a knife and chopping down, which suddenly made everyone hold their breath.

Rip and pull! In an instant.

Rowan’s right hand holding a knife, a corner of his arm’s sleeve. It was cut open and opened.

The sudden movement startled Robin and several people. Fortunately.

It’s just the corners of the clothes that are shattered.

Rowan’s body did not see any injuries. Poof!


The sound of flesh and blood being cut apart suddenly sounded.

An astonishing blade appeared across the front of Ryoma’s body. Ryoma’s body trembled suddenly.

The corpse that had long been exhausted, there were no blood splatters and exaggerations.

Just the wound, Rowan smeared salt on the body of the sabre. The shadow in Dragon Ma’s body could not continue to remain. The shadow struggled to fly out of Ryoma’s mouth.

“It’s me… lost…”

“This autumn water… Followed me all my life. ”

“I don’t want it to be buried with me.”

“Just put it… Give it to you. ”

“You are absolutely fit to be its new owner!”

Say it.

Ryoma before the shadow completely flew out and his consciousness completely dissipated. Use your last strength.

Withdrew the black knife into the scabbard. A shake of the hand.

Lost to Rowan. Syllable!

Rowan is also quick to collect the knife.

Turned around, stretched out his hand, and snapped and caught the flying black knife Qiushui.

“Don’t worry.”

“Autumn water is in my hands.”

“Definitely won’t let it bury.”

Harvest the autumn water.

Rowan said to the fallen Ryoma who had completely dissipated his consciousness.

“Hey, hee-hee!”

“What a touching picture!”

“But you, like him, are going to die here today!”

Right at this moment.

Not far from the frontal battlefield.

A figure slowly walked out of the dense forest.

The unique strange laughter reached everyone’s ears.

“Moonlight Moria!”

“Are you finally willing to show up?”

After seeing the appearance of the person coming. Rowan’s eyes gradually became cold. The murderous aura in the body is awe-inspiring.

The person who came was none other than Nanabu Sea Moonlight Moria! Back in the moment when the zombie legion would appear here. Rowan guessed that Moriah should be nearby.

Originally, he was hesitant to go to the Magic Triangle to solve Moria’s trouble.

That’s good.

Moriah took the initiative to deliver it! And.

Before that.

It was also very timely and sent Black Knife Autumn Water to Rowan.

“Robin, Carifa.”

“The frontal battle will be left to you to watch.”


Confessed to Robin and Carifa. Rowan’s mind moved.

The feet were instantly filled with thunder and lightning that sounded the thunder fruit. Multiply!


With Rowan’s step forward.

Rowan’s figure turned into a ray of thunder and flashed. Passed through the frontal battlefield CP9 crowd and zombie legions. Instantly came to Moria’s face.

“This guy… How could it be so fast?! ”

Seeing Rowan who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Moriah was still pretending to be calm on the surface, but he was surprised inside. The last encounter exerted speed to this level of exaggeration.

Or a senior admiral, a yellow ape that eats the shining fruit and can move at the speed of light! Just this meeting made Moria completely vigilant.

“It seems that the world government has promised to give you benefits.”

“Let you come in person, and bring so many zombie legions.”

Rowan looked at the vigilant Moriah and said in a mocking tone. If Moriah can come in person, the world government may not know how much benefit it has given.

You can hear it.

Moriah immediately became angry. Truly.

The world government is prescribing enough tempting conditions. But only if.

Rowan is the kind of soft persimmon that he can knead!

The extreme speed shown by Rowan alone is completely unbalanced with the conditions offered by the world government!

Moriado regretted that he had not proposed better terms with the world government.

But that’s it.

Moriah also had no way back.

“Hey, hee-hee!”

“It seems that you all know.”

“If you want to blame, blame it, your arrogant choice is openly against the world government.”

“Originally, as long as you promised to become the Seven Martial Sea, you would not provoke the scourge of killing.”

Moriah said with a smile.

About Rowan being favored by the world government and ready to be promoted to Nanabukai, but was rejected.

Moriah had apparently heard about it too. In Moria’s opinion.

Rowan is a newcomer who has just risen and gone through great luck to defeat Klockdahl, Golden Lion Shiki…

It is clear that you can choose to compromise and secretly develop and grow. But arrogantly chose a dead end!

“My pirate group and I are not weak enough to need to be the dogs of the world government in exchange for stable development.”

Rowan instead sneered.

He and the world government fought from the beginning. The World Government actually wanted him to be the Seven Martial Seas, which was really Shi Lezhi.

“Just do what you can.”

“It seems that you didn’t understand the truth of survival after all.”

“That’s it.”

“Before you grow up, it’s good to erase it early.”

He subconsciously clenched his fists when Rowan’s words were said.

A chilling killing intent flashed in his eyes. Moriah quickly gritted his teeth and said.

“If only I could do it.”

“You can just try.”

Rowan didn’t care either. Say it.

Slowly drew his newly acquired sabre. The black knife Qiushui was immediately unsheathed. Airplanes!

Meanwhile. Rowan’s mind raced quickly.

The right hand holding the knife was instantly wrapped with armed color domineering.

The armed color domineering aura released immediately spread along Rowan’s palm and then to Qiushui’s knife.

Under the moonlight.

Qiushui’s already black-purple blade body has a deeper black metallic luster.

The knife is slightly bright.

“Scatter bats!”

Looked at.

Sensing the sharp aura emanating from the autumn water in Rowan’s hand. Moriah frowned slightly.

Don’t dare to attack easily.

Hands suddenly raised in a move.

Under the ability of the shadow fruit, it split its own shadow into a shadow bat in the sky.

Countless shadow bats flew and gnawed at Rowan. However.

Surrounded by the swarming attacks of many bats, Rowan stood motionless in place.

That gesture did not put Moriah’s shadow bat in his eyes at all.


Seeing Rowan’s movements without dodging.

Moriah snorted coldly and released more bats in succession. In the blink of an eye.

Hundreds of shadow bats completely surrounded Rowan. The crowded shadow bats squeezed towards Rowan.

As if he wanted to completely gnaw and tear Rowan’s body to pieces.

“Thunder Fruit!”

“God’s sanction!”

Bang!! But right now.

Surrounded by countless shadow bats, Rowan’s cold snort came from it.

The voice fell.

Brilliant black light suddenly burst out from it. The next moment.

The furious thunder and lightning exploded with a bang in place.

The destructive power of terror will encircle the shadow bat. All of them exploded to smithereens, and fell to the ground.

Changed back to its original shadow appearance. At last.

Gradually returned to Moria’s side. Look at the place again.

Rowan stood there unharmed. I didn’t move it once.

Zhou up and down.

Small thunder flickered and fluttered.

The whole person gives people a sense of déjà vu under the god of thunder! It’s already dark night.

Suddenly let the thunder light illuminate a large area.

“It’s Captain!”

“The captain and Moriah are fighting!”

The movement caused by Rowan and Moria’s side was quickly discovered by the CP9 crowd.

Everyone didn’t want to miss the rare opportunity to see Rowan fight. It is even more vigorous and constantly defeats the zombie army.

“It seems that the captain’s gorgeous record is on.”

“There will be another Qiwu Hai.”

Pirates on board. Webb spoke.

The words were full of confidence in Rowan.

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